Class Summary | |
BindingPeak | Holds information about a binding peak within an interval. |
BindingRegionGraphPrinter | For printing chromosome specific .sgr files from IntervalPloter .txt picks files. |
ChromSet | |
ExportIntervalData | |
FDRVsQValues | |
FDRWindowConverter | Associates an empirical FDR estimate with each window provided a mock IP was performed. |
FindSubBindingRegions | Finds the best sub window and binding peaks (using the PeakPicker ) within each interval. |
IntensityPrinter | Prints out processed '.celp' files as '.sgr' files for import into Affy's IGB. |
Interval | Container for holding information about a potential enriched region: windows, oligos, sub windows, binding peaks.... |
IntervalComparator | Class to help sort an array of Interval[] by chromosome, start position, length shortest first. |
IntervalFilter | Sorts an Interval[] into two groups, those that pass or fail a variety of filters. |
IntervalGFFPrinter | Prints intervals as a GFF3 File. |
IntervalGraphPrinter | Prints an array of Interval as an '.sgr' file for import into IGB. |
IntervalMaker | Collapses an array of Window into and array of Interval based on scores. |
IntervalReportPrinter | Prints all things contained within an interval to a spreadsheet or a report card. |
LoadChipSetIntervalOligoInfo | Loads arrays of Interval[] with oligo and sequence information needed for other applications. |
LoadIntervalOligoInfo | Loads arrays of Interval[] with oligo and sequence information needed for other applications. |
MakeAllWindows | Makes all windows given oligo positions. |
MergeWindowArrays | |
MultiSGRPrinter | Prints a multi sgr file (chr position val1, val2, val3, ....) |
MultiWindowIntervalMaker | Collapses arrays of Windows into an array of Interval based on scores and minimal number of windows that must pass. |
Oligo | Container to hold information about a particular oligo. |
OligoIntensityPrinter | Prints out the oligo intensity values, split by chromosome, as '.sgr' files for import into Affy's IGB. |
OverlapCounter | Provides an intersection analysis on multiple Interval[]s. |
OverlappingWindowScoreExtractor | Finds the best overlapping Window for each region and prints that score with the region information. |
PeakPicker | Finds peaks in Interval s, both flat topped or peaks with sloping sides. |
PosRegion | For holding information about a genomic interval, what genes are up, down, overlap, or contain this genomic inteval. |
RandomizeLabels | |
ReplaceWindowScores | |
SamChromosomeData | |
ScanChip | Scores windows of intensity values using several tests. |
ScanChromosomes | Scores windows of intensity values using several tests. |
ScanGenes | Given a list of genes and their exons extracts the associated intensities. |
ScoredGene | |
ScoreIntervals | Scores Intervals for the presence of transcription factor binding sites. |
SetNumberIntervalMaker | Determines the threshold(s) needed to generate a set number of intervals, multiple score indexes accepted. |
SplitWindowArraysByChromosome | |
SubWindow | Class to hold information about a subWindow. |
T2 | Runs entire TiMAT2 suite based on a parameter file. |
T2Parameter | Container with info related to runing multiple T2 programs. |
TestScanChip | Scores windows of intensity values using several tests. |
WilcoxonRankSumTest | Implementation of a Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test. |
WilcoxonSample | Used by the WilcoxonRankSumTest . |
WilcoxonSamplePair | Used by the WilcoxonSignedRankTest . |
WilcoxonSignedRankTest | Implementation of a Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. |
Window | Class to hold information about a window, a defined portion of the genome typically < 1kb. |
WindowBlockMaker | Converts a Window[] into a heat map specific sgr file for import into IGB. |
WindowBlockMakerTwoColor | Converts a Window[] into a heat map specific bar file for import into IGB. |
WindowComparator | Class to help sort an array of Window[] by chromosome, start position, length shortest first. |
Principle classes and scripts used in TiMAT2 analysis.