Package trans.main

Principle classes and scripts used in TiMAT2 analysis.


Class Summary
BindingPeak Holds information about a binding peak within an interval.
BindingRegionGraphPrinter For printing chromosome specific .sgr files from IntervalPloter .txt picks files.
FDRWindowConverter Associates an empirical FDR estimate with each window provided a mock IP was performed.
FindSubBindingRegions Finds the best sub window and binding peaks (using the PeakPicker) within each interval.
IntensityPrinter Prints out processed '.celp' files as '.sgr' files for import into Affy's IGB.
Interval Container for holding information about a potential enriched region: windows, oligos, sub windows, binding peaks....
IntervalComparator Class to help sort an array of Interval[] by chromosome, start position, length shortest first.
IntervalFilter Sorts an Interval[] into two groups, those that pass or fail a variety of filters.
IntervalGFFPrinter Prints intervals as a GFF3 File.
IntervalGraphPrinter Prints an array of Interval as an '.sgr' file for import into IGB.
IntervalMaker Collapses an array of Window into and array of Interval based on scores.
IntervalReportPrinter Prints all things contained within an interval to a spreadsheet or a report card.
LoadChipSetIntervalOligoInfo Loads arrays of Interval[] with oligo and sequence information needed for other applications.
LoadIntervalOligoInfo Loads arrays of Interval[] with oligo and sequence information needed for other applications.
MakeAllWindows Makes all windows given oligo positions.
MultiSGRPrinter Prints a multi sgr file (chr position val1, val2, val3, ....)
MultiWindowIntervalMaker Collapses arrays of Windows into an array of Interval based on scores and minimal number of windows that must pass.
Oligo Container to hold information about a particular oligo.
OligoIntensityPrinter Prints out the oligo intensity values, split by chromosome, as '.sgr' files for import into Affy's IGB.
OverlapCounter Provides an intersection analysis on multiple Interval[]s.
OverlappingWindowScoreExtractor Finds the best overlapping Window for each region and prints that score with the region information.
PeakPicker Finds peaks in Intervals, both flat topped or peaks with sloping sides.
PosRegion For holding information about a genomic interval, what genes are up, down, overlap, or contain this genomic inteval.
ScanChip Scores windows of intensity values using several tests.
ScanChromosomes Scores windows of intensity values using several tests.
ScanGenes Given a list of genes and their exons extracts the associated intensities.
ScoreIntervals Scores Intervals for the presence of transcription factor binding sites.
SetNumberIntervalMaker Determines the threshold(s) needed to generate a set number of intervals, multiple score indexes accepted.
SubWindow Class to hold information about a subWindow.
T2 Runs entire TiMAT2 suite based on a parameter file.
T2Parameter Container with info related to runing multiple T2 programs.
TestScanChip Scores windows of intensity values using several tests.
WilcoxonRankSumTest Implementation of a Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test.
WilcoxonSample Used by the WilcoxonRankSumTest.
WilcoxonSamplePair Used by the WilcoxonSignedRankTest.
WilcoxonSignedRankTest Implementation of a Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test.
Window Class to hold information about a window, a defined portion of the genome typically < 1kb.
WindowBlockMaker Converts a Window[] into a heat map specific sgr file for import into IGB.
WindowBlockMakerTwoColor Converts a Window[] into a heat map specific bar file for import into IGB.
WindowComparator Class to help sort an array of Window[] by chromosome, start position, length shortest first.

Package trans.main Description

Principle classes and scripts used in TiMAT2 analysis.