Packages that use UserBean | |
bioroot | |
bioroot.antibody | |
bioroot.oligo | |
bioroot.plasmid | |
bioroot.strain |
Uses of UserBean in bioroot |
Methods in bioroot that return UserBean | |
static UserBean |
Util.fetchUserBean(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
Sets a guest user bean if there is none. |
UserBean |
UserBean |
LoginBean.createUserBean(DBUtil bioRoot,
java.lang.String host,
java.lang.String IP)
UserBean |
Methods in bioroot with parameters of type UserBean | |
static java.lang.String[] |
Util.getVisibilities(UserBean userBean,
DBUtil bioRoot)
If user is part of an organization, it returns WWW, orgName, Lab Mates, Private. |
void |
UserRegistrationBean.setSubmitterUserBean(UserBean bean)
SearchHit[] |
SearchBean.searchForSimilarMatches(java.lang.String[] columns,
java.lang.String[] words,
DBUtil util,
boolean searchForWordBoundaryMatches,
UserBean userBean)
Searches a list of columns for a set of words, case insensitive, %word% matches. |
static java.lang.String |
Search.makeHashSelectStatement(java.lang.String table,
java.util.HashMap rowScore,
UserBean userBean)
Makes an SQL SELECT statement using a HashMap. |
boolean |
ReagentBean.canView(UserBean user,
DBUtil bioRoot)
boolean |
ReagentBean.canModifyAll(UserBean user)
boolean |
ReagentBean.canModifyCommon(UserBean user)
java.lang.String[] |
Preference.getVisibilities(DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean userBean)
boolean |
OrganismBean.submitNew(DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean user)
boolean |
OrganismBean.updateOld(DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean user)
boolean |
MarkerBean.submitNew(DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean user)
boolean |
MarkerBean.updateOld(DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean user)
boolean |
GeneBean.submitNew(DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean user)
boolean |
GeneBean.updateOld(DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean user)
boolean |
DBUtil.canAlter(UserBean userBean,
java.lang.String tableName,
int id)
Checks whether the user can modify or delete an item. |
boolean |
DBUtil.canView(UserBean user,
java.lang.String tableName,
int id)
Checks whether the user can view an item without creating a bean, just an id |
java.lang.String[] |
DBUtil.canView(UserBean user,
java.lang.String tableName,
java.lang.String[] ids)
Checks whether the user can view multiple items based on id. |
boolean |
DBUtil.updateCommonAccessFields(ReagentBean bean,
UserBean userBean,
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Just update the commonly accessible fields: lastUser, comments |
static java.lang.String |
DBUtil.buildSqlStatement(java.lang.String reagentType,
UserBean user,
DBUtil bioRoot,
boolean descending)
Creates a sql statement given a UserBean and a boolean as to whether to add a DESC to the order by where appropriate. |
int[] |
DBUtil.fetchReagentCounts(UserBean user,
java.lang.String tableName)
Fetches the number of reagents in the users labgroup, and the number owned by the user. |
java.lang.String[] |
DBUtil.fetchCellTypeConcats(int id,
UserBean user)
Fetches concatinate of name and notes from CellType |
java.lang.String[] |
DBUtil.fetchGeneConcat(int id,
UserBean user)
Fetches concatinate of name and notes from Gene |
static java.io.File |
CronArchive.makeArchive(DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean superUser)
Returns null or a zip file containing a labGroup's full archive. |
boolean |
CellTypeBean.submitNew(DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean user)
boolean |
CellTypeBean.updateOld(DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean user)
static OligoBean[] |
Archive.makeOligoBeans(DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean userBean)
Makes an array of all visibile OligoBeans |
static PlasmidBean[] |
Archive.makePlasmidBeans(DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean userBean)
Makes an array of all visibile PlasmidBeans |
static AntibodyBean[] |
Archive.makeAntibodyBeans(DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean userBean)
Makes an array of all visibile AntibodyBeans |
static StrainBean[] |
Archive.makeStrainBeans(DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean userBean)
Makes an array of all visibile StrainBeans |
static java.lang.String |
Archive.buildSqlStatement(UserBean user,
java.lang.String tableName)
Creates a sql statement for super users and standard users returns null for everyone else, lab specific. |
Constructors in bioroot with parameters of type UserBean | |
UserRegistrationBean(UserBean user)
Uses of UserBean in bioroot.antibody |
Methods in bioroot.antibody with parameters of type UserBean | |
static void |
AntibodySpreadSheet.makeAndSetAntibodyBeans(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session,
DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean userBean)
Makes an array of AntibodyBeans based on Users AntibodyPreferences and sets them in the session. |
static java.lang.String |
AntibodySpreadSheet.fetchAntibodyTableRows(UserBean userBean,
AntibodyBean[] beans,
int[] startStop,
DBUtil bioRoot,
boolean checked,
boolean allTabs)
Returns table rows for every oligo according to a Preference, if allTabs==true, then all features are returned in a tab delimited format, otherwise its HTML. |
static AntibodyBean[] |
AntibodySpreadSheet.orderAntibodies(java.lang.String featureName,
UserBean userBean,
AntibodyBean[] beans,
DBUtil bioRoot)
Orders antibodys, sort of nasty, can't figure another way, reflection is way too slow. |
static java.lang.String |
AntibodyModify.deleteAntibody(AntibodyBean ab,
UserBean userBean,
DBUtil bioRoot)
Attempts to delete an antibody, if sucessful, returns a "" String, otherwise an error message. |
static java.lang.String |
AntibodyModify.updateAntibody(AntibodyBean bean,
UserBean userBean,
DBUtil bioRoot)
Attempts to update a AntibodyBean in the database, only checks that the name is unique if it has changed. |
boolean |
AntibodyBean.updateOld(DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean submitter)
Updates a Antibody entry, don't forget to update geneId |
static void |
AntibodyBase.addStrain(AntibodyBean bean,
java.util.HashMap nameValue,
DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean userBean)
static void |
AntibodyBase.addPlasmid(AntibodyBean bean,
java.util.HashMap nameValue,
DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean userBean)
static java.lang.String |
AntibodyBase.getAntibodyForm(AntibodyBean ab,
DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean userBean)
Returns an antibody form filled with the values in the bean. |
static java.lang.String |
AntibodyBase.getAntibodyReport(AntibodyBean ab,
DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean user,
boolean commonForm)
Returns an antibody report filled with the values in the bean. |
Uses of UserBean in bioroot.oligo |
Methods in bioroot.oligo with parameters of type UserBean | |
static void |
OligoSpreadSheet.makeAndSetOligoBeans(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session,
DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean userBean)
Makes an array of OligoBeans based on Users OligoPreferences and sets them in the session. |
static java.lang.String |
OligoModify.deleteOligo(OligoBean oligoBean,
UserBean userBean,
DBUtil bioRoot)
Attempts to delete an oligo, if sucessful, returns a "" String, otherwise an error message. |
static java.lang.String |
OligoModify.updateOligo(OligoBean oligoBean,
UserBean userBean,
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
DBUtil bioRoot)
Attempts to update an OligoBean in the database, only checks that the name is unique if it has changed. |
boolean |
OligoBean.updateOld(DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean submitter)
static java.lang.String |
OligoBase.getOligoReport(OligoBean ob,
DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean userBean,
boolean commonForm)
Returns an oligo report. |
static java.lang.String |
OligoBase.getOligoForm(OligoBean ob,
DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean userBean)
Returns an oligo form filled it with the values in the oligo bean. |
Constructors in bioroot.oligo with parameters of type UserBean | |
OligoBean(java.lang.String[] cells,
IdNameMatch[] genes,
IdNameMatch[] organisms,
UserBean userBean,
DBUtil bioRoot)
For bulk file upload should be 17? cells Name, Alias Oligo Sequence, Matching Gene Sequence, uM Stock Concentration, ng/uL Stock Concentration, Volume(uL), Purification, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Modifications, Orientation, Type, Storage Location, Availibility, Visibility, Handling Instructions, Target Gene Name, Organism, Notes 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 |
Uses of UserBean in bioroot.plasmid |
Methods in bioroot.plasmid with parameters of type UserBean | |
static void |
PlasmidSpreadSheet.makeAndSetPlasmidBeans(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session,
DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean userBean)
Makes an array of PlasmidBeans based on Users PlasmidPreferences and sets them in the session. |
static java.lang.String |
PlasmidSpreadSheet.fetchPlasmidTableRows(UserBean userBean,
PlasmidBean[] beans,
int[] startStop,
DBUtil bioRoot,
boolean checked,
boolean allTabs)
Returns table rows for every oligo according to a Preference, if allTabs==true, then all features are returned in a tab delimited format, otherwise its HTML. |
static PlasmidBean[] |
PlasmidSpreadSheet.orderPlasmids(java.lang.String featureName,
UserBean userBean,
PlasmidBean[] beans,
DBUtil bioRoot)
Orders plasmids, sort of nasty, can't figure another way, reflection is way too slow. |
static java.lang.String |
PlasmidModify.deletePlasmid(PlasmidBean plasmidBean,
UserBean userBean,
DBUtil bioRoot)
Attempts to delete an plasmid, if sucessful, returns a "" String, otherwise an error message. |
static java.lang.String |
PlasmidModify.updatePlasmid(PlasmidBean bean,
UserBean userBean,
java.util.HashMap nameValue,
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
DBUtil bioRoot)
Attempts to update a PlasmidBean in the database, only checks that the name is unique if it has changed. |
boolean |
PlasmidBean.updateOld(DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean submitter)
static java.lang.String |
PlasmidBase.getPlasmidReport(PlasmidBean pb,
DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean userBean,
boolean commonForm)
Returns an plasmid report. |
static java.lang.String |
PlasmidBase.getPlasmidForm(PlasmidBean ob,
DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean userBean)
Returns a plasmid form filled with the values in the bean. |
static void |
PlasmidBase.findOligos(UserBean user,
PlasmidBean plasmid,
DBUtil bioRoot)
Uses Blast to find oligo matches to a plasmid from all the oligos in a labgroup visible to the user. |
static void |
PlasmidBase.findOligos(UserBean user,
PlasmidBean[] plasmids,
DBUtil bioRoot)
Uses Blast to find oligo matches to a given array of plasmid from all the oligos in a labgroup visible to the user. |
static void |
PlasmidBase.findOligoMatches(UserBean user,
PlasmidBean[] plasmids,
DBUtil bioRoot)
Uses Blast to find oligo matches to a given array of plasmid from all the oligos in a labgroup visible to the user. |
Constructors in bioroot.plasmid with parameters of type UserBean | |
PlasmidBean(java.lang.String[] cells,
IdNameMatch[] genes,
IdNameMatch[] organisms,
IdNameMatch[] markerIDMatch,
UserBean userBean,
DBUtil bioRoot)
For bulk file upload should be 16 cells 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name Alias Source Recipients Reference Gene Organism Markers StrainIds Location Concentration Volume Purification Availability Visibility Notes Sequence |
Uses of UserBean in bioroot.strain |
Methods in bioroot.strain with parameters of type UserBean | |
static void |
StrainSpreadSheet.makeAndSetStrainBeans(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session,
DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean userBean)
Makes an array of StrainBeans based on Users StrainPreferences and sets them in the session. |
static java.lang.String |
StrainSpreadSheet.fetchStrainTableRows(UserBean userBean,
StrainBean[] beans,
int[] startStop,
DBUtil bioRoot,
boolean checked,
boolean allTabs)
Returns table rows for every oligo according to a Preference, if allTabs==true, then all features are returned in a tab delimited format, otherwise its HTML. |
static StrainBean[] |
StrainSpreadSheet.orderStrains(java.lang.String featureName,
UserBean userBean,
StrainBean[] beans,
DBUtil bioRoot)
Orders strains, sort of nasty, can't figure another way, reflection is way too slow. |
static java.lang.String |
StrainModify.deleteStrain(StrainBean strainBean,
UserBean userBean,
DBUtil bioRoot)
Attempts to delete an strain, if sucessful, returns a "" String, otherwise an error message. |
static boolean |
StrainModify.updateStrainCommonAccessFields(StrainBean bean,
UserBean userBean,
java.util.HashMap nameValue,
DBUtil bioRoot)
Just update the commonly accessible fields: restock, lastUser, remainingAliquots, comments |
static java.lang.String |
StrainModify.updateStrain(StrainBean bean,
UserBean userBean,
java.util.HashMap nameValue,
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
DBUtil bioRoot)
Attempts to update a StrainBean in the database, only checks that the name is unique if it has changed. |
boolean |
StrainBean.updateOld(DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean submitter)
Updates a Strain entry, don't forget to update markers and plasmids. |
static java.lang.String |
StrainBase.getStrainReport(StrainBean sb,
DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean userBean,
boolean commonForm)
Returns an strain report. |
static java.lang.String |
StrainBase.getStrainForm(StrainBean sb,
DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean userBean)
Returns a strain form filled with the values in the bean. |
static void |
NewStrain.addPlasmid(StrainBean bean,
java.util.HashMap nameValue,
DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean userBean)
static void |
NewStrain.addParent(StrainBean bean,
java.util.HashMap nameValue,
DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean userBean)
Constructors in bioroot.strain with parameters of type UserBean | |
StrainBean(java.lang.String[] cells,
IdNameMatch[] cellTypes,
IdNameMatch[] organisms,
IdNameMatch[] markerIDMatch,
UserBean userBean,
DBUtil bioRoot)
For bulk file upload should be 23 cells 0 Name 1 Alias 2 Source 4 Reference 5 Type Bacteria, Yeast, Worm, Insect, Plant, Fish, Cell Line, Bird, Mammal or Other 6 Recipients 7 Organism name 8 Markers names, comma seperated 9 Plasmid Ids 10 Parent Strain Ids 11 Storage Location 12 Mutagen EMS, ENU, MMS, MNU, X-ray, UV, Transposon, T-DNA, Spontaneous or Other 13 Genotype/ Background 14 Phenotype 15 Growth Conditions 16 Restock 17 Remaining Aliquots 18 Array Type Extra Chromosomal or Integration 19 Seed Type Individual Line, Individual Pool, Set of Lines, or Set of Pools 20 Cell Type (Cell Lines) 21 Passage Number ( Cell Lines) 22 Mating Type ( Yeast) diploid, a, alpha, h+, or h-) 23 Availability 24 Visibility 25 Notes |