Utility class to hold database relevant methods and fields, some from Hall and Brown The following is a collection of stuff for interacting with a SQL database First open a connection by calling connectMySQL, then get results with executeSQL, then close the connection with closeConnection.
Constructor Summary | |
DBUtil(java.lang.String database)
Method Summary | |
static java.lang.String |
buildSqlStatement(java.lang.String reagentType,
UserBean user,
DBUtil bioRoot,
boolean descending)
Creates a sql statement given a UserBean and a boolean as to whether to add a DESC to the order by where appropriate. |
boolean |
canAlter(UserBean userBean,
java.lang.String tableName,
int id)
Checks whether the user can modify or delete an item. |
boolean |
canView(UserBean user,
java.lang.String tableName,
int id)
Checks whether the user can view an item without creating a bean, just an id |
java.lang.String[] |
canView(UserBean user,
java.lang.String tableName,
java.lang.String[] ids)
Checks whether the user can view multiple items based on id. |
boolean |
checkIP(java.lang.String IP)
Checks to see if a given IP has exceeded the number of allowable failed logins. |
void |
Closes the Connection and subsequently the Statement and ResultSet objects |
boolean |
connectMySQL(java.lang.String database)
Method to connect to the MySQL lab_collection database and create a statement object |
java.lang.String |
convertOrganismIdToName(int id)
Converts and Organism id to and Organism name. |
int |
convertOrganismNameToId(java.lang.String name)
Converts and Organism name to and OrganismId. |
java.sql.ResultSet |
executeSQL(java.lang.String sqlQuery)
java.sql.ResultSet |
executeSQLAdvance(java.lang.String sqlQuery)
Execute and advance the ResultSet. |
boolean |
executeSQLUpdate(java.lang.String sqlQuery)
Fires SQL Update statement returning true if no problems were encountered. |
java.lang.String[] |
fetchCellTypeConcats(int id,
UserBean user)
Fetches concatinate of name and notes from CellType |
java.lang.String[] |
fetchColumn(java.lang.String statement)
Returns a String[] of the items in a particular column. |
java.lang.String[] |
fetchConcatMakeIdLast(java.lang.String sql,
int numColumns,
java.lang.String divider,
int lengthCutOff)
Returns a concatinate of the results where each String in the String[] represents a results table row where each column entry is separated by the divider String. |
java.lang.String[] |
fetchGeneConcat(int id,
UserBean user)
Fetches concatinate of name and notes from Gene |
java.lang.String[] |
fetchGeneNames(int labGroupId)
Fetches geneNames given a labGroupId, assumes connection to BioRoot+Database. |
IdNameMatch[] |
fetchIdNameMatchArray(java.lang.String sql)
Fetches an IndexNameMatch Array. |
java.lang.String |
fetchLabGroupName(int id)
Fetches an labGroupName given an id, assumes connection to BioRoot+Database. |
java.lang.String[] |
fetchLabGroups(java.lang.String[] labGroups)
Returns a sorted list of lab groups. |
java.lang.String[] |
fetchMarkerConcats(int id)
Fetches concatinate of name and notes from Marker |
java.lang.String[] |
Fetches markerNames given an labGroupId, assumes connection to BioRoot+Database. |
java.lang.String[] |
fetchMultipleCells(java.lang.String sql)
Returns a String[] of the results. |
java.lang.String[] |
fetchOrganismConcat(int id)
Fetches concatinate of name and notes from Organism |
int[] |
fetchReagentCounts(UserBean user,
java.lang.String tableName)
Fetches the number of reagents in the users labgroup, and the number owned by the user. |
java.lang.String |
fetchReagentNames(int labGroupId,
java.lang.String reagentType)
Fetches the sorted reagent names associated with a labGroup. |
java.lang.String[] |
fetchRecentReagentConcats(int userId,
java.lang.String reagentName)
Fetches concatinate of name and notes from Plasmids |
java.lang.String[] |
fetchResultConcat(java.lang.String sql,
int numColumns,
java.lang.String divider,
int lengthCutOff)
Returns a concatinate of the results where each String in the String[] represents a results table row where each column entry is separated by the divider String. |
int[] |
fetchSingleColumn(java.lang.String sql)
Returns a int[] of the items in the first column. |
java.lang.String[] |
fetchSingleColumn(java.lang.String tableName,
java.lang.String columnName)
Returns a String[] of the items in a particular column. |
java.lang.String |
fetchUserName(int id,
boolean firstNameFirst)
Returns firstName lastName or lastName, firstName given a user id number |
java.lang.String |
getCell(java.lang.String sql)
Returns the first cell from an sql statement. |
int |
getCellTypeId(java.lang.String name,
int labGroupId)
Fetches an tissueId given a tissue name and labGroupId (they aren't unique except within a labGroup) |
java.sql.Connection |
int |
getGeneId(java.lang.String geneName,
int labGroupId)
Fetches an geneId given a geneName and labGroupId (they aren't unique except within a labGroup), assumes connection to BioRoot+Database. |
java.lang.String |
getGeneName(int geneId)
Fetches an geneName given an geneId, assumes connection to BioRoot+Database. |
int |
getLastInsertId(java.lang.String table)
Returns the last inserted row auto increment number. |
int |
getOrganismId(java.lang.String organismName)
Fetches an organismId given a organismName, assumes connection to BioRoot. |
java.lang.String |
getOrganismName(int organismId)
Fetches an organismName given an organismId, assumes connection to BioRoot. |
static java.lang.String |
getResult(java.sql.ResultSet result)
int |
getResultSetInt(java.lang.String columnName)
Use to avoid a null return when attempting to fetch a ResultSet.getInt(). |
java.lang.String |
getResultSetString(java.lang.String columnName)
Use to avoid a null return when attempting to fetch a ResultSet.getString(). |
java.lang.String |
returns the first column values from a result, for testing |
int |
boolean |
checks if the connection is open |
boolean |
isNameUnique(java.lang.String tableName,
java.lang.String name)
Looks for a particular name in a table with a Name column. |
boolean |
isNameUnique(java.lang.String tableName,
java.lang.String name,
int labGroupId)
Looks for a particular name in a table with a Name column and a particular lab group. |
java.lang.String |
tableLastModified(java.lang.String tableName)
boolean |
updateCommonAccessFields(ReagentBean reagentBean,
java.lang.String tableName)
Just updates fields that are accessible by all lab group memebers. |
boolean |
updateCommonAccessFields(ReagentBean bean,
UserBean userBean,
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Just update the commonly accessible fields: lastUser, comments |
void |
updateLoginFailure(java.lang.String IP)
Increments the numberFailures for an ip in the Login table if it exists or creates a new record. |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Constructor Detail |
public DBUtil()
public DBUtil(java.lang.String database)
Method Detail |
public boolean connectMySQL(java.lang.String database)
public boolean executeSQLUpdate(java.lang.String sqlQuery)
public java.lang.String tableLastModified(java.lang.String tableName)
public boolean isNameUnique(java.lang.String tableName, java.lang.String name)
public boolean isNameUnique(java.lang.String tableName, java.lang.String name, int labGroupId)
public java.sql.ResultSet executeSQL(java.lang.String sqlQuery)
public static java.lang.String getResult(java.sql.ResultSet result)
public java.sql.Connection getConnection()
public boolean canAlter(UserBean userBean, java.lang.String tableName, int id)
public boolean canView(UserBean user, java.lang.String tableName, int id)
public java.lang.String[] canView(UserBean user, java.lang.String tableName, java.lang.String[] ids)
public IdNameMatch[] fetchIdNameMatchArray(java.lang.String sql)
public java.lang.String getOrganismName(int organismId)
public int getOrganismId(java.lang.String organismName)
public java.lang.String getGeneName(int geneId)
public java.lang.String fetchLabGroupName(int id)
public java.lang.String[] fetchGeneNames(int labGroupId)
public java.lang.String[] fetchMarkerNames()
public int getGeneId(java.lang.String geneName, int labGroupId)
public int getCellTypeId(java.lang.String name, int labGroupId)
public boolean updateCommonAccessFields(ReagentBean reagentBean, java.lang.String tableName)
public boolean updateCommonAccessFields(ReagentBean bean, UserBean userBean, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
public java.lang.String getCell(java.lang.String sql)
public int getLastInsertId(java.lang.String table)
public java.lang.String getResultString()
public java.lang.String[] fetchSingleColumn(java.lang.String tableName, java.lang.String columnName)
public java.lang.String[] fetchColumn(java.lang.String statement)
public int[] fetchSingleColumn(java.lang.String sql)
public java.lang.String[] fetchLabGroups(java.lang.String[] labGroups)
public int convertOrganismNameToId(java.lang.String name)
public java.lang.String convertOrganismIdToName(int id)
public java.lang.String[] fetchMultipleCells(java.lang.String sql)
public java.lang.String fetchUserName(int id, boolean firstNameFirst)
public void closeConnection()
public boolean isConnectionClosed()
public boolean checkIP(java.lang.String IP)
public java.lang.String fetchReagentNames(int labGroupId, java.lang.String reagentType)
public static java.lang.String buildSqlStatement(java.lang.String reagentType, UserBean user, DBUtil bioRoot, boolean descending)
public void updateLoginFailure(java.lang.String IP)
public java.sql.ResultSet executeSQLAdvance(java.lang.String sqlQuery)
public java.lang.String getResultSetString(java.lang.String columnName)
public int getResultSetInt(java.lang.String columnName)
public int[] fetchReagentCounts(UserBean user, java.lang.String tableName)
public java.lang.String[] fetchOrganismConcat(int id)
public java.lang.String[] fetchMarkerConcats(int id)
public java.lang.String[] fetchCellTypeConcats(int id, UserBean user)
public java.lang.String[] fetchGeneConcat(int id, UserBean user)
public java.lang.String[] fetchRecentReagentConcats(int userId, java.lang.String reagentName)
public java.lang.String[] fetchResultConcat(java.lang.String sql, int numColumns, java.lang.String divider, int lengthCutOff)
public java.lang.String[] fetchConcatMakeIdLast(java.lang.String sql, int numColumns, java.lang.String divider, int lengthCutOff)
public int getRowsEffected()