Uses of Class

Packages that use Preference

Uses of Preference in bioroot

Methods in bioroot that return Preference
 Preference UserBean.getOligoPreference()
 Preference UserBean.getPlasmidPreference()
 Preference UserBean.getAntibodyPreference()

Methods in bioroot with parameters of type Preference
static java.lang.String Util.getViewLine(ReagentBean[] reagentBeans, int[] inView, Preference reagentPreference, java.lang.String reagentType)
          Returns hot linked html for 1-30 31-60 ...
static java.lang.String Util.fetchTableColumnRow(Preference pref, java.lang.String reagentType)
          Returns a table header row using the Preferece obj and a reagentType: Oligo, Plasmid, Strain...
 void UserBean.setOligoPreference(Preference oligoPreference)
 void UserBean.setPlasmidPreference(Preference plasmidPreference)
 void UserBean.setAntibodyPreference(Preference antibodyPreference)

Uses of Preference in bioroot.oligo

Methods in bioroot.oligo with parameters of type Preference
static java.lang.String OligoSpreadSheet.fetchOligoTableRows(Preference pref, OligoBean[] beans, int[] startStop, DBUtil bioRoot, boolean checked, boolean allTabs)
          Returns table rows for every oligo according to an OligoPreference, if allTabs==true, then all features are returned in a tab delimited format, otherwise its HTML.
static OligoBean[] OligoSpreadSheet.orderOligos(java.lang.String featureName, Preference pref, OligoBean[] beans, DBUtil bioRoot)
          Orders oligos, sort of nasty, can't figure another way, reflection is way too slow.

Uses of Preference in bioroot.strain

Subclasses of Preference in bioroot.strain
 class StrainPreference