Packages that use AntibodyBean | |
bioroot | |
bioroot.antibody |
Uses of AntibodyBean in bioroot |
Methods in bioroot that return AntibodyBean | |
static AntibodyBean[] |
Archive.makeAntibodyBeans(DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean userBean)
Makes an array of all visibile AntibodyBeans |
Methods in bioroot with parameters of type AntibodyBean | |
static java.util.ArrayList |
Archive.fetchFiles(PlasmidBean[] plasmids,
StrainBean[] strains,
AntibodyBean[] antibodies,
java.lang.String filePath,
DBUtil bioRoot)
Fetches any plasmid or strain files. |
Uses of AntibodyBean in bioroot.antibody |
Methods in bioroot.antibody that return AntibodyBean | |
static AntibodyBean[] |
AntibodySpreadSheet.fetchAntibodyBeans(java.lang.String sql,
DBUtil bioRoot)
Build AntibodyBean[] from Antibody table in database. |
static AntibodyBean[] |
AntibodySpreadSheet.orderAntibodies(java.lang.String featureName,
UserBean userBean,
AntibodyBean[] beans,
DBUtil bioRoot)
Orders antibodys, sort of nasty, can't figure another way, reflection is way too slow. |
static AntibodyBean[] |
AntibodyBase.reverseAntibodyBeans(AntibodyBean[] beans)
Reverses the order of an array of PlasmidBeans. |
Methods in bioroot.antibody with parameters of type AntibodyBean | |
static void |
NewAntibody.addAnAntibodyPrep(AntibodyBean bean,
DBUtil bioRoot)
Adds a new antibodyPrep to the AntibodyBean |
static void |
NewAntibody.addUseDilution(AntibodyBean bean,
DBUtil bioRoot,
int idAntibodyPrep)
Adds a new UseDilution to the indicated AntibodyPrep |
static void |
NewAntibody.loadAntibodyBean(java.util.HashMap nameValue,
DBUtil bioRoot,
AntibodyBean ab,
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
static void |
NewAntibody.loadAntibodyPrepBeans(java.util.HashMap nameValue,
DBUtil bioRoot,
AntibodyBean ab,
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
static java.lang.String |
AntibodySpreadSheet.fetchAntibodyTableRows(UserBean userBean,
AntibodyBean[] beans,
int[] startStop,
DBUtil bioRoot,
boolean checked,
boolean allTabs)
Returns table rows for every oligo according to a Preference, if allTabs==true, then all features are returned in a tab delimited format, otherwise its HTML. |
static int |
AntibodySpreadSheet.addBlankLines(AntibodyBean bean,
java.lang.String[] items,
int k)
Adds "" to items base on the number of preps and uses in the antibody bean. |
static AntibodyBean[] |
AntibodySpreadSheet.orderAntibodies(java.lang.String featureName,
UserBean userBean,
AntibodyBean[] beans,
DBUtil bioRoot)
Orders antibodys, sort of nasty, can't figure another way, reflection is way too slow. |
static java.lang.String |
AntibodyModify.deleteAntibody(AntibodyBean ab,
UserBean userBean,
DBUtil bioRoot)
Attempts to delete an antibody, if sucessful, returns a "" String, otherwise an error message. |
static java.lang.String |
AntibodyModify.updateAntibodyPreps(AntibodyBean bean,
DBUtil bioRoot)
Attempts to update the AntibodyPreps and UseDilutions in the database. |
static java.lang.String |
AntibodyModify.updateAntibody(AntibodyBean bean,
UserBean userBean,
DBUtil bioRoot)
Attempts to update a AntibodyBean in the database, only checks that the name is unique if it has changed. |
static boolean |
AntibodyModify.subtractAndSetAntibodyBeans(AntibodyBean[] beans,
javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session)
Subtracts a bean from the AntibodyBean[] and resets it in antibodyBeansToEdit |
static void |
AntibodyBase.addStrain(AntibodyBean bean,
java.util.HashMap nameValue,
DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean userBean)
static void |
AntibodyBase.removeStrain(AntibodyBean bean,
java.util.HashMap nameValue,
DBUtil bioRoot)
static void |
AntibodyBase.addPlasmid(AntibodyBean bean,
java.util.HashMap nameValue,
DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean userBean)
static void |
AntibodyBase.removePlasmid(AntibodyBean bean,
java.util.HashMap nameValue,
DBUtil bioRoot)
static java.lang.String |
AntibodyBase.deleteUseDilutionIndex(AntibodyBean a,
DBUtil bioRoot,
java.util.HashMap m)
Scans a hashmap for a use dilution to delete returns the index string or null. |
static int |
AntibodyBase.deleteAntibodyPrepIndex(AntibodyBean a,
DBUtil bioRoot,
java.util.HashMap m)
Scans a hashmap for an antibody prep to delete returns the index number |
static int |
AntibodyBase.newUseDilutionIndex(AntibodyBean a,
DBUtil bioRoot,
java.util.HashMap m)
Scans a hashmap for a newUseDilution selection, returns the index number |
static AntibodyBean[] |
AntibodyBase.reverseAntibodyBeans(AntibodyBean[] beans)
Reverses the order of an array of PlasmidBeans. |
static java.lang.String |
AntibodyBase.getAntibodyForm(AntibodyBean ab,
DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean userBean)
Returns an antibody form filled with the values in the bean. |
static void |
AntibodyBase.getAntibodyPrepForms(AntibodyBean ab,
DBUtil bioRoot,
java.lang.StringBuffer b)
static java.lang.String |
AntibodyBase.getAntibodyReport(AntibodyBean ab,
DBUtil bioRoot,
UserBean user,
boolean commonForm)
Returns an antibody report filled with the values in the bean. |
static void |
AntibodyBase.getAntibodyPrepReports(AntibodyBean ab,
DBUtil bioRoot,
java.lang.StringBuffer b,
boolean commonForm)