BL2Seq - class util.bio.wrappers.BL2Seq.
This is a bit of a hack from the SimpleBlast, expand as needed.
BL2Seq(String) - Constructor for class util.bio.wrappers.BL2Seq
BL2SeqHit - class util.bio.wrappers.BL2SeqHit.
BL2Seq result container.
BL2SeqHit() - Constructor for class util.bio.wrappers.BL2SeqHit
BackGroundOligo - class trans.bkgrnd.BackGroundOligo.
A control oligo spotted multiple times on the array.
BackGroundOligo(String, int[][]) - Constructor for class trans.bkgrnd.BackGroundOligo
Bar2Gr - class trans.misc.Bar2Gr.
Utility to convert simple one graph xxx.bar files to xxx.gr files.
Bar2Gr(String[]) - Constructor for class trans.misc.Bar2Gr
Base64 - class com.amazon.thirdparty.Base64.
Encodes and decodes to and from Base64 notation.
Base64.InputStream - class com.amazon.thirdparty.Base64.InputStream.
A Base64.InputStream will read data from another java.io.InputStream, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
Base64.InputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.amazon.thirdparty.Base64.InputStream
Constructs a Base64.InputStream in DECODE mode.
Base64.InputStream(InputStream, int) - Constructor for class com.amazon.thirdparty.Base64.InputStream
Constructs a Base64.InputStream in either ENCODE or DECODE mode.
Base64.OutputStream - class com.amazon.thirdparty.Base64.OutputStream.
A Base64.OutputStream will write data to another java.io.OutputStream, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
Base64.OutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class com.amazon.thirdparty.Base64.OutputStream
Constructs a Base64.OutputStream in ENCODE mode.
Base64.OutputStream(OutputStream, int) - Constructor for class com.amazon.thirdparty.Base64.OutputStream
Constructs a Base64.OutputStream in either ENCODE or DECODE mode.
Bed2Gr - class trans.misc.Bed2Gr.
Converts a bed file to multiple gr files.
Bed2Gr() - Constructor for class trans.misc.Bed2Gr
Bin - class trans.roc.Bin.
Score collector for Sgr apps.
Bin() - Constructor for class trans.roc.Bin
Bin(double, double) - Constructor for class trans.roc.Bin
Bin - class util.gen.Bin.
Info and methods about a particular bin, used by the Histogram class.
Bin(double, double) - Constructor for class util.gen.Bin
BindingPeak - class trans.main.BindingPeak.
Holds information about a binding peak within an interval.
BindingPeak(int, int, int, int, double) - Constructor for class trans.main.BindingPeak
BindingRegion - class trans.anno.BindingRegion.
For holding information about a genomic interval, what genes are up, down, overlap, or contain this genomic inteval.
BindingRegion(int, double, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class trans.anno.BindingRegion
BindingRegion(int, String, int, int) - Constructor for class trans.anno.BindingRegion
BindingRegion(Interval, int) - Constructor for class trans.anno.BindingRegion
BindingRegionComparator - class trans.anno.BindingRegionComparator.
BindingRegionComparator() - Constructor for class trans.anno.BindingRegionComparator
BindingRegionGraphPrinter - class trans.main.BindingRegionGraphPrinter.
For printing chromosome specific .sgr files from IntervalPloter .txt picks files.
BindingRegionGraphPrinter(String[]) - Constructor for class trans.main.BindingRegionGraphPrinter
BindingRegionsToGff3 - class trans.anno.BindingRegionsToGff3.
Converts a Binding GenomicRegion file into GFF3 format.
BindingRegionsToGff3() - Constructor for class trans.anno.BindingRegionsToGff3
BindingRegionsToIntervals - class trans.anno.BindingRegionsToIntervals.
Converts binding regions to intervals setting the binding region as the best window and adds 2kb on either side.
BindingRegionsToIntervals() - Constructor for class trans.anno.BindingRegionsToIntervals
Blast - class gata.aligner.Blast.
Blast(AlignParams) - Constructor for class gata.aligner.Blast
Blast - class util.bio.wrappers.Blast.
Template to fire and fetch results from the ncbi bl2seq program.
Blast() - Constructor for class util.bio.wrappers.Blast
BlastFilterResult - class trans.tpmap.BlastFilterResult.
Container for a blast result: chromosome, numMatches, exactMatches, oneBPMismatches, startExactMatch.
BlastFilterResult(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class trans.tpmap.BlastFilterResult
BlastMatcher - class bioroot.BlastMatcher.
BlastMatcher(ResultSet) - Constructor for class bioroot.BlastMatcher
Constructor passed a ResultSet containing an id, name, and sequence; watch order!
BlastMatcher(String) - Constructor for class bioroot.BlastMatcher
BlastResult - class util.bio.wrappers.BlastResult.
Information related to a blast results.
BlastResult() - Constructor for class util.bio.wrappers.BlastResult
Box - class trans.graphics.Box.
Box for IntervalPlotter.
Box(double, double, double, Color) - Constructor for class trans.graphics.Box
BrowseButtonAction - class gata.aligner.BrowseButtonAction.
BrowseButtonAction(JTextField, JFrame, JFileChooser) - Constructor for class gata.aligner.BrowseButtonAction
Bucket - class com.amazon.s3.Bucket.
A class representing a single bucket.
Bucket() - Constructor for class com.amazon.s3.Bucket
Bucket(String, Date) - Constructor for class com.amazon.s3.Bucket
balanceValues() - Method in class trans.main.WindowBlockMakerTwoColor
baseNumber(char) - Static method in class util.bio.calc.NucleicAcid
Returns 0 for a, 1 for c, 2 for g, 3 for t, -1 for everything else.
baseOverlapsWindow(int, Windows2HeatMapSgr.Window) - Static method in class igb.util.Windows2HeatMapSgr
Is a given base contained within the window?
baseOverlapsWindow(int, Window) - Method in class trans.main.WindowBlockMaker
Is a given base contained within the window?
binSgrs() - Method in class trans.roc.MethodTester
Runs through an array of Sgr[] noting whether it falls in the positive regions or not positive regions
bioroot - package bioroot
bioroot.antibody - package bioroot.antibody
bioroot.oligo - package bioroot.oligo
bioroot.parsers - package bioroot.parsers
bioroot.plasmid - package bioroot.plasmid
bioroot.strain - package bioroot.strain
blankPositives() - Method in class trans.roc.MethodTester
Resets the positive regions to their instantiation state.
blastFASTAFiles(File, File) - Method in class util.bio.wrappers.BL2Seq
Uses BLAST bl2seq program to align two sequences found in the seq files, won't work on windows?
blastForOneBPRepeats(String, String, File) - Static method in class trans.tpmap.TPMapOligoBlastFilter
This has been tweaked to find 1bp mismatches in a 25mer to a genome.
blastIt(String) - Method in class gata.aligner.Blast
blastIt(String, String) - Method in class util.bio.wrappers.SimpleBlast
blastResultToHTML(BlastResult) - Static method in class bioroot.Search
bpIntersectionSameChromosome(BindingRegion) - Method in class trans.anno.BindingRegion
Assumes regions are on the same chromosome, and the end base is included, not interbase numbering.
bpIntersectionSameChromosome(Region) - Method in class trans.anno.Region
Assumes regions are on the same chromosome, and the end base is included, not interbase numbering.
breakAndSaveCelp(File, MapFeature[]) - Static method in class trans.cel.CelProcessor
Given a float[] celp file and the corresponding MapFeature[] will make a minimal
breakOutClusters() - Method in class util.bio.cluster.HierarchicalClustering
breakSaveFeatureArray(ArrayList, MapFeature[], File) - Static method in class trans.cel.CelProcessor
Use this method to break and save a celp float[] file into chromosomal components in a directory named after the celpFile minus the .celp extension.
breakSaveIntensityValues(ArrayList, int[], String) - Static method in class trans.tpmap.MapSplitter
Use this method to break a int[] array into different int[] by chromosome.
breakSaveIntensityValues(ArrayList, float[], String) - Static method in class trans.tpmap.MapSplitter
Use this method to break a float[] array into different float[] by chromosome.
breakSaveIntensityValues(ArrayList, int[][], String) - Static method in class trans.tpmap.MapSplitter
Use this method to break a int[][] array into different int[][] by chromosome.
breakSaveIntensityValues(ArrayList, float[][], String) - Static method in class trans.tpmap.MapSplitter
Use this method to break a float[][] array into different float[][] by chromosome.
breakSavePositions() - Method in class trans.tpmap.MapSplitter
bucket - Variable in class util.amazon.S3Manager
bucketName - Variable in class cgar.CommitFiles
bucketName - Variable in class util.amazon.S3Manager
buildAndPrintIntrons() - Method in class util.bio.annotation.ExportIntronicRegions
buildDirectoryFileGroups(String) - Static method in class util.gen.IO
Converts a String of "grp1=/my/Dir1,grp2=/my/Dir2, etc that contains directories into a LinkedHashMap.
buildExecuteDoc(Primer3Pick[]) - Method in class util.bio.wrappers.Primer3Wrapper
buildExon(GffFeature) - Method in class util.bio.parsers.gff.GadFlyGffExtractor
buildExtensionSetThreshold() - Method in class trans.main.ScanChip
buildExtensionSetThreshold() - Method in class trans.main.ScanChromosomes
buildFileGroups(String, String) - Static method in class util.gen.IO
Converts a String of "grp1=/my/file1,grp1=/my/old/file2,grp2=/my/file2, grp2=/my/new/file3,grp3=/my/new/dir/,/my/default etc" to a File[][] where the files have been broken by grouping into different File[].
buildGeneGrp(Gff3Feature) - Method in class util.bio.parsers.gff.DmelRel4Extractor
Creates a new gene group, call this last after having loaded the exons, transcripts, and translations.
buildGeneGrp(GffFeature) - Method in class util.bio.parsers.gff.GadFlyGffExtractor
buildGenericFeature(Gff3Feature) - Method in class util.bio.parsers.gff.DmelRel4Extractor
buildGenericFeature(GffFeature) - Method in class util.bio.parsers.gff.GadFlyGffExtractor
buildHTMLTableRows(String[], String[][], boolean) - Static method in class bioroot.Util
Build HTML table rows.
buildSqlStatement(UserBean, String) - Static method in class bioroot.Archive
Creates a sql statement for super users and standard users returns null for everyone else, lab specific.
buildSqlStatement(String, UserBean, DBUtil, boolean) - Static method in class bioroot.DBUtil
Creates a sql statement given a UserBean and a boolean as to whether to add a DESC to the order by where appropriate.
buildTPMap() - Method in class trans.tpmap.MummerMapper
Builds a tpmap file from a mummer results file
buildTabTableRows(String[][]) - Static method in class bioroot.Archive
Build tab delimited table rows.
buildTransGroups() - Method in class util.bio.parsers.gff.DmelRel4Extractor
buildTransGrp() - Method in class util.bio.parsers.gff.GadFlyGffExtractor
buildTranscript(GffFeature) - Method in class util.bio.parsers.gff.GadFlyGffExtractor
buildTranslation(GffFeature) - Method in class util.bio.parsers.gff.GadFlyGffExtractor
bunZip2(File, File) - Static method in class util.gen.IO
Use to read in xxx.bz2 files directly to a String[].