Class IO

  extended byutil.gen.IO

public class IO
extends java.lang.Object

Static methods for Input Output related tasks.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static java.util.LinkedHashMap buildDirectoryFileGroups(java.lang.String map)
          Converts a String of "grp1=/my/Dir1,grp2=/my/Dir2, etc that contains directories into a LinkedHashMap.
static java.util.ArrayList buildFileGroups(java.lang.String map, java.lang.String directoryFileExtensionFilter)
          Converts a String of "grp1=/my/file1,grp1=/my/old/file2,grp2=/my/file2, grp2=/my/new/file3,grp3=/my/new/dir/,/my/default etc" to a File[][] where the files have been broken by grouping into different File[].
static java.lang.String[] bunZip2(java.io.File bunZip2App, java.io.File bz2FileToUncompress)
          Use to read in xxx.bz2 files directly to a String[].
static void checkFile(java.lang.String par)
          Check to see that a file exists and is not a directory.
static java.io.File[] collapseFileArray(java.io.File[][] f)
          Merges all files in File[][] to a File[].
static java.lang.String concatinateFileFullPathNames(java.io.File[] f, java.lang.String seperator)
          Concatinates the full path file names for the given File array.
static boolean copy(java.io.File source, java.io.File dest)
          Fast & simple file copy.
static boolean copyDirectoryRecursive(java.io.File sourceDir, java.io.File destDir, java.lang.String extension)
          Copies a given directory and it's contents to the destination directory.
static long countNonBlankLines(java.io.File file)
          Counts the number of lines in a file skipping blanks.
static long countNumberOfLines(java.io.File file)
          Counts the number of lines in a file
static int countNumberThatExist(java.io.File[] f)
          Counts the number of File in the array that actually exist.
static boolean deleteDirectory(java.io.File directory)
          Deletes a directories contents, and then the directory.
static boolean deleteFile(java.io.File file)
          Attempts to delete a file.
static boolean deleteFile(java.lang.String fullPathFileName)
          Attempts to delete a file.
static boolean deleteFiles(java.io.File[] files)
          Attempts to delete the array of File.
static boolean deleteFiles(java.io.File directory, java.lang.String extension)
          Deletes files in a given directory with a given extension.
static void deleteFiles(java.io.File directory, java.lang.String prefix, int minutes)
          Deletes files in a given directory with a given prefix, that are older cutoff.
static void deleteFiles(java.lang.String directory, java.lang.String endsWith)
          Looks in the given directory for files ending with given String and deletes them.
static void deleteFilesNotEndingInExtension(java.io.File directory, java.lang.String extension)
          Deletes files in a given directory that don't end in a given extension.
static java.lang.String[] executeCommandLine(java.lang.String[] command)
          Executes tokenized params on command line, use full paths.
static java.lang.String[] executeCommandLine(java.lang.String[] command, java.io.File txtOutPutFile)
          Executes tokenized params on command line, use full paths.
static java.lang.String[] executeCommandLine(java.lang.String[] command, java.io.File txtOutPutFile, java.lang.String[] env)
          Executes tokenized params on command line, use full paths.
static java.lang.String[] executeCommandLineReturnAll(java.lang.String[] command)
          Executes tokenized params on command line, use full paths.
static java.lang.String[] executeShellScript(java.lang.String shellScript, java.io.File tempDirectory)
          Executes a String of shell script commands via a temp file.
static java.io.File[] extractFiles(java.io.File directory)
          Extracts the full path file names of all the files and directories in a given directory.
static java.io.File[] extractFiles(java.io.File dirOrFile, java.lang.String extension)
          Extracts the full path file names of all the files in a given directory with a given extension (ie txt or .txt).
static java.io.File[] extractFiles(java.lang.String commaSeparList)
          Extracts all files from a comma delimited string of files and directories.
static java.io.File[] extractFiles(java.lang.String[] dirFiles, java.lang.String extension)
          Given full path file or directory names, extracts all files given an extension.
static java.io.File[] extractFiles(java.lang.String commaSeparList, java.lang.String extension)
          Extracts all files with a given extension from a comma delimited string of files and directories.
static java.io.File[] extractFilesReturnFiles(java.io.File directory, java.lang.String extension)
          Extracts the full path file names of all the files in a given directory with a given extension.
static java.lang.String[] extractFilesStringNames(java.io.File directory, java.lang.String extension)
          Extracts the full path file names of all the files in a given directory with a given extension.
static java.io.File[] extractOnlyFiles(java.io.File directory)
          Extracts the full path file names of all the files not directories in a given directory.
static java.util.ArrayList fetchAllFilesRecursively(java.io.File directory)
          Fetches all files in a directory recursing through sub directories.
static java.util.ArrayList fetchAllFilesRecursively(java.io.File directory, java.lang.String extension)
          Fetches all files with a given extension in a directory recursing through sub directories.
static java.util.ArrayList fetchArrayList(java.io.File file)
          Fetches an ArrayList stored as a serialize object file.
static java.io.File[] fetchFiles(java.lang.String[] baseNames, java.lang.String chromExtension)
          For each base name (ie /home/data/treat1 ), makes a File object using the chromExtenstion (ie /home/data/treat1.chromExtension ), if it actually exists, it is saved and a File[] returned.
static java.io.File[] fetchFilesRecursively(java.io.File directory)
          Fetches all files in a directory recursing through sub directories.
static java.io.File[] fetchFilesRecursively(java.io.File directory, java.lang.String extension)
          Fetches all files with a given extension in a directory recursing through sub directories.
static float[][][] fetchFloatFloatArrays(java.io.File[] files)
          Loads float[][]s from disk.
static java.util.HashMap fetchNamesAndDirectories(java.io.File directory)
          Given a directory, returns a HashMap of the containing directories' names and a File obj for the directory.
static java.lang.Object fetchObject(java.io.File file)
          Fetches an Object stored as a serialized file.
static java.io.BufferedReader fetchReaderOnZippedFile(java.io.File zippedFile)
          Returns a BufferedReader from which you can call readLine() directly from a zipped file without decompressing.
static java.lang.String fireQSub(java.lang.String qsubParams, java.lang.String commands, java.io.File tempDir)
          Fires qsub with the commands.
static java.lang.String[] fireQSub(java.lang.String queue, java.lang.String commands, java.lang.String fullPathToTempDir, boolean waitAndClean)
          Fires qsub with the commands, will wait and return results and delete x.sh and the output files if you like.
static java.lang.String getFullPathName(java.io.File fileDirectory)
          Gets full path name using getCanonicalPath() on a File
static java.lang.String[] getTruncatedNames(java.io.File[] files)
          Fetches and truncates common chars, from file names, front and back, uses getName() so no path info is involved.
static java.lang.String[][] getTruncatedNames(java.io.File[][] files)
          Fetches and truncates common chars, from file names, front and back, uses getName() so no path info is involved.
static java.lang.String[] loadFile(java.io.File file)
          Loads a file's lines into a String[], will save blank lines.
static java.util.HashMap loadFileIntoHashMap(java.io.File file)
          Loads a file's lines into a hash first column is the key, second the value.
static java.util.HashSet loadFileIntoHashSet(java.io.File file)
          Loads a file's lines into a hash set, keys only.
static java.util.HashSet loadFileIntoHashSplitLines(java.io.File file)
          Loads a file's lines into a hash.
static java.lang.String[] loadFileIntoStringArray(java.io.File file)
          Loads a file's lines into a String[] trimming blank lines
static java.util.LinkedHashMap loadHash(java.io.File tabDelimited)
          Loads a tab delimited file into a LinkedHashMap where each line is broken into cells and loaded into a LinkedHashMap where the cells are the keys and the value is the line.
static java.util.LinkedHashMap loadKeyValueFile(java.io.File file)
          Loads a key = value containing text file into a LinkedHashMap.
static java.util.LinkedHashMap loadKeyValueSpaceTabDelimited(java.io.File file)
          Loads a key value containing text file into a LinkedHashMap.
static java.lang.String makeFullPathName(java.lang.String resultsDirectory, java.lang.String fileName)
          Attempts to make a file and return it's canonical path name (full path name).
static int numberFilesExist(java.io.File[] f)
          Returns the number of files that exist in the array.
static int numberFilesExist(java.io.File directory, java.lang.String extension)
          Returns the number of files that end with the given extension.
static void removeExtension(java.io.File directory, java.lang.String extension)
          Removes the extension from each File in the directory.
static void renameFiles(java.io.File directory, java.lang.String toReplace, java.lang.String replaceWith)
          Renames files containing the toReplace with replaceWith using String.replaceAll(String, String)
static boolean saveObject(java.io.File file, java.lang.Object ob)
static java.lang.String winFileConvert(java.lang.String fileName, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Checks to see if the browser sending the request is from a windows machine.
static boolean writeString(java.lang.String data, java.io.File file)
          Writes a String to disk.
static boolean writeString(java.lang.String data, java.lang.String fullPathFileName)
          Writes a String to disk.
static boolean writeStringAppend(java.lang.String data, java.io.File file)
          Writes a String onto the end of a file.
static boolean zip(java.io.File[] filesToZip, java.io.File zipFile)
          Zip compresses an array of Files, be sure to name your zipFile with a .zip extension!
static boolean zip(java.io.File fileToZip, java.io.File zipFile)
          Zip compress a single file.
static boolean zipAndDelete(java.io.File f)
          Zip compresses the file and if sucessful, then deletes the original file.
static java.lang.String[] zippedFile2StringArray(java.io.File zippedFile)
          Returns the contents of a zipped file.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public IO()
Method Detail


public static java.util.LinkedHashMap loadHash(java.io.File tabDelimited)
Loads a tab delimited file into a LinkedHashMap where each line is broken into cells and loaded into a LinkedHashMap where the cells are the keys and the value is the line.


public static int numberFilesExist(java.io.File directory,
                                   java.lang.String extension)
Returns the number of files that end with the given extension.


public static boolean zipAndDelete(java.io.File f)
Zip compresses the file and if sucessful, then deletes the original file.


public static java.lang.String[] zippedFile2StringArray(java.io.File zippedFile)
Returns the contents of a zipped file. Returns null if there is a problem.


public static java.io.BufferedReader fetchReaderOnZippedFile(java.io.File zippedFile)
Returns a BufferedReader from which you can call readLine() directly from a zipped file without decompressing. Returns null if there is a problem.


public static java.lang.String concatinateFileFullPathNames(java.io.File[] f,
                                                            java.lang.String seperator)
Concatinates the full path file names for the given File array.


public static java.lang.String winFileConvert(java.lang.String fileName,
                                              javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Checks to see if the browser sending the request is from a windows machine. If so it converts the file name dividers to unix. In either case, replaces any spaces with underscores.


public static float[][][] fetchFloatFloatArrays(java.io.File[] files)
Loads float[][]s from disk.


public static java.io.File[] fetchFiles(java.lang.String[] baseNames,
                                        java.lang.String chromExtension)
For each base name (ie /home/data/treat1 ), makes a File object using the chromExtenstion (ie /home/data/treat1.chromExtension ), if it actually exists, it is saved and a File[] returned.


public static int numberFilesExist(java.io.File[] f)
Returns the number of files that exist in the array.


public static java.util.ArrayList buildFileGroups(java.lang.String map,
                                                  java.lang.String directoryFileExtensionFilter)
Converts a String of "grp1=/my/file1,grp1=/my/old/file2,grp2=/my/file2, grp2=/my/new/file3,grp3=/my/new/dir/,/my/default etc" to a File[][] where the files have been broken by grouping into different File[]. If no key is provided, the files are assigned to a common 'default' grouping. If a directory is provided all files within are grouped together. Mixing of keyed and unkeyed is permitted. Returns null if an error was thrown.

directoryFileExtensionFilter - - if directories are given in the map, you can filter which files to extract (ie 'cel'), case insensitive, set to "." for everything.
- ArrayList containing String[] groupNames and a File[][] of grouped files, and a LinkedHashMap of the two.


public static java.util.HashMap fetchNamesAndDirectories(java.io.File directory)
Given a directory, returns a HashMap of the containing directories' names and a File obj for the directory.


public static java.util.LinkedHashMap buildDirectoryFileGroups(java.lang.String map)
Converts a String of "grp1=/my/Dir1,grp2=/my/Dir2, etc that contains directories into a LinkedHashMap. Returns null and prints an error message if an error was thrown, ie no directory, not a directory


public static void renameFiles(java.io.File directory,
                               java.lang.String toReplace,
                               java.lang.String replaceWith)
Renames files containing the toReplace with replaceWith using String.replaceAll(String, String)


public static boolean zip(java.io.File fileToZip,
                          java.io.File zipFile)
Zip compress a single file.


public static boolean zip(java.io.File[] filesToZip,
                          java.io.File zipFile)
Zip compresses an array of Files, be sure to name your zipFile with a .zip extension!


public static java.io.File[] fetchFilesRecursively(java.io.File directory)
Fetches all files in a directory recursing through sub directories.


public static java.util.ArrayList fetchAllFilesRecursively(java.io.File directory)
Fetches all files in a directory recursing through sub directories.


public static java.io.File[] fetchFilesRecursively(java.io.File directory,
                                                   java.lang.String extension)
Fetches all files with a given extension in a directory recursing through sub directories. Will return a file if a file is given with the appropriate extension, or null.


public static java.util.ArrayList fetchAllFilesRecursively(java.io.File directory,
                                                           java.lang.String extension)
Fetches all files with a given extension in a directory recursing through sub directories.


public static java.io.File[] collapseFileArray(java.io.File[][] f)
Merges all files in File[][] to a File[].


public static java.util.HashSet loadFileIntoHashSet(java.io.File file)
Loads a file's lines into a hash set, keys only.


public static java.util.HashMap loadFileIntoHashMap(java.io.File file)
Loads a file's lines into a hash first column is the key, second the value.


public static java.util.LinkedHashMap loadKeyValueFile(java.io.File file)
Loads a key = value containing text file into a LinkedHashMap. Strips all white space, ignores lines beginning with / or #. Ignores blank lines.


public static java.util.LinkedHashMap loadKeyValueSpaceTabDelimited(java.io.File file)
Loads a key value containing text file into a LinkedHashMap. Ignores lines beginning with / or #. Ignores blank lines. Splits on spaces/ tabs thus no spaces within key or value. Returns null if split keyValue number is != 2.


public static java.util.HashSet loadFileIntoHashSplitLines(java.io.File file)
Loads a file's lines into a hash.


public static java.lang.String[] loadFileIntoStringArray(java.io.File file)
Loads a file's lines into a String[] trimming blank lines


public static java.lang.String[] loadFile(java.io.File file)
Loads a file's lines into a String[], will save blank lines.


public static java.lang.String[] bunZip2(java.io.File bunZip2App,
                                         java.io.File bz2FileToUncompress)
Use to read in xxx.bz2 files directly to a String[]. Returns null if a problem encountered. Must have bunzip2 installed.


public static java.lang.String[] executeCommandLine(java.lang.String[] command)
Executes tokenized params on command line, use full paths. Put each param in its own String. Returns null if a problem is encountered.


public static java.lang.String[] executeCommandLineReturnAll(java.lang.String[] command)
Executes tokenized params on command line, use full paths. Put each param in its own String. Returns null if a problem is encountered. Returns both error and data from execution.


public static java.lang.String[] executeShellScript(java.lang.String shellScript,
                                                    java.io.File tempDirectory)
Executes a String of shell script commands via a temp file. Only good for Unix.


public static java.lang.String[] executeCommandLine(java.lang.String[] command,
                                                    java.io.File txtOutPutFile)
Executes tokenized params on command line, use full paths. Put each param in its own String. Writes lines to a file.


public static java.lang.String[] executeCommandLine(java.lang.String[] command,
                                                    java.io.File txtOutPutFile,
                                                    java.lang.String[] env)
Executes tokenized params on command line, use full paths. Put each param in its own String. Writes lines to a file.


public static boolean copy(java.io.File source,
                           java.io.File dest)
Fast & simple file copy. From GForman http://www.experts-exchange.com/M_500026.html


public static boolean copyDirectoryRecursive(java.io.File sourceDir,
                                             java.io.File destDir,
                                             java.lang.String extension)
Copies a given directory and it's contents to the destination directory. Use a extension (e.g. "class$|properties$") to limit the files copied over or set to null for all.


public static boolean deleteDirectory(java.io.File directory)
Deletes a directories contents, and then the directory. Returns false if at any time a file cannot be deleted.


public static java.lang.String getFullPathName(java.io.File fileDirectory)
Gets full path name using getCanonicalPath() on a File


public static long countNumberOfLines(java.io.File file)
Counts the number of lines in a file


public static long countNonBlankLines(java.io.File file)
Counts the number of lines in a file skipping blanks.


public static java.io.File[] extractFiles(java.lang.String commaSeparList,
                                          java.lang.String extension)
Extracts all files with a given extension from a comma delimited string of files and directories. No spaces.


public static java.io.File[] extractFiles(java.lang.String commaSeparList)
Extracts all files from a comma delimited string of files and directories. No spaces. Returns null if file.canRead() is false. Not recursive.


public static int countNumberThatExist(java.io.File[] f)
Counts the number of File in the array that actually exist.


public static java.io.File[] extractFiles(java.io.File directory)
Extracts the full path file names of all the files and directories in a given directory. If a file is given it is returned as the File[0]. Skips files starting with a '.'


public static java.io.File[] extractOnlyFiles(java.io.File directory)
Extracts the full path file names of all the files not directories in a given directory. Skips files starting with a non word character (e.g. '.', '_', etc). Returns null if no files found.


public static java.lang.String[] extractFilesStringNames(java.io.File directory,
                                                         java.lang.String extension)
Extracts the full path file names of all the files in a given directory with a given extension.


public static java.io.File[] extractFiles(java.io.File dirOrFile,
                                          java.lang.String extension)
Extracts the full path file names of all the files in a given directory with a given extension (ie txt or .txt). If the dirFile is a file and ends with the extension then it returns a File[] with File[0] the given directory. Returns null if nothing found. Case insensitive.


public static java.io.File[] extractFilesReturnFiles(java.io.File directory,
                                                     java.lang.String extension)
Extracts the full path file names of all the files in a given directory with a given extension.


public static java.io.File[] extractFiles(java.lang.String[] dirFiles,
                                          java.lang.String extension)
Given full path file or directory names, extracts all files given an extension.


public static boolean deleteFiles(java.io.File[] files)
Attempts to delete the array of File.


public static boolean deleteFiles(java.io.File directory,
                                  java.lang.String extension)
Deletes files in a given directory with a given extension.


public static void deleteFilesNotEndingInExtension(java.io.File directory,
                                                   java.lang.String extension)
Deletes files in a given directory that don't end in a given extension.


public static void removeExtension(java.io.File directory,
                                   java.lang.String extension)
Removes the extension from each File in the directory.


public static void deleteFiles(java.io.File directory,
                               java.lang.String prefix,
                               int minutes)
Deletes files in a given directory with a given prefix, that are older cutoff.


public static void checkFile(java.lang.String par)
Check to see that a file exists and is not a directory.


public static void deleteFiles(java.lang.String directory,
                               java.lang.String endsWith)
Looks in the given directory for files ending with given String and deletes them.


public static java.lang.String[] fireQSub(java.lang.String queue,
                                          java.lang.String commands,
                                          java.lang.String fullPathToTempDir,
                                          boolean waitAndClean)
Fires qsub with the commands, will wait and return results and delete x.sh and the output files if you like. Be sure to put an end of line '\n' after each command.


public static java.lang.String fireQSub(java.lang.String qsubParams,
                                        java.lang.String commands,
                                        java.io.File tempDir)
Fires qsub with the commands.

qsubParams - = '-q queue@loc -l nodes=1'
String beginning with 'Error: ' if the error stream or java bombed. otherwise it returns a tab delimited list of the output and the qsub parameters. Will leave the shell file in the temp directory, renamed as the jobNumber.sh


public static java.lang.String makeFullPathName(java.lang.String resultsDirectory,
                                                java.lang.String fileName)
Attempts to make a file and return it's canonical path name (full path name).


public static boolean writeString(java.lang.String data,
                                  java.io.File file)
Writes a String to disk.


public static boolean writeStringAppend(java.lang.String data,
                                        java.io.File file)
Writes a String onto the end of a file. No need to add a \n onto the final end.


public static boolean writeString(java.lang.String data,
                                  java.lang.String fullPathFileName)
Writes a String to disk.


public static java.util.ArrayList fetchArrayList(java.io.File file)
Fetches an ArrayList stored as a serialize object file.


public static java.lang.Object fetchObject(java.io.File file)
Fetches an Object stored as a serialized file.


public static boolean saveObject(java.io.File file,
                                 java.lang.Object ob)


public static boolean deleteFile(java.io.File file)
Attempts to delete a file.


public static boolean deleteFile(java.lang.String fullPathFileName)
Attempts to delete a file.


public static java.lang.String[] getTruncatedNames(java.io.File[] files)
Fetches and truncates common chars, from file names, front and back, uses getName() so no path info is involved.


public static java.lang.String[][] getTruncatedNames(java.io.File[][] files)
Fetches and truncates common chars, from file names, front and back, uses getName() so no path info is involved.