Packages that use Window | |
trans.anno | For associating intervals, binding regions, and binding peaks with GFF annotation. |
trans.main | Principle classes and scripts used in TiMAT2 analysis. |
trans.misc | Rough working scripts. |
Uses of Window in trans.anno |
Methods in trans.anno with parameters of type Window | |
boolean |
Region.intersect(Window window,
int sizeOligo,
double fractionAcceptibleCoverage)
Returns true only if region contains or is contained or is covered by >= fractionAcceptibleCoverage by a window. |
Uses of Window in trans.main |
Methods in trans.main that return Window | |
Window[] |
WindowBlockMakerTwoColor.filterWindows(Window[] windows)
Tosses any windows within the min max filter range. |
Window |
SetNumberIntervalMaker.fetchGoodWindow(double minScoreInt)
Window[] |
static Window[] |
OverlappingWindowScoreExtractor.makeWindows(java.io.File txtFile)
Converts a tab delimited txt file of chr, start, stop, scores (multiple permitted or none) into an array of Windows. |
Window |
Window |
Checks the scores and number of oligos in each window. |
Window |
MultiWindowIntervalMaker.findWindow(Window[] win)
Window[] |
MergeWindowArrays.filter(Window[] win)
Window |
Window |
Methods in trans.main with parameters of type Window | |
void |
WindowBlockMakerTwoColor.makeHeatMapBarFiles(Window[] windows,
java.io.File barDirectory,
int scoreIndex)
Window[] |
WindowBlockMakerTwoColor.filterWindows(Window[] windows)
Tosses any windows within the min max filter range. |
void |
WindowBlockMakerTwoColor.makeHeatMapBarFiles(Window[] windows)
Makes a stair step heat map from an array of windows in bar format. |
boolean |
WindowBlockMakerTwoColor.overlapOrAbut(Window left,
Window right)
Assumes right window is to right of left or abuts or doesn't overlap. |
void |
WindowBlockMaker.makeHeatMapGrFiles(Window[] windows,
java.io.File directory)
Be sure to set the scoreIndex, defaults to 0. |
void |
WindowBlockMaker.makeHeatMapSgrFile(Window[] windows,
java.io.File file,
boolean zipCompressIt)
Be sure to set the scoreIndex, defaults to 0. |
void |
WindowBlockMaker.makeHeatMapBarFiles(Window[] windows,
java.io.File directory)
Be sure to set the scoreIndex, defaults to 0. |
boolean |
WindowBlockMaker.baseOverlapsWindow(int bp,
Window win)
Is a given base contained within the window? |
boolean |
Window.overlap(Window other)
void |
ScanChromosomes.makeBarFiles(Window[] windows,
java.io.File directory,
int scoreIndex)
Makes xxx.bar.zip files from a Window[], one per chromosome. |
void |
ScanChromosomes.importScores(Window[] windows,
java.io.File importFile)
Reads in a file of scores from a qvalue output file Also makes gr files for the qValues. |
void |
ScanChip.importScores(Window[] windows,
java.io.File importFile)
Reads in a file of scores from a qvalue output file Also writes and zips an .sgr file for the qValues. |
void |
ScanChip.makeSgrFile(Window[] windows,
java.io.File sgrFile,
int scoreIndex)
Makes a xxx.sgr.zip file from a sorted Window[]. |
static double |
OverlappingWindowScoreExtractor.windowMidPoint(Window w)
trans.main.OverlappingWindowScoreExtractor.QPCRWindow[] |
OverlappingWindowScoreExtractor.makeQPCRWindows(Window[] ws)
Window |
MultiWindowIntervalMaker.findWindow(Window[] win)
Window[] |
MergeWindowArrays.filter(Window[] win)
static void |
IntervalMaker.invertScores(Window[] windows)
Multiplies all of the Window[] scores by -1 |
boolean |
IntervalMaker.checkScoreAndNumOligos(Window win)
void |
Interval.setBestWindow(Window bestWindow)
int |
FDRWindowConverter.thresholdWindows(Window[] w,
double score,
int startingIndex)
void |
FDRWindowConverter.setScoreAndSort(Window[] w)
Constructors in trans.main with parameters of type Window | |
IntervalMaker(java.io.File windowFile,
Window[] windows,
double[] cutoffs,
int sizeOfOligo,
int scoreIndex,
int maxGap,
int minimumNumberOfOligos)
Interval(Window window,
int sizeOfOligo)
Uses of Window in trans.misc |
Methods in trans.misc that return Window | |
static Window[] |
Util.removeLowOligoWindows(Window[] win,
int minNumberOligos)
Removes windows that contain < minNumberOligos. |
static Window[][] |
Util.splitWindowsByChromosome(Window[] win)
Methods in trans.misc with parameters of type Window | |
static double[] |
Util.minMaxWindowScores(Window[] win,
int scoreIndex)
Finds min max score |
static double[] |
Util.minMaxWindowArray(Window[] win,
int scoreIndex)
Returns the min and max values of a given score index in a Window[]. |
static Window[] |
Util.removeLowOligoWindows(Window[] win,
int minNumberOligos)
Removes windows that contain < minNumberOligos. |
static Window[][] |
Util.splitWindowsByChromosome(Window[] win)