Uses of Class

Packages that use Window
trans.anno For associating intervals, binding regions, and binding peaks with GFF annotation. 
trans.main Principle classes and scripts used in TiMAT2 analysis. 
trans.misc Rough working scripts. 

Uses of Window in trans.anno

Methods in trans.anno with parameters of type Window
 boolean Region.intersect(Window window, int sizeOligo, double fractionAcceptibleCoverage)
          Returns true only if region contains or is contained or is covered by >= fractionAcceptibleCoverage by a window.

Uses of Window in trans.main

Methods in trans.main that return Window
 Window[] WindowBlockMakerTwoColor.filterWindows(Window[] windows)
          Tosses any windows within the min max filter range.
 Window SetNumberIntervalMaker.fetchGoodWindow(double minScoreInt)
 Window[] ScanChromosomes.getWindows()
static Window[] OverlappingWindowScoreExtractor.makeWindows( txtFile)
          Converts a tab delimited txt file of chr, start, stop, scores (multiple permitted or none) into an array of Windows.
 Window MultiWindowIntervalMaker.fetchGoodWindow()
 Window MultiWindowIntervalMaker.checkWindowScoresAndNumberOfOligos()
          Checks the scores and number of oligos in each window.
 Window MultiWindowIntervalMaker.findWindow(Window[] win)
 Window[] MergeWindowArrays.filter(Window[] win)
 Window IntervalMaker.fetchGoodWindow()
 Window Interval.getBestWindow()

Methods in trans.main with parameters of type Window
 void WindowBlockMakerTwoColor.makeHeatMapBarFiles(Window[] windows, barDirectory, int scoreIndex)
 Window[] WindowBlockMakerTwoColor.filterWindows(Window[] windows)
          Tosses any windows within the min max filter range.
 void WindowBlockMakerTwoColor.makeHeatMapBarFiles(Window[] windows)
          Makes a stair step heat map from an array of windows in bar format.
 boolean WindowBlockMakerTwoColor.overlapOrAbut(Window left, Window right)
          Assumes right window is to right of left or abuts or doesn't overlap.
 void WindowBlockMaker.makeHeatMapGrFiles(Window[] windows, directory)
          Be sure to set the scoreIndex, defaults to 0.
 void WindowBlockMaker.makeHeatMapSgrFile(Window[] windows, file, boolean zipCompressIt)
          Be sure to set the scoreIndex, defaults to 0.
 void WindowBlockMaker.makeHeatMapBarFiles(Window[] windows, directory)
          Be sure to set the scoreIndex, defaults to 0.
 boolean WindowBlockMaker.baseOverlapsWindow(int bp, Window win)
          Is a given base contained within the window?
 boolean Window.overlap(Window other)
 void ScanChromosomes.makeBarFiles(Window[] windows, directory, int scoreIndex)
          Makes files from a Window[], one per chromosome.
 void ScanChromosomes.importScores(Window[] windows, importFile)
          Reads in a file of scores from a qvalue output file Also makes gr files for the qValues.
 void ScanChip.importScores(Window[] windows, importFile)
          Reads in a file of scores from a qvalue output file Also writes and zips an .sgr file for the qValues.
 void ScanChip.makeSgrFile(Window[] windows, sgrFile, int scoreIndex)
          Makes a file from a sorted Window[].
static double OverlappingWindowScoreExtractor.windowMidPoint(Window w)
 trans.main.OverlappingWindowScoreExtractor.QPCRWindow[] OverlappingWindowScoreExtractor.makeQPCRWindows(Window[] ws)
 Window MultiWindowIntervalMaker.findWindow(Window[] win)
 Window[] MergeWindowArrays.filter(Window[] win)
static void IntervalMaker.invertScores(Window[] windows)
          Multiplies all of the Window[] scores by -1
 boolean IntervalMaker.checkScoreAndNumOligos(Window win)
 void Interval.setBestWindow(Window bestWindow)
 int FDRWindowConverter.thresholdWindows(Window[] w, double score, int startingIndex)
 void FDRWindowConverter.setScoreAndSort(Window[] w)

Constructors in trans.main with parameters of type Window
IntervalMaker( windowFile, Window[] windows, double[] cutoffs, int sizeOfOligo, int scoreIndex, int maxGap, int minimumNumberOfOligos)
Interval(Window window, int sizeOfOligo)

Uses of Window in trans.misc

Methods in trans.misc that return Window
static Window[] Util.removeLowOligoWindows(Window[] win, int minNumberOligos)
          Removes windows that contain < minNumberOligos.
static Window[][] Util.splitWindowsByChromosome(Window[] win)

Methods in trans.misc with parameters of type Window
static double[] Util.minMaxWindowScores(Window[] win, int scoreIndex)
          Finds min max score
static double[] Util.minMaxWindowArray(Window[] win, int scoreIndex)
          Returns the min and max values of a given score index in a Window[].
static Window[] Util.removeLowOligoWindows(Window[] win, int minNumberOligos)
          Removes windows that contain < minNumberOligos.
static Window[][] Util.splitWindowsByChromosome(Window[] win)