Uses of Class

Packages that use Oligo For graphically representing '.cel' files and intervals. 
trans.main Principle classes and scripts used in TiMAT2 analysis. 

Uses of Oligo in

Methods in with parameters of type Oligo
static double IntervalDrawPanel.fetchClosestOligoScore(Oligo[] oligos, int position)
          Finds the closes Oligo to a bp point and returns the indexed score.
static double IntervalDrawPanel.fetchMaxOligoScore(Oligo[] oligos, int startBp, int stopBp)
          Scans oligos for a max score when given a bp range.

Uses of Oligo in trans.main

Methods in trans.main that return Oligo
 Oligo[] SubWindow.getOligos()
 Oligo[] PeakPicker.getOligos()
 Oligo[] Interval.extractSubRegionOligos(int start, int end)
          Given a bp start and bp end as well as a larger Oligo[] returns a sub array of the oligos flanking and including the start and end.
 Oligo[] Interval.getOligos()

Methods in trans.main with parameters of type Oligo
 void SubWindow.setOligos(Oligo[] oligos)
 void PeakPicker.setOligos(Oligo[] oligos)
static double IntervalReportPrinter.calculateMeanNumberOligoMatches(Oligo[] oligos)
          Calculates the average number of oligo matches to the genome.
static void IntervalGFFPrinter.gff(Oligo o, Interval i, java.lang.String name, int oligoNumber, java.lang.StringBuffer s)
          Appends a GFF3 line for an Oligo.
 void Interval.setOligos(Oligo[] oligos)
 java.lang.String BindingPeak.toString(Oligo[] oligos, int oligoLength)
          Score, Left, Peak, Right