Uses of Class

Packages that use OligoBean

Uses of OligoBean in bioroot

Methods in bioroot that return OligoBean
static OligoBean[] Archive.makeOligoBeans(DBUtil bioRoot, UserBean userBean)
          Makes an array of all visibile OligoBeans

Uses of OligoBean in bioroot.oligo

Methods in bioroot.oligo that return OligoBean
 OligoBean[] OligoUploadBean.getOligoBeans()
static OligoBean[] OligoSpreadSheet.fetchOligoBeans(java.lang.String sql, DBUtil bioRoot)
          Build OligoBean[] from Oligo table in database.
static OligoBean[] OligoSpreadSheet.orderOligos(java.lang.String featureName, Preference pref, OligoBean[] beans, DBUtil bioRoot)
          Orders oligos, sort of nasty, can't figure another way, reflection is way too slow.
static OligoBean[] OligoBase.reverseOligoBeans(OligoBean[] beans)
          Reverses the order of an array of OligoBean.

Methods in bioroot.oligo with parameters of type OligoBean
 void OligoUploadBean.setOligoBeans(OligoBean[] beans)
static java.lang.String OligoSpreadSheet.fetchOligoTableRows(Preference pref, OligoBean[] beans, int[] startStop, DBUtil bioRoot, boolean checked, boolean allTabs)
          Returns table rows for every oligo according to an OligoPreference, if allTabs==true, then all features are returned in a tab delimited format, otherwise its HTML.
static OligoBean[] OligoSpreadSheet.orderOligos(java.lang.String featureName, Preference pref, OligoBean[] beans, DBUtil bioRoot)
          Orders oligos, sort of nasty, can't figure another way, reflection is way too slow.
static java.lang.String OligoModify.deleteOligo(OligoBean oligoBean, UserBean userBean, DBUtil bioRoot)
          Attempts to delete an oligo, if sucessful, returns a "" String, otherwise an error message.
static java.lang.String OligoModify.updateOligo(OligoBean oligoBean, UserBean userBean, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, DBUtil bioRoot)
          Attempts to update an OligoBean in the database, only checks that the name is unique if it has changed.
static boolean OligoModify.subtractAndSetOligoBeans(OligoBean[] oligoBeans, javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session)
          Subtracts a bean from the OligoBean[] and resets it in oligoBeansToEdit
static OligoBean[] OligoBase.reverseOligoBeans(OligoBean[] beans)
          Reverses the order of an array of OligoBean.
static java.lang.String OligoBase.getOligoReport(OligoBean ob, DBUtil bioRoot, UserBean userBean, boolean commonForm)
          Returns an oligo report.
static java.lang.String OligoBase.getOligoForm(OligoBean ob, DBUtil bioRoot, UserBean userBean)
          Returns an oligo form filled it with the values in the oligo bean.
static java.lang.String OligoBase.fetchConcentrationGroup(OligoBean ob)
          Returns a concentration unit