Uses of Class

Packages that use Feature

Uses of Feature in bioroot

Methods in bioroot that return Feature
static Feature[] Util.makeFeatures(java.lang.String[] stringFeatures)
          Use to make a default Feature[].
 Feature[] Preference.getFeatures()
static Feature[] Feature.makeFeatures(java.lang.String concat)
          Makes a Feature[] from a String concatinate, the thing that is actually stored in the database.

Methods in bioroot with parameters of type Feature
 void Preference.setFeatures(Feature[] features)
static java.lang.String Feature.createFeatureConcat(Feature[] features)
          Creates a String concatinate from a Feature[] for storage in the database.
static java.lang.String Feature.fetchCheckBoxNumberTableRows(Feature[] features, int numColumns)
static java.lang.String[] Feature.getFeatureNames(Feature[] features)
static java.lang.String Archive.fetchTabbedTableColumnRow(Feature[] features)
          Returns a table header row using the Preferece obj

Uses of Feature in bioroot.antibody

Methods in bioroot.antibody that return Feature
static Feature[][] AntibodyBase.splitAntibodyFeatures(Feature[] all)
          Returns arrays of Features where the F[0] = antibody, F[1]=abPrep, F[2]=useDil specific features.

Methods in bioroot.antibody with parameters of type Feature
static Feature[][] AntibodyBase.splitAntibodyFeatures(Feature[] all)
          Returns arrays of Features where the F[0] = antibody, F[1]=abPrep, F[2]=useDil specific features.