Uses of Class

Packages that use GeneGroup
trans.anno For associating intervals, binding regions, and binding peaks with GFF annotation. 
trans.roc For manipulating the BAC dmel spike in data and generating ROC curves. For representing gene annotation. GFF2 and GFF3 parsers. 

Uses of GeneGroup in trans.anno

Methods in trans.anno that return GeneGroup
 GeneGroup BindingRegion.getGeneGrp3Prime()
 GeneGroup BindingRegion.getGeneGrp5Prime()
static GeneGroup[] AnnotateRegions.filterGeneGroups(GeneGroup[] genes, java.util.HashSet cgNames)
          Returns an array of GeneGroup whose names were found in the Hash

Methods in trans.anno with parameters of type GeneGroup
 void geneGrp)
          Compares a binding region to a gene grp looking for where it is in relation to the binding region, 5', 3', overlap, contained.
 int AnnotateRegionsWithGeneList.findDistanceToATG(BindingRegion br, GeneGroup gp)
          Finds the distance to conservative estimate of an ATG, returns 0 if overlaps.
 int AnnotateRegionsWithGeneList.findDistToClosestTranscript(BindingRegion br, GeneGroup gp)
          Finds the distance to conservative estimate of start of first exon, returns 0 if overlaps.
static void AnnotateRegionsWithGeneList.compareBindingRegionsVsGeneGrps(GeneGroup[] geneGroups, BindingRegion[] bindingRegions)
          Does a complete scan, could be optimized.
 int AnnotateRegions.findDistanceToATG(BindingRegion br, GeneGroup gp)
          Finds the distance to conservative estimate of an ATG, returns 0 if overlaps.
 int AnnotateRegions.findDistToClosestTranscript(BindingRegion br, GeneGroup gp)
          Finds the distance to conservative estimate of start of first exon, returns 0 if overlaps.
static void AnnotateRegions.compareBindingRegionsVsGeneGrps(GeneGroup[] geneGroups, BindingRegion[] bindingRegions)
          Does a complete scan, could be optimized.
static GeneGroup[] AnnotateRegions.filterGeneGroups(GeneGroup[] genes, java.util.HashSet cgNames)
          Returns an array of GeneGroup whose names were found in the Hash

Uses of GeneGroup in trans.roc

Methods in trans.roc that return GeneGroup
static GeneGroup[] ParsePatternedWindows.extractGeneGroups(java.util.HashMap geneGroups, java.lang.String[] geneList)
          Pulls out a sub set of GeneGroups with the names in the geneList.

Methods in trans.roc with parameters of type GeneGroup
static RocWindow[] ParsePatternedWindows.fetchProximalWindows(GeneGroup[] geneGrps, RocWindow[] windows, int sizeUpstream)

Uses of GeneGroup in

Methods in that return GeneGroup
 GeneGroup GeneRep.getGeneGrp()

Constructors in with parameters of type GeneGroup
GeneRep(TransGroup[] transGrps, GeneGroup geneGrpRef)

Uses of GeneGroup in

Methods in that return GeneGroup
 GeneGroup[] DmelRel4Extractor.getGeneGroups()
          Final product from the extractor.