
GFF2 and GFF3 parsers.


Class Summary
DmelRel4Extractor Class for building gene models from GFF3Features, specifically tailored to release 4.0 drosophila melanogaster GFF.
GadFlyGffExtractor Class for building annotation objects from GffFeatures, basically a converter, specific to the old dmel GadFly annotation.
Gff3Feature A container for each of the values in a GFF3 line.
Gff3Parser For parsing a GFF3 text file into GFF3Feature objects, be sure to set the regExTypes String filter to match which types you want to save!
GffFeature A container for each of the values in a GFF 2 line.
GffParser Parses GFF files extracting the annotation according to GFF(2).

Package Description

GFF2 and GFF3 parsers.