Package meme

Wrapper for meme tweaked for processing multiple rounds of SELEX oligos.


Class Summary
MemeMotif This contains info generated from parsing a meme report, each found motif is represented by this class.
MemeParser Parses meme output into MemeMotif objects and stores some generalize info re the meme run.
MemeR Main, wRapper for meme geared toward processing multiple rounds of selex data.
MemeResults Holds the results from various parts of MemeR.
MotifHit Holds data related to a particular match of a matrix to a sequence.
MotifScanner MotifScanner objects are used to scan sequences with a particular weight matrix and generate an array of MotifHit objects.
MotifSearchResult Holds the results of searching a multi-fasta seq file with a particular motif.
UtilMeme A catch all class to hold static methods and parameters set by different classes associated by MemeR.

Package meme Description

Wrapper for meme tweaked for processing multiple rounds of SELEX oligos.