Package trans.roc

For manipulating the BAC dmel spike in data and generating ROC curves.


Class Summary
Bin Score collector for Sgr apps.
ExonScoreExtractor Extracts scores from files for particular groups of exons.
ExtractNonOverlappingWindows Parses out non overlapping RocWindows.
ExtractSaveSgrScores Application for extracting and saving the scores from a .sgr file as a serialized float[].
ExtractScoresForRoc Assignes values from an sgr file to a collection of RocWindows.
Gr Gr line container.
MethodTester Application for scoring '.sgr' files for positives and negatives in relation to known (spike in) data.
ParseBarsForParticularRegions Returns oligo values that overlap particular regions.
ParsePatternedWindows Finds RocWindows upstream and withing the neighborhood of the ATG start site of a patterned gene list.
ParseSgrsForParticularRegions Returns oligo values that overlap particular regions.
ParseSgrsForParticularScores Returns oligo values that overlap particular regions.
Positive Container for a positive BAC used by the Sgr scripts.
PWMScoreWindows Scores windows for hits to a transcription factor PWM, for RocWindow filtering.
RocWindow For holding information about a region for ROC analysis.
RocWindowScanner Scans a window array over a range of thresholds and intersects with a list of positives to generate the false positive rate, true positive rate, and false discovery rates.
Sgr Sgr line container.
SgrBacCounter Application for scoring '.sgr' files for positives and negatives in relation to the BAC spike in data.

Package trans.roc Description

For manipulating the BAC dmel spike in data and generating ROC curves.