Math and statistical static methods.
Field Summary | |
static double |
static double |
Constructor Summary | |
Method Summary | |
static double |
antiLog(double loggedValue,
int base)
Converts to unlogged value. |
static float[] |
antiLog(float[] loggedValues,
int base)
Converts an array float[] to unlogged values. |
static double[] |
appendDouble(double[] d,
double newValue)
Returns a new array with the newValue appended on the end. |
static int[][] |
arrayList2IntArrayArray(java.util.ArrayList al)
Converts an ArrayList of int[]s to int[][]. |
static double[] |
arrayListOfDoubleToArray(java.util.ArrayList dbl)
ArrayList of Double to double[] |
static float[] |
arrayListOfFloatToArray(java.util.ArrayList flt)
ArrayList of Float to float[] |
static double[] |
arrayListToDoubles(java.util.ArrayList doubles)
ArrayList of Double to double[] |
static int[] |
arrayListToInts(java.util.ArrayList integers)
ArrayList of Integer to int[] |
static double |
aveFoldDiffCombine(int[] t,
int[] c)
Calculates the average fold difference between two int[]s of the same length. |
static double |
aveFoldDiffIndividual(int[] t,
int[] c)
Calculates the average fold difference between two int[]s of the same length. |
static double |
averageFloatArray(float[] f)
Averages a float[] |
static double[] |
averageFloatArrays(float[][] ints)
Average float[][] values to double[], averages repeats [values][numRepeats] |
static double[] |
averageFloatArraysFlipped(float[][] ints)
Average float[][] values to double[], averages repeats [numChips][OligoValues]. |
static float[] |
averageFloatArraysFlippedToFloat(float[][] ints)
Average float[][] values to double[], averages repeats [numChips][OligoValues]. |
static float[] |
averageFloatArraysFlippedToFloats(float[][] ints)
Average float[][] values to float[], averages repeats [numChips][OligoValues]. |
static double |
averageIntArray(int[] f)
Averages a int[] |
static double[] |
averageIntIntArray(int[][] ints)
Average int[][] values to double[], averages repeats [numRepeats][values] |
static double[] |
averageIntIntArray2(int[][] ints)
Average int[][] values to double[], averages values [numRepeats][values] |
static double |
calcMaxMedianAbsoluteDifference(float[][] oligosValues)
Calculates the maximum median absolute difference between arrays of float where int[oligo index number][oligo intensity measurements] |
static double |
calcMeanMedianAbsoluteDifference(float[][] oligosValues)
Calculates the mean of the median absolute differences between arrays of float where float[oligo index number][oligo intensity measurements] |
static double[] |
collapseDoubleArray(double[][] fs)
Assumes equal lengths of the double[]s |
static float[] |
collapseFloatArray(float[][] fs)
Assumes equal lengths of the float[]s |
static int[] |
collapseIntArray(int[][] ints)
Assumes equal lengths of the int[]s |
static float[] |
collapsePartOfAnArray(float[][] fs,
int startIndex,
int stopIndex)
Assumes equal lengths of the float[]s |
static float[] |
concatinate(float[][] f)
Concatinates the float[]s, variable sizes OK. |
static float[] |
concatinate(float[] one,
float[] two)
Joins two float[]s using System.arraycopy(). |
static double[] |
convertToDouble(int[] d)
Convert to double[] |
static float[] |
convertToFloat(int[] d)
Convert to float[] |
static int[] |
convertToInt(double[] d)
Convert to int[] |
static int[] |
convertToInt(float[] d)
Convert to int[] |
static double[] |
convertToMedianZScores(double[] values)
Converts an array of values to z scores using median as appose to mean. |
static double[] |
convertToZScores(double[] values)
Converts an array of values to z scores. |
static double[] |
convertToZScores(double[] values,
double mean,
double stndDev)
Converts an array of values to z scores given their mean and standard deviation. |
static double |
correlationCoefficient(double[] x,
double[] y)
Calculates Pearson correlation coefficient, r, from two double[]s |
static double |
correlationCoefficient(float[] x,
float[] y)
Calculates Pearson correlation coefficient, r, from two float[]s. |
static double |
correlationCoefficient(int[] x,
int[] y)
Calculates Pearson correlation coefficient, r, from two int[]s. |
static int |
countObjects(java.lang.Object[][] i)
Returns the number of objects in the arrays. |
static int |
countOutliers(float[] f,
double threshold,
boolean exceedsThreshold)
Counts the number of values that are > or < threshold based on boolean. |
static int |
countValues(int[][] i)
Returns the number of elements/ values in the array. |
static double[] |
difference(double[] t,
double[] c)
Returns the difference of each pair. |
static double[] |
difference(int[] t,
int[] c)
Returns the difference of each pair. |
static java.lang.String |
doubleArrayToString(double[] d,
int numberOfDecimalPlaces,
java.lang.String delimiter)
Converts an array of double to a String with a defined number of decimal places and a delimiter. |
static java.lang.String |
doubleArrayToStringOnlyMax(double[] d,
int maxNumDec,
java.lang.String delimiter)
Converts an array of double to a String with a maximal number of defined decimal places and a delimiter. |
static float[][] |
expandFloatArray(float[] f,
int numRows,
int numColumns)
Converts a float[] to float[][], must be certain about the number of rows and colmns! |
static long |
factorial(int x)
Calculates N! modified from http://www.unix.org.ua/orelly/java-ent/jnut/ch01_03.htm |
static float[] |
fetchMatrixValues(float[][] matrix,
int[][] xy)
Given a square table and a list of coordinates, will return the associated values. |
static int |
findClosestEndIndex(int[] positions,
int key)
Finds the index of the key in the int[] but wont exceed the int[index] |
static int |
findClosestIndexToValue(float[] sortedValues,
float key)
Returns the index of the closest values[index] to the key. |
static int |
findClosestIndexToValue(int[] sortedValues,
int key)
Returns the index of the closest values[index] to the key. |
static int |
findClosestStartIndex(int[] positions,
int key)
Finds the index of the key in the int[] but wont preceed the int[index] |
static float |
findHighestFloat(float[] ints)
Finds and returns the biggest float in an float[]. |
static int |
findHighestInt(int[] ints)
Finds and returns the biggest int in an int[]. |
static int |
findMaxIntIndex(int[] ints)
Returns the first index containing the maximum value. |
static double[] |
findMinMaxDoubleValues(double[] f)
Finds min and max values of a float array. |
static float[] |
findMinMaxFloatArrays(float[][] f)
Finds min and max values of a float array. |
static float[] |
findMinMaxFloatValues(float[] f)
Finds min and max values of an unsorted float array. |
static int[] |
findMinMaxIntInt(int[][] f)
Finds min and max values of a int array. |
static int[] |
findMinMaxIntValues(int[] f)
Finds min and max values of a int array. |
static int[] |
findStartStopIndexes(int[] positions,
int startValue,
int stopValue,
boolean notExact)
Finds the start and stop indexes given a sorted int[] of values and two values, one after the other, close together, otherwise just use Arrays.binarySearch. |
static boolean |
findZeros(float[] f)
Scans a float array for zeros, if found returns true, other wise returns false. |
static java.lang.String |
formatNumber(double num,
int numberOfDecimalPlaces)
Converts a double ddd.dddddddd to a user determined number of decimal places right of the . |
static java.lang.String |
formatNumberOneFraction(double num)
Converts a double ddd.dddddddd to sss.s |
static java.lang.String |
formatPercentOneFraction(double num)
Converts 0.345543 to 34.6% |
static double[] |
geoMeanFloatArraysFlipped(float[][] ints)
Takes the geometric mean of float[][] values to double[], [numChips][OligoValues], returns the values in log base 2. |
static double |
geometricMean(double[] x)
Geometric mean. |
static double[] |
geometricMean(float[][] ints)
Takes a geometric average of float[][] values [numChips][OligoValues]. |
static float[] |
geometricMeanRatio(float[][] t,
float[][] c)
Returns the log2 ratio of each pair, takes a geometric mean of replicas. |
static double[] |
geometricMeanSkipZeros(float[][] ints)
Takes a geometric average of float[][] values to double[], averages repeats [numChips][OligoValues]. |
static float |
getAverageInts(int start,
int end)
Gets the average of the integers bracketed and including the start and end. |
static float[][] |
identifyOutliers(float[][] f,
int[][] controls,
float threshold,
boolean exceedsThreshold)
Loads a zeroed matrix with values that are > or < threshold based on boolean. |
static java.lang.String |
intArrayToString(int[] d,
java.lang.String delimiter)
Converts an array of int to a String seperated by the delimiter. |
static void |
invertArray(float[] x)
Inverts the float[]. |
static double[] |
layeredLogRatios(float[][] oligoTreat,
float[][] oligoCont)
Given two float[replica][values] for treat and cont, for each replica makes all pairwise log2 ratios between treat and control. |
static float[][] |
layeredLogRatiosSeperate(float[][] treatment,
float[][] control)
Given two float[replica][intensities] for treat and cont, for each oligo makes and returns all pairwise log2 ratios between treat and control replicas. |
static double[] |
layeredRatios(float[][] oligoTreat,
float[][] oligoCont)
Given two float[replica][values] for treat and cont, for each replica makes all pairwise ratios between treat and control. |
static float[][] |
layeredRatiosSeperate(float[][] treatment,
float[][] control)
Given two float[replica][intensities] for treat and cont, for each oligo makes and returns all pairwise ratios between treat and control replicas. |
static double[] |
layeredRelativeDifferences(float[][] oligoTreat,
float[][] oligoCont)
Given two float[replica][values] for treat and cont, for each replica makes all pairwise relative differences between treat and control. |
static float[][] |
layeredRelativeDifferencesSeperate(float[][] treatment,
float[][] control)
Given two float[replica][intensities] for treat and cont, for each oligo makes and returns all pairwise relative differences between treat and control replicas. |
static double[] |
loadDoubles(java.io.File f)
Loads a column of double from a file into an array. |
static float[][] |
loadFloatArray(int x,
int y,
float value)
Makes a float[x][y] and fills it with the value. |
static int[] |
loadInts(java.io.File f)
Loads a column of ints from a file into an array. |
static float[][] |
loadMatrixValues(float[][] matrix,
int[][] xy)
Given a square table and a list of coordinates, will return the associated values in a new zeroed square table. |
static double |
log10(double number)
Returns the LOG base 10 of the number. |
static double |
log2(double number)
Returns the LOG base 2 of the number. |
static float |
log2(float number)
Returns the LOG base 2 of the number. |
static void |
log2(float[] f)
Log2s every number in the array replacing the original values. |
static void |
log2(float[][] f)
Log2s every number in the array replacing the original values. |
static float[] |
log2Return(float[] f)
Log2s every number in the array keeping original intact. |
static float[][] |
log2Return(float[][] f)
Log2s every number in the array returning the values, keep original intact. |
static double[] |
log2ReturnDouble(float[] f)
Log2s every number in the array keeping original intact. |
static double[] |
logRatios(double[] t,
double[] c)
Calculates log base 2 ratios. |
static float[] |
logRatios(float[][] t,
float[][] c)
Returns the log2 ratio of each pair, averaging replicas. |
static double[] |
logRatios(float[] t,
float[] c)
Calculates log base 2 ratios. |
static void |
maskOutliers(float[][] f,
float outlierThreshold)
Runs through float[][] setting any values that exceed the outlierThreshold to zero. |
static double |
matScore(float[] t,
float[] c)
Takes unlogged MAT normalized t-values, sorts, logs and takes a variant of a number stabilized trimmed mean ratio. |
static double |
mean(double[] t)
Averages a double array. |
static float |
mean(float[] t)
Averages a float array. |
static float[][] |
mean(float[][] one,
float[][] two)
Averages two float[][]s, assumes a square. |
static float[] |
mean(float[] one,
float[] two)
Averages two float[]s . |
static double |
mean(int[] t)
Averages a int array. |
static java.lang.String |
meanDoubles(java.util.ArrayList Doubles)
Averages an ArrayList of Double objects. |
static double |
meanIgnoreZeros(float[] f)
Calculates a mean on the non zero floats, return zero if no non zero values were found. |
static int |
meanIntegers(java.util.ArrayList Integers)
Averages an ArrayList of Integer objects. |
static double |
median(double[] sorted)
Calculates Median of a sorted double[]. |
static double |
median(float[] sorted)
Calculates Median of a sorted float[]. |
static double |
median(int[] sorted)
Calculates Median of a sorted int[]. |
static double |
median(short[] sorted)
Calculates Median of a sorted short[]. |
static double |
medianAbsoluteDifference(float[] x,
float[] y)
Calculates the median absolute difference. |
static java.lang.String |
medianFloatArray(float[][] replicasIntensities)
static double |
medianIgnoreZeros(float[] m)
Calculates the median value of a sorted float[] ignoring leading zero values! |
static float[][] |
medianNormalize(float[][] f,
double targetMedian)
Median normalizes an unsorted float[][] array to a given target. |
static float[] |
medianNormalize(float[] f,
float targetMedian)
Median normalize unsorted array to a given number. |
static double |
millisecToDays(long ms)
Converts milliseconds to days. |
static double |
minus10log10(double pvalue)
Returns the -10 * LOG base 10 of the number. |
static int[] |
modeOfHistogram(int[] ints)
Finds mode of a int[] histogram array, assumes one peak, returns the index position, value/frequency. |
static double[] |
pairedLogRatios(float[][] treatments,
float[][] controls)
Given two float[replica][values] for treat and cont, for each replica makes matched pairwise log ratios between treat and control. |
static double[] |
pairedRatios(float[][] treatments,
float[][] controls)
Given two float[replica][values] for treat and cont, for each replica makes matched pairwise ratios between treat and control. |
static double[] |
pairedRelativeDifferences(float[][] treatments,
float[][] controls)
Given two float[replica][values] for treat and cont, for each replica makes matched pairwise relative differences between treat and control. |
static float[] |
pairwiseMeans(float[] d)
Returns all pairwise averages. |
static double[] |
pairwiseMeansDouble(float[] d)
Returns all pairwise averages. |
static double[] |
parseDoubles(java.lang.String[] doubles)
Parses doubles from a String[] of doubles. |
static int |
parseInt(java.lang.String stringInt,
int failNumber)
Attemps to parse an int, returns failNumber if it fails. |
static int[] |
parseInts(java.lang.String[] ints)
Parses ints from a String[] of ints. |
static double[] |
partialPairwiseMeans(float[] a,
float[] b)
Returns all pairwise averages between a and b but not self pairwise. |
static float |
percentile(float[] sortedFloats,
double percentile)
Returns the value of a given percentile from a SORTED array. |
static float[][] |
pooledSubArray(float[][] treatment,
float[][] control,
int startIndex,
int stopIndex)
Builds a pooled from part of a float[replica][intensities] for treat and control. |
static double[] |
prependDouble(double[] d,
double newValue)
Returns a new array with the newValue appended on the beginning. |
static double |
pseudoMedian(double[] d)
Returns a Hodges-Lehmann estimator, the median of all pairwise means. |
static double |
pseudoMedian(float[] d)
Returns a Hodges-Lehmann estimator, the median of all pairwise means. |
static double[] |
pseudoMedian(float[][] repInt)
Calculates the pseudoMedian on each replica of intensities. |
static double[] |
quartiles(float[] sortedFloatArray)
Calculates the Q1,Q2,and Q3 (25th, 50th, and 75th percentile). |
static void |
randomize(float[][] f)
Randomizes the intensities, not between replicas. |
static void |
randomize(float[] f,
long seed)
Randomizes the array by permutating indexes and swapping. |
static void |
randomizeFirstArray(float[][] f,
long seed)
Randomizes the first array by permutating indexes and swapping. |
static float[] |
randomSample(float[] x,
int numToSample)
Returns an array of float[numToSample] populated with randomly picked values from x. |
static double[] |
ratio(double[] t,
double[] c)
Returns the ratio of each pair. |
static float[] |
ratio(float[][] t,
float[][] c)
Returns the ratio of each pair, averages replicas. |
static double[] |
ratio(float[] t,
float[] c)
Returns the ratio of each pair. |
static double[] |
ratio(int[] t,
double[] c)
Returns the ratio of each pair. |
static double[] |
ratio(int[] t,
int[] c)
Returns the ratio of each pair. |
static double |
relativeDifference(double t,
double c)
Calculates a relative difference. |
static float[] |
relativeDifferences(float[][] t,
float[][] c)
Returns the relative difference of each pair, averages replicas. |
static double[] |
relativeDifferences(float[] t,
float[] c)
Calculates relative differences. |
static double |
relativeDifferenceToLog2Ratio(double relDiff)
Converter |
static float[] |
relativeDifferenceToLog2Ratio(float[] relDiff)
Converter |
static double[] |
removeNaNInfinite(double[] d)
Removes any NaN or Infinite |
static float[] |
removeZeroValues(float[] f)
Remove zero values from float array. |
static float[][] |
removeZeroValues(float[][] f)
Provide a float[2][0], will remove zeros from both and there matched pair. |
static float[][][] |
removeZeroValues(float[][] t,
float[][] c)
Removes zero values and their assoicated values from all arrays. |
static float[][] |
rotateClockwise(float[][] matrix)
Rotates a square matrix 90 degrees Clock Wise? |
static float[][] |
rotateCounterClockwise(float[][] matrix)
Rotates a square matrix 90 degrees CounterClockWise? |
static double[] |
round(double[] d,
int numDecimals)
Rounds a double[] based on number of desired decimals, ie 1 = x.x, 2 = x.xx limited to 6 |
static double |
round(double d,
int numDecimals)
Rounds a double based on number of desired decimals, ie 1 = x.x, 2 = x.xx limited to 6 |
static float[] |
sam(float[] t,
float[] c,
double fudge)
Calculates the SAM d statistic, similar to a t-statistic with a bit of fudge added into the denominator to control for zero variance conditions. |
static void |
saveMatrixValues(float[][] matrix,
int[][] xy,
float threshold,
java.io.File f)
Given a square table and a list of coordinates, save the associated values. |
static double[] |
smoothScores(double[] scores,
int[] positions,
int windowSize)
Uses a sliding window to smooth the scores applying a trimmed mean (drop 1 from ends) to the scores found within the window. |
static float[] |
squareRoots(int num)
Returns the integer square root from zero to num. |
static double |
standardDeviation(double[] x)
Calculates standard deviation of an double[] |
static double |
standardDeviation(double[] x,
double mean)
Calculates standard deviation of a double[] and mean. |
static double |
standardDeviation(float[] x)
Calculates standard deviation of an float[] |
static double |
standardDeviation(float[] x,
double mean)
Calculates standard deviation of an float[] given a mean. |
static double |
standardDeviation(int[] x)
Calculates standard deviation of an int[] |
static double |
standardDeviation(int[] x,
double mean)
Calculates standard deviation of an int[] and mean. |
static double |
standardDeviationOfDifference(int[] t,
int[] c)
Calculates the standard deviation of the difference between two int[]s of the same length. |
static double |
standardError(double[] x,
double mean)
Calculates standard error of a double[] given it's mean. |
static void |
statFloatArray(float[] f,
boolean printHistogram)
Calculates Min, Max, Mean, Median, Mode, and Histogram/10 for a Float[] |
static int[] |
stringArrayToInts(java.lang.String s,
java.lang.String delimiter)
Given a String of ints delimited by something, will parse or return null. |
static float[][] |
subArray(float[][] intensities,
int startIndex,
int stopIndex)
Builds a sub array from part of a float[replica][intensities]. |
static int |
sumIntArray(int[] ints)
Sums an int array |
static double |
trimmedMean(double[] sortedFloat,
double fraction)
Trims the fraction off the top and bottom, returns the mean of the remainder, rounds trimming # up. |
static double |
trimmedMean(double[] sortedDouble,
int trimNumber)
Makes a trimmed mean, note the trim number is not a % but the number of values to drop from the beginning and end of the ordered set. |
static double |
trimmedMean(float[] sortedFloat,
double fraction)
Trims the fraction off the top and bottom, returns the mean of the remainder, rounds trimming # up. |
static double |
trimmedMean(float[] sortedFloat,
int trimNumber)
Makes a trimmed mean, note the trim number is not a % but the number of values to drop from the beginning and end of the ordered set. |
static float[][] |
trimOutliers(float[][] f,
float cutoff,
float replacement)
For each f[replica][]Sets values exceeding the cutoff to the default. |
static float[] |
trimOutliers(float[] f,
float cutoff,
float replacement)
Sets values exceeding the cutoff to the default. |
static double |
tukeyBiWeight(double[] x)
Calculates a one-step tukey biweight estimator using 5 as the tuning constant and adding 0.0001 to the denominator to avoid dividing by zero, Affy's params. |
static double[] |
windowAverageScores(double[] scores,
int windowSize)
Slides a window along an array, one index at a time, averaging the contents. |
static float[] |
windowAverageScores(float[] scores,
int windowSize)
Slides a window along an array, one index at a time, averaging the contents. |
static float[] |
windowAverageScoresIgnoreScore(float[][] scores,
float scoreToIgnore,
int windowSize)
Slides a window along an array, one index at a time, averaging the contents, ignores zero values. |
static float[] |
windowAverageScoresIgnoreScore(float[] scores,
float scoreToIgnore,
int windowSize)
Slides a window along an array, one index at a time, averaging the contents. |
static double[] |
windowAverageScoresIgnoreZeros(double[] scores,
int windowSize)
Slides a window along an array, one index at a time, averaging the contents, ignores zero values. |
static float[][] |
zeroedFloatArray(int x,
int y)
Makes a float[x][y] and fills it with zeros. |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Field Detail |
public static final double log10
public static final double log2
Constructor Detail |
public Num()
Method Detail |
public static float[] relativeDifferenceToLog2Ratio(float[] relDiff)
public static double relativeDifferenceToLog2Ratio(double relDiff)
public static double millisecToDays(long ms)
public static void invertArray(float[] x)
public static long factorial(int x)
public static int[][] arrayList2IntArrayArray(java.util.ArrayList al)
public static double antiLog(double loggedValue, int base)
public static float[] antiLog(float[] loggedValues, int base)
public static boolean findZeros(float[] f)
public static float[][] rotateCounterClockwise(float[][] matrix)
public static float[][] rotateClockwise(float[][] matrix)
public static int findMaxIntIndex(int[] ints)
public static void log2(float[][] f)
public static float[][] log2Return(float[][] f)
public static void log2(float[] f)
public static float[] log2Return(float[] f)
public static double[] log2ReturnDouble(float[] f)
public static double[] parseDoubles(java.lang.String[] doubles)
public static int[] parseInts(java.lang.String[] ints)
public static double[] convertToZScores(double[] values, double mean, double stndDev)
public static double[] convertToZScores(double[] values)
public static double[] convertToMedianZScores(double[] values)
public static double[] appendDouble(double[] d, double newValue)
public static double[] prependDouble(double[] d, double newValue)
public static double tukeyBiWeight(double[] x)
public static double geometricMean(double[] x)
public static float percentile(float[] sortedFloats, double percentile)
public static void maskOutliers(float[][] f, float outlierThreshold)
public static int countValues(int[][] i)
public static int countObjects(java.lang.Object[][] i)
public static int countOutliers(float[] f, double threshold, boolean exceedsThreshold)
public static float[][] identifyOutliers(float[][] f, int[][] controls, float threshold, boolean exceedsThreshold)
public static float[] fetchMatrixValues(float[][] matrix, int[][] xy)
public static void saveMatrixValues(float[][] matrix, int[][] xy, float threshold, java.io.File f)
public static float[][] loadMatrixValues(float[][] matrix, int[][] xy)
public static double[] quartiles(float[] sortedFloatArray)
public static float[][] zeroedFloatArray(int x, int y)
public static float[][] loadFloatArray(int x, int y, float value)
public static float[] randomSample(float[] x, int numToSample)
public static void randomize(float[] f, long seed)
public static void randomizeFirstArray(float[][] f, long seed)
public static void randomize(float[][] f)
public static float[][] layeredRatiosSeperate(float[][] treatment, float[][] control)
public static float[][] layeredRelativeDifferencesSeperate(float[][] treatment, float[][] control)
public static double[] layeredRelativeDifferences(float[][] oligoTreat, float[][] oligoCont)
public static float[][] layeredLogRatiosSeperate(float[][] treatment, float[][] control)
public static double[] layeredRatios(float[][] oligoTreat, float[][] oligoCont)
public static double[] pairedRatios(float[][] treatments, float[][] controls)
public static double[] pairedRelativeDifferences(float[][] treatments, float[][] controls)
public static double[] layeredLogRatios(float[][] oligoTreat, float[][] oligoCont)
public static double[] pairedLogRatios(float[][] treatments, float[][] controls)
public static double matScore(float[] t, float[] c)
public static double pseudoMedian(double[] d)
public static float[] squareRoots(int num)
public static float[] pairwiseMeans(float[] d)
public static double[] pairwiseMeansDouble(float[] d)
public static double[] partialPairwiseMeans(float[] a, float[] b)
public static float[] concatinate(float[][] f)
public static float[] concatinate(float[] one, float[] two)
public static float[][] subArray(float[][] intensities, int startIndex, int stopIndex)
public static double[] pseudoMedian(float[][] repInt)
- float[replica index][actual intensity values]public static double pseudoMedian(float[] d)
public static float[][][] removeZeroValues(float[][] t, float[][] c)
public static float[] trimOutliers(float[] f, float cutoff, float replacement)
public static float[][] trimOutliers(float[][] f, float cutoff, float replacement)
public static float[] medianNormalize(float[] f, float targetMedian)
public static float[][] medianNormalize(float[][] f, double targetMedian)
public static double medianIgnoreZeros(float[] m)
public static int[] convertToInt(double[] d)
public static double[] convertToDouble(int[] d)
public static int[] convertToInt(float[] d)
public static float[] convertToFloat(int[] d)
public static double[] relativeDifferences(float[] t, float[] c)
public static double relativeDifference(double t, double c)
public static double[] logRatios(double[] t, double[] c)
public static double[] logRatios(float[] t, float[] c)
public static double[] round(double[] d, int numDecimals)
public static double round(double d, int numDecimals)
public static double[] removeNaNInfinite(double[] d)
public static double log10(double number)
public static double log2(double number)
public static float log2(float number)
public static double minus10log10(double pvalue)
public static int[] loadInts(java.io.File f)
public static double[] loadDoubles(java.io.File f)
public static int[] arrayListToInts(java.util.ArrayList integers)
public static double[] arrayListToDoubles(java.util.ArrayList doubles)
public static int parseInt(java.lang.String stringInt, int failNumber)
public static void statFloatArray(float[] f, boolean printHistogram)
public static float[] removeZeroValues(float[] f)
public static float getAverageInts(int start, int end)
public static int[] collapseIntArray(int[][] ints)
public static java.lang.String medianFloatArray(float[][] replicasIntensities)
- - float[replicaNumber][associatedIntensities]
public static float[] collapseFloatArray(float[][] fs)
public static float[] collapsePartOfAnArray(float[][] fs, int startIndex, int stopIndex)
public static double[] collapseDoubleArray(double[][] fs)
public static float[][] expandFloatArray(float[] f, int numRows, int numColumns)
public static double averageIntArray(int[] f)
public static double averageFloatArray(float[] f)
public static int[] findMinMaxIntValues(int[] f)
public static float[] findMinMaxFloatValues(float[] f)
public static double[] findMinMaxDoubleValues(double[] f)
public static int[] findMinMaxIntInt(int[][] f)
public static float[] findMinMaxFloatArrays(float[][] f)
public static int findClosestStartIndex(int[] positions, int key)
public static int findClosestEndIndex(int[] positions, int key)
public static int findClosestIndexToValue(int[] sortedValues, int key)
public static int findClosestIndexToValue(float[] sortedValues, float key)
public static int[] findStartStopIndexes(int[] positions, int startValue, int stopValue, boolean notExact)
public static double standardDeviationOfDifference(int[] t, int[] c)
public static double[] averageIntIntArray(int[][] ints)
public static double[] averageFloatArrays(float[][] ints)
public static double[] averageFloatArraysFlipped(float[][] ints)
public static float[] averageFloatArraysFlippedToFloat(float[][] ints)
public static double[] geoMeanFloatArraysFlipped(float[][] ints)
public static float[] averageFloatArraysFlippedToFloats(float[][] ints)
public static double[] geometricMeanSkipZeros(float[][] ints)
public static double[] geometricMean(float[][] ints)
public static double[] averageIntIntArray2(int[][] ints)
public static double[] smoothScores(double[] scores, int[] positions, int windowSize)
public static double meanIgnoreZeros(float[] f)
public static double[] windowAverageScores(double[] scores, int windowSize)
public static double[] windowAverageScoresIgnoreZeros(double[] scores, int windowSize)
public static float[] windowAverageScoresIgnoreScore(float[][] scores, float scoreToIgnore, int windowSize)
public static float[] windowAverageScoresIgnoreScore(float[] scores, float scoreToIgnore, int windowSize)
public static float[] windowAverageScores(float[] scores, int windowSize)
public static double trimmedMean(double[] sortedFloat, double fraction)
public static double trimmedMean(float[] sortedFloat, double fraction)
public static double trimmedMean(double[] sortedDouble, int trimNumber)
public static double trimmedMean(float[] sortedFloat, int trimNumber)
public static double[] arrayListOfDoubleToArray(java.util.ArrayList dbl)
public static float[] arrayListOfFloatToArray(java.util.ArrayList flt)
public static double aveFoldDiffCombine(int[] t, int[] c)
public static double aveFoldDiffIndividual(int[] t, int[] c)
public static double[] ratio(double[] t, double[] c)
public static float[] ratio(float[][] t, float[][] c)
public static float[] relativeDifferences(float[][] t, float[][] c)
public static float[] geometricMeanRatio(float[][] t, float[][] c)
public static float[] logRatios(float[][] t, float[][] c)
public static double[] ratio(float[] t, float[] c)
public static double[] ratio(int[] t, double[] c)
public static double[] ratio(int[] t, int[] c)
public static double[] difference(int[] t, int[] c)
public static double[] difference(double[] t, double[] c)
public static float[][] pooledSubArray(float[][] treatment, float[][] control, int startIndex, int stopIndex)
- and control float[replicas][intensities]
public static float[] sam(float[] t, float[] c, double fudge)
public static double standardDeviation(int[] x)
public static double standardDeviation(int[] x, double mean)
public static double standardDeviation(float[] x)
public static double standardDeviation(float[] x, double mean)
public static double standardDeviation(double[] x)
public static double standardDeviation(double[] x, double mean)
public static double standardError(double[] x, double mean)
public static double medianAbsoluteDifference(float[] x, float[] y)
public static double calcMaxMedianAbsoluteDifference(float[][] oligosValues)
public static double calcMeanMedianAbsoluteDifference(float[][] oligosValues)
public static double correlationCoefficient(int[] x, int[] y)
public static float[][] removeZeroValues(float[][] f)
public static double correlationCoefficient(float[] x, float[] y)
public static double correlationCoefficient(double[] x, double[] y)
public static java.lang.String formatPercentOneFraction(double num)
public static java.lang.String formatNumberOneFraction(double num)
public static java.lang.String formatNumber(double num, int numberOfDecimalPlaces)
public static java.lang.String doubleArrayToString(double[] d, int numberOfDecimalPlaces, java.lang.String delimiter)
public static java.lang.String doubleArrayToStringOnlyMax(double[] d, int maxNumDec, java.lang.String delimiter)
public static java.lang.String intArrayToString(int[] d, java.lang.String delimiter)
public static int[] stringArrayToInts(java.lang.String s, java.lang.String delimiter)
public static double median(double[] sorted)
public static double median(int[] sorted)
public static double median(short[] sorted)
public static double median(float[] sorted)
public static float mean(float[] t)
public static float[] mean(float[] one, float[] two)
public static float[][] mean(float[][] one, float[][] two)
public static double mean(int[] t)
public static double mean(double[] t)
public static int meanIntegers(java.util.ArrayList Integers)
public static java.lang.String meanDoubles(java.util.ArrayList Doubles)
public static int findHighestInt(int[] ints)
public static float findHighestFloat(float[] ints)
public static int sumIntArray(int[] ints)
public static int[] modeOfHistogram(int[] ints)