Class Misc

  extended byutil.gen.Misc

public class Misc
extends java.lang.Object

A variety of static methods.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static java.lang.String addZeros(java.lang.String x)
          Prepends zeros to a string such that its total length = 10.
static java.lang.String[] addZeros(java.lang.String[] x)
          Prepends zeros to each String such that its total length = 10.
static java.lang.String capitalizeFirstLetter(java.lang.String s)
          Capitalizes the first letter in a String.
static java.lang.String clipUnderScore(java.lang.String string)
          Removes the random digit_ proceeding a string, (ie 2432344322_fileName.txt to fileName.txt)
static java.util.HashMap createHashMap(java.lang.String[] s)
          Creates a HashMap from a String[] where the array is ordered such as key,value,key,value...
static java.util.LinkedHashMap createLinkedHashMap(java.lang.String[] s, int direction)
          Creates a LinkedHashMap from a String[] where the array is ordered such as key,value,key,value...
static java.lang.String doubleArrayToString(double[] i, java.lang.String separator)
          Returns a String separated by separator for each double[i].
static int extractIdFromConcat(java.lang.String concat)
          Takes a String like testSlide:33328:testslide desc...:1 or test: gip: 2, splits on the : and looks for ID in the last String[x], if not found it returns zero, otherwise it returns a parsed int.
static int extractIdFromFrontOfConcat(java.lang.String concat)
          Takes a String like 1: testSlide: 33328:testslide desc etc or 2: test: gip, splits on the : and looks for ID in the first String[x], if not found it returns zero, otherwise it returns a parsed int.
static java.lang.String[] extractIDsFromConcats(java.lang.String[] concats)
          Ditto to extractIDFromConcat but works on String[] returning IDs as a String[].
static void fatalError(java.lang.String message)
          Prints message to screen, to log4j error, then exits.
static java.lang.String fetchExit(java.lang.String key, java.util.HashMap map)
          Looks for key, if not found prints error message and exists.
static int fetchMatchingStringArrayIndex(java.lang.String guess, java.lang.String[] choices)
          Loose matching of substring guess from larger String[]s.
static java.lang.String floatArrayToString(float[] i, java.lang.String separator)
          Returns a String separated by separator for each float[i].
static java.lang.String getDate()
          Returns a nicely formated time (15 May 2004).
static java.lang.String getDateNoSpaces()
          Returns a nicely formated time (15May2004).
static java.lang.String getFormattedTimeFromFraction(double fractionalTime)
          Returns a formatted time 2:15:00 given 2.25
static java.lang.String[] hashSetToStringArray(java.util.HashSet hash)
          Converts a hash to a String[] by direct cast.
static java.lang.String intArrayToString(int[] i, java.lang.String separator)
          Returns a String separated by separator for each int[i].
static int[] integerArrayListToIntArray(java.util.ArrayList integerAL)
          Converts an ArrayList of Integer to int[].
static boolean isEmpty(java.lang.String text)
          Method to check if a string is null or empty after trimming.
static boolean isNotEmpty(java.lang.String text)
          Method to check if a string is not null and contains more than "".
static boolean isStringEmpty(java.lang.String string)
          Returns true if a String contains just white space or is empty.
static java.util.HashSet loadHashSet(java.lang.Object[] s)
          Loads a HashSet with and Object array.
static java.util.ArrayList objectArrayToArrayList(java.lang.Object[] ob)
          Converts an Object[] to an ArrayList
static java.util.ArrayList parseKeyValueGroups(java.lang.String line)
          Given a String of 'treat1=/file1,/file2*treat2=/file3,/file4*treat3=/file5,file6' Will return an ArrayList contining first a String[] of the keys {treat1,treat2,treat3} and second a String[][] of the parsed values matching the keys.
static java.util.LinkedHashMap parseKeyValues(java.lang.String line)
          Given a String of 'treat1=/file1,treat2=/file3, etc', no spaces, returns a LinkedHashMap of keys=values.
static java.lang.String[] prependString(java.lang.String[] d, java.lang.String newValue)
          Returns a new array with the newValue appended on the beginning.
static void printArray(java.util.ArrayList array)
          Prints ArrayList to System.out
static void printArray(double[] array)
          Prints a double[] to System.out on a single line.
static void printArray(double[][] d)
          Print to System.out a double[][]
static void printArray(float[] array)
          Prints a int[] to System.out
static void printArray(float[][] d)
          Print to System.out a float[][]
static void printArray(int[] array)
          Prints a int[] to System.out
static void printArray(int[][] d)
          Print to System.out a int[][]
static void printArray(java.lang.Object[] array)
          Prints a Object[] to System.out
static void printArray(java.lang.Object[][] array)
          Prints a Object[][] to System.out
static void printArray(java.lang.String[] array)
          Prints a String[] to System.out
static void printArrayLine(java.lang.String[] array)
          Prints a String[] to System.out
static void printExit(java.lang.String message)
          Prints message to screen, then exits.
static boolean printHashSetToFile(java.util.HashSet hash, java.lang.String file)
          Prints a HashSet to a file.
static java.lang.String removeExtension(java.lang.String txt)
          Removes an extension if found xxx.txt -> xxx.
static java.lang.String replaceEnd(java.lang.String word, java.lang.String match, java.lang.String replacement)
          Attempts to match the end of the word with the match, case insensitive, replaces it if found, otherwise returns null.
static void sleep(int seconds)
          Sleeps for given number of seconds
static java.lang.String[] splitOnFirstColon(java.lang.String idColonName)
          Returns a String[2] split on first colon, if no colon returns null.
static java.lang.String[] splitString(java.lang.String concat, java.lang.String regex)
          Splits a String on a regular expression, watching out for escaped characters ie Cat\=Mouse would not be split when = is given as the regex, a String[0], {"Cat\=Mouse"} would be returned.
static java.lang.String stringArrayListToString(java.util.ArrayList stringAL, java.lang.String separator)
          Returns a String separated by the separator given an ArrayList of String.
static java.lang.String[] stringArrayListToStringArray(java.util.ArrayList stringAL)
          Returns a String[] given an ArrayList of Strings.
static java.util.ArrayList stringArrayToArrayList(java.lang.String[] s)
          Returns an ArrayList of String given a String[]
static java.lang.String stringArrayToString(java.lang.String[] s, java.lang.String separator)
          Returns a String separated by commas for each bin.
 java.lang.String[] toLowerCase(java.lang.String[] strings)
          Lower cases a String[]
static int totalLength(java.lang.Object[][] array)
          Counts the total length of an Object[][]
static java.lang.String[] trimCommon(java.lang.String[] lines)
          Trims the comon chars from the front and back of each line, won't entirely delete line.
static java.lang.String[] trimCommonStart(java.lang.String[] lines)
          Trims characters common to all from start of lines.
static java.lang.String trimQuotes(java.lang.String cell)
          Trims "" from the beginning and end of String if both are found.
static java.lang.String trimTxt(java.lang.String s)
          Removes .txt from end of String if present
static java.lang.String truncate(java.lang.String string, int cutOff)
          Truncates a String adding three periods if too long.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Misc()
Method Detail


public static java.lang.String[] hashSetToStringArray(java.util.HashSet hash)
Converts a hash to a String[] by direct cast.


public static void sleep(int seconds)
Sleeps for given number of seconds


public static java.lang.String fetchExit(java.lang.String key,
                                         java.util.HashMap map)
Looks for key, if not found prints error message and exists.


public static java.lang.String[] prependString(java.lang.String[] d,
                                               java.lang.String newValue)
Returns a new array with the newValue appended on the beginning.


public static java.lang.String capitalizeFirstLetter(java.lang.String s)
Capitalizes the first letter in a String.


public static java.lang.String removeExtension(java.lang.String txt)
Removes an extension if found xxx.txt -> xxx. If none found returns the original.


public static java.util.ArrayList parseKeyValueGroups(java.lang.String line)
Given a String of 'treat1=/file1,/file2*treat2=/file3,/file4*treat3=/file5,file6' Will return an ArrayList contining first a String[] of the keys {treat1,treat2,treat3} and second a String[][] of the parsed values matching the keys. Returns null if an error is found.


public static java.lang.String[] trimCommonStart(java.lang.String[] lines)
Trims characters common to all from start of lines.


public static java.lang.String[] trimCommon(java.lang.String[] lines)
Trims the comon chars from the front and back of each line, won't entirely delete line.


public static java.util.LinkedHashMap parseKeyValues(java.lang.String line)
Given a String of 'treat1=/file1,treat2=/file3, etc', no spaces, returns a LinkedHashMap of keys=values. Returns null if an error is found.


public static java.lang.String replaceEnd(java.lang.String word,
                                          java.lang.String match,
                                          java.lang.String replacement)
Attempts to match the end of the word with the match, case insensitive, replaces it if found, otherwise returns null.


public static void fatalError(java.lang.String message)
Prints message to screen, to log4j error, then exits.


public static void printExit(java.lang.String message)
Prints message to screen, then exits.


public static int totalLength(java.lang.Object[][] array)
Counts the total length of an Object[][]


public static java.lang.String trimTxt(java.lang.String s)
Removes .txt from end of String if present


public static java.lang.String addZeros(java.lang.String x)
Prepends zeros to a string such that its total length = 10. Use for converting a String number to a form that can be correctly sorted. ie would convert 39 to 0000000039


public static java.lang.String[] addZeros(java.lang.String[] x)
Prepends zeros to each String such that its total length = 10. Use for converting a String number to a form that can be correctly sorted. ie would convert 39 to 0000000039


public static java.util.HashSet loadHashSet(java.lang.Object[] s)
Loads a HashSet with and Object array.


public static java.lang.String trimQuotes(java.lang.String cell)
Trims "" from the beginning and end of String if both are found. Excel when saving as a tab delimited file, adds quotes !$#%#$!!!


public static java.lang.String[] splitString(java.lang.String concat,
                                             java.lang.String regex)
Splits a String on a regular expression, watching out for escaped characters ie Cat\=Mouse would not be split when = is given as the regex, a String[0], {"Cat\=Mouse"} would be returned. The method will not return empty Strings, Cat===Mouse would return {"Cat","Mouse}. Lastly, each String in the String[] is .trim()ed prior to saving, so no flanking white space. Use this method when you need to allow for character escaping.


public static int fetchMatchingStringArrayIndex(java.lang.String guess,
                                                java.lang.String[] choices)
Loose matching of substring guess from larger String[]s. Returns index of first matching choice, -1 if nothing found. Case insensitive.


public java.lang.String[] toLowerCase(java.lang.String[] strings)
Lower cases a String[]


public static void printArray(java.lang.Object[] array)
Prints a Object[] to System.out


public static void printArray(java.lang.Object[][] array)
Prints a Object[][] to System.out


public static void printArray(java.lang.String[] array)
Prints a String[] to System.out


public static void printArrayLine(java.lang.String[] array)
Prints a String[] to System.out


public static void printArray(java.util.ArrayList array)
Prints ArrayList to System.out


public static void printArray(int[] array)
Prints a int[] to System.out


public static void printArray(float[] array)
Prints a int[] to System.out


public static void printArray(double[] array)
Prints a double[] to System.out on a single line.


public static java.lang.String clipUnderScore(java.lang.String string)
Removes the random digit_ proceeding a string, (ie 2432344322_fileName.txt to fileName.txt)


public static java.lang.String truncate(java.lang.String string,
                                        int cutOff)
Truncates a String adding three periods if too long.


public static java.lang.String getDate()
Returns a nicely formated time (15 May 2004). (Note, all I can say is that the GC DateFormat Date classes are so convoluted as to be utterly useless. Shame!)


public static java.lang.String getDateNoSpaces()
Returns a nicely formated time (15May2004). (Note, all I can say is that the GC DateFormat Date classes are so convoluted as to be utterly useless. Shame!)


public static java.lang.String getFormattedTimeFromFraction(double fractionalTime)
Returns a formatted time 2:15:00 given 2.25


public static int extractIdFromConcat(java.lang.String concat)
Takes a String like testSlide:33328:testslide desc...:1 or test: gip: 2, splits on the : and looks for ID in the last String[x], if not found it returns zero, otherwise it returns a parsed int.


public static int extractIdFromFrontOfConcat(java.lang.String concat)
Takes a String like 1: testSlide: 33328:testslide desc etc or 2: test: gip, splits on the : and looks for ID in the first String[x], if not found it returns zero, otherwise it returns a parsed int.


public static java.lang.String[] extractIDsFromConcats(java.lang.String[] concats)
Ditto to extractIDFromConcat but works on String[] returning IDs as a String[]. Pulls off an int from the first cel of a colon delimited String.


public static java.lang.String[] splitOnFirstColon(java.lang.String idColonName)
Returns a String[2] split on first colon, if no colon returns null.


public static boolean isEmpty(java.lang.String text)
Method to check if a string is null or empty after trimming.


public static boolean isNotEmpty(java.lang.String text)
Method to check if a string is not null and contains more than "".


public static int[] integerArrayListToIntArray(java.util.ArrayList integerAL)
Converts an ArrayList of Integer to int[]. Returns null if empty.


public static java.lang.String[] stringArrayListToStringArray(java.util.ArrayList stringAL)
Returns a String[] given an ArrayList of Strings.


public static java.lang.String intArrayToString(int[] i,
                                                java.lang.String separator)
Returns a String separated by separator for each int[i]. Returns "" if null or uninitialized.


public static java.lang.String floatArrayToString(float[] i,
                                                  java.lang.String separator)
Returns a String separated by separator for each float[i]. Returns "" if null or uninitialized.


public static java.lang.String doubleArrayToString(double[] i,
                                                   java.lang.String separator)
Returns a String separated by separator for each double[i]. Returns "" if null or uninitialized.


public static java.util.LinkedHashMap createLinkedHashMap(java.lang.String[] s,
                                                          int direction)
Creates a LinkedHashMap from a String[] where the array is ordered such as key,value,key,value... Direction 0 forward, 1 = reverse of making the Map. Returns null if odd number of Strings


public static boolean printHashSetToFile(java.util.HashSet hash,
                                         java.lang.String file)
Prints a HashSet to a file. Each entry on a new line.


public static java.util.ArrayList objectArrayToArrayList(java.lang.Object[] ob)
Converts an Object[] to an ArrayList


public static void printArray(double[][] d)
Print to System.out a double[][]


public static void printArray(float[][] d)
Print to System.out a float[][]


public static void printArray(int[][] d)
Print to System.out a int[][]


public static java.util.ArrayList stringArrayToArrayList(java.lang.String[] s)
Returns an ArrayList of String given a String[]


public static java.lang.String stringArrayListToString(java.util.ArrayList stringAL,
                                                       java.lang.String separator)
Returns a String separated by the separator given an ArrayList of String.


public static java.lang.String stringArrayToString(java.lang.String[] s,
                                                   java.lang.String separator)
Returns a String separated by commas for each bin.


public static java.util.HashMap createHashMap(java.lang.String[] s)
Creates a HashMap from a String[] where the array is ordered such as key,value,key,value... Returns null if odd number of Strings


public static boolean isStringEmpty(java.lang.String string)
Returns true if a String contains just white space or is empty.