Uses of Class

Packages that use Enzyme
bioroot.plasmid Restriction enzyme digestion of DNA sequences. 

Uses of Enzyme in bioroot.oligo

Fields in bioroot.oligo declared as Enzyme
static Enzyme[] OligoBase.ENZYMES

Methods in bioroot.oligo with parameters of type Enzyme
 java.lang.String OligoBean.getRestrictionCutSites(Enzyme[] enzymes)

Uses of Enzyme in bioroot.plasmid

Methods in bioroot.plasmid with parameters of type Enzyme
 java.lang.String PlasmidBean.getRestrictionCutSites(Enzyme[] enzymes)

Uses of Enzyme in

Methods in that return Enzyme
static Enzyme[] REDigest.restrictionMap(java.lang.String DNA, Enzyme[] e)
          Runs thru an enzyme array attempting to cut a particular sequence
 Enzyme[] NEBParser.makeEnzymeArray(java.lang.String gtype2c, int minLengthRecogSeq)
 Enzyme[] NEBParser.getEnzymes()

Methods in with parameters of type Enzyme
static java.util.ArrayList REDigest.restrictionMapHTML(java.lang.String DNA, Enzyme[] e)
          Returns an arraylist of enzymes found to cut the sequence
static java.lang.String REDigest.getRestrictionMapString(java.lang.String seq, Enzyme[] enzymes)
static Enzyme[] REDigest.restrictionMap(java.lang.String DNA, Enzyme[] e)
          Runs thru an enzyme array attempting to cut a particular sequence
static java.lang.String REDigest.restrictionMapList(java.lang.String DNA, Enzyme[] e)
          Restriction map a sequence.