Uses of Class

Packages that use MapFeature
trans.cel Apps and methods for manipulating cel files. 
trans.tpmap For maping, filtering, and calculating statistics about text version bpmap files. 

Uses of MapFeature in trans.cel

Methods in trans.cel with parameters of type MapFeature
static void CelProcessor.breakSaveFeatureArray(java.util.ArrayList bpmapInfo, MapFeature[] mapFeatures, celpFile)
          Use this method to break and save a celp float[] file into chromosomal components in a directory named after the celpFile minus the .celp extension.
static void CelProcessor.breakAndSaveCelp( celpFile, MapFeature[] features)
          Given a float[] celp file and the corresponding MapFeature[] will make a minimal

Constructors in trans.cel with parameters of type MapFeature
CelMapper(MapFeature[] features, boolean useMMData, boolean printStats)

Uses of MapFeature in trans.tpmap

Methods in trans.tpmap that return MapFeature
static MapFeature[] ConvertTPMapsToFeatures.convert( tpmapFile)
          Converts a text bpmap to a MapFeature[]

Constructors in trans.tpmap with parameters of type MapFeature
MapSplitter(MapFeature[] features, saveDirectory)
          For running in combination with BPMapProcessor
IntensityFeature(MapFeature feature, float intensity)