Class MethodTester

  extended bytrans.roc.MethodTester

public class MethodTester
extends java.lang.Object

Application for scoring '.sgr' files for positives and negatives in relation to known (spike in) data.

Constructor Summary
MethodTester(java.lang.String[] args)
Method Summary
 void binSgrs()
          Runs through an array of Sgr[] noting whether it falls in the positive regions or not positive regions
 void blankPositives()
          Resets the positive regions to their instantiation state.
 void calculateBinFDRs()
          Runs through all the bins calculating and setting fdrs for each.
 Bin findBin(Sgr sgr)
          Finds an appropriate bin given an sgr object
static double fractionPositive(java.util.ArrayList doubles, double scoreCutOff, double divider)
          Given an ArrayList of Double, calculates the fraction that is >= scoreCutOff.
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
 void makeBins()
 void makePositives()
 void makePositives( regions)
static Sgr[] parseSgrFile( sgrFile, boolean zeroNaNOrInfinityScores)
          Reads in an Sgr file.
static int positive(Positive[] pos, Sgr sgr)
          Checks to see if an sgr object is one of the positives, if not returns -1, otherwise returns index number.
 boolean resetStartStop()
          Scans the bins to determine the optimal start and stop for the next round.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MethodTester(java.lang.String[] args)
Method Detail


public void calculateBinFDRs()
Runs through all the bins calculating and setting fdrs for each.


public void binSgrs()
Runs through an array of Sgr[] noting whether it falls in the positive regions or not positive regions


public static int positive(Positive[] pos,
                           Sgr sgr)
Checks to see if an sgr object is one of the positives, if not returns -1, otherwise returns index number.


public Bin findBin(Sgr sgr)
Finds an appropriate bin given an sgr object


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)


public static double fractionPositive(java.util.ArrayList doubles,
                                      double scoreCutOff,
                                      double divider)
Given an ArrayList of Double, calculates the fraction that is >= scoreCutOff.


public void makeBins()


public void makePositives()


public void blankPositives()
Resets the positive regions to their instantiation state.


public void makePositives( regions)


public static Sgr[] parseSgrFile( sgrFile,
                                 boolean zeroNaNOrInfinityScores)
Reads in an Sgr file. Chrom, position, score. Returns null if not a number or infinity is found and the zero flag is false.


public boolean resetStartStop()
Scans the bins to determine the optimal start and stop for the next round. Returns true if start and stop were reset and another round should be run. Returns false if not reset.