Uses of Class

Packages that use Region
trans.anno For associating intervals, binding regions, and binding peaks with GFF annotation. 

Uses of Region in trans.anno

Methods in trans.anno that return Region
static Region[] Region.loadWriteBinaryRegions( regionsFile)
          Looks for a binary version of the file xxx.corr, if found loads binary, otherwise it parses the txt file and then writes the binary for future use.
static Region[] Region.loadBinaryCoordinates( file)
          Reads binary chrom start stop file into Region[]
static Region[] Region.parseRegions( file)
          Parses a file for a tab delimited list of at minimum, chrom, start, stop, (optional) notes into a GenomicRegion[].
static Region[] RandomRegions.loadWriteBinaryCoordinates( regionsFile)
          Looks for a binary version of the file xxx.corr, if found loads binary, otherwise it parses the txt file and then writes the binary for future use.
static Region[] RandomRegions.loadBinaryCoordinatesAsRegionArray( file)
          Reads binary chrom start stop file into Region[]
 Region RandomRegions.findRandomRegion(int minimumLength)
          Attempt to find a random Region of the appropriate minimum length.

Methods in trans.anno with parameters of type Region
static void Region.writeBinaryCoordinates( file, Region[] r)
          Writes the chrom start stop of a Region[] as a binary file.
static java.util.HashMap Region.splitByChromosome(Region[] sorted)
          Given a chromosome SORTED array of Regions returns a HashMap containing chromosome: sorted chromo specific Region[]
 int Region.bpIntersectionSameChromosome(Region other)
          Assumes regions are on the same chromosome, and the end base is included, not interbase numbering.
static void RandomRegions.saveRegionsAsCoordinatesArray( file, Region[] r)
          Writes the chrom start stop of a Region[] as a binary file.
 int[] RandomRegions.findRandomSegment(Region region, int length)
          Returns a random segment of the appropriate length within the region.
 boolean[][] RandomRegions.fetchGCContent(Region[] r)
          Converts the Region[] sequences into boolean[]s, everything not g or c are recorded as false.
 int RandomRegions.countLengths(Region[] rs)
 void IntersectKeyWithRegions.calculateAndPrintStats(Region[] r)
 int IntersectKeyWithRegions.intersectsKey(Region region)
          Returns 1 if bpInt <= maxGap and the particular key hasn't been hit, 0 not in key, -1 hits a key that has already been counted.