Class RandomRegions

  extended bytrans.anno.RandomRegions

public class RandomRegions
extends java.lang.Object

Use to generate random regions of a defined length from a file of regions (chrom, start, stop). No attention is paid to the chromosome so if you want chromosome matching then split the regions file by chromosome and make a seperate RandomRegions object.

Constructor Summary
RandomRegions( regionsFile)
RandomRegions( regionsFile, genomicSequenceDirectory)
Method Summary
 int countLengths(Region[] rs)
 boolean[][] fetchGCContent(Region[] r)
          Converts the Region[] sequences into boolean[]s, everything not g or c are recorded as false.
 int[][] fetchRandomCoordinates(int length, int number)
          Given a desired length of sequence, returns multiple random region start stop coordinates.
 int[][] fetchRandomCoordinates(int length, int number, double fractionGCContent)
          Given a desired length of sequence, returns multiple random region start stop coordinates.
 Region findRandomRegion(int minimumLength)
          Attempt to find a random Region of the appropriate minimum length.
 int[] findRandomSegment(Region region, int length)
          Returns a random segment of the appropriate length within the region.
static Region[] loadBinaryCoordinatesAsRegionArray( file)
          Reads binary chrom start stop file into Region[]
static Region[] loadWriteBinaryCoordinates( regionsFile)
          Looks for a binary version of the file xxx.corr, if found loads binary, otherwise it parses the txt file and then writes the binary for future use.
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
 void makeRegions( regionsFile)
          Parses the regions file but then adds a pointer per base pair length/ divider to the Region[] for every region.
static void saveRegionsAsCoordinatesArray( file, Region[] r)
          Writes the chrom start stop of a Region[] as a binary file.
 void setGenomicSequenceDirectory( genomicSequenceDirectory)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RandomRegions( regionsFile)


public RandomRegions( regionsFile,
Method Detail


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)


public static Region[] loadWriteBinaryCoordinates( regionsFile)
Looks for a binary version of the file xxx.corr, if found loads binary, otherwise it parses the txt file and then writes the binary for future use.


public static Region[] loadBinaryCoordinatesAsRegionArray( file)
Reads binary chrom start stop file into Region[]


public static void saveRegionsAsCoordinatesArray( file,
                                                 Region[] r)
Writes the chrom start stop of a Region[] as a binary file.


public int[][] fetchRandomCoordinates(int length,
                                      int number)
Given a desired length of sequence, returns multiple random region start stop coordinates.

int[number of random regions][start stop], will return null if random regions of a given length could not be found.


public int[][] fetchRandomCoordinates(int length,
                                      int number,
                                      double fractionGCContent)
Given a desired length of sequence, returns multiple random region start stop coordinates.

int[number of random regions][start stop], will return null if random regions of a given length could not be found.


public int[] findRandomSegment(Region region,
                               int length)
Returns a random segment of the appropriate length within the region. Assumes the Region is larger than the length.


public Region findRandomRegion(int minimumLength)
Attempt to find a random Region of the appropriate minimum length. Will return null after regions.length attempts.


public boolean[][] fetchGCContent(Region[] r)
Converts the Region[] sequences into boolean[]s, everything not g or c are recorded as false.


public void makeRegions( regionsFile)
Parses the regions file but then adds a pointer per base pair length/ divider to the Region[] for every region. This is to prevent bias in randomly selecting regions.


public int countLengths(Region[] rs)


public void setGenomicSequenceDirectory( genomicSequenceDirectory)