Uses of Class

Packages that use Alignment
gata.main Main app, utility, and params for GATAPlotter. 
gata.plotter GATAPlotter primary panel, sliders, tools, and conservation panels. 

Uses of Alignment in gata.main

Methods in gata.main that return Alignment
static Alignment[] GATAUtil.makeSubAligns(LocalAlignment[] locs)

Uses of Alignment in gata.plotter

Methods in gata.plotter that return Alignment
 Alignment[] AlignPanel.getVisableAlignments()
 Alignment[] AlignPanel.getAlignments()

Methods in gata.plotter with parameters of type Alignment
static void AlignPanel.createShapes(Alignment[] alignments, double refX, double refY, double compX, double compY, double ntLenBig, double C, double D)