Class GATAUtil

  extended bygata.main.GATAUtil

public class GATAUtil
extends java.lang.Object

Nix Master utility class for GATAPlotter. All static.

Field Summary
static java.awt.Color[] COLORS
          Color array for tracks, yup I'm lazy
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static java.awt.geom.Line2D.Double[] ALToLine2DArray(java.util.ArrayList al)
static java.lang.String ALToString(java.util.ArrayList al)
static int[] calculateEffectiveMandN(double m, double n, double K, double H)
          Calculates effective m and n using BLAST parameters, returning int[m', n']
static java.lang.String calculateEValue(double lambdaNats, double K, int rawS, double effectiveN, double effectiveM)
static boolean checkFile(java.lang.String par)
static double convertBitScoreToRaw(double lambdaNats, double K, double bitS)
static int convertPlusToNumOrientation(java.lang.String orientation)
static double convertRawScoreToBit(double lambdaNats, double K, double rawS)
          Converts a raw S score to a bit score given lambda (in nats) and K
static void deleteFile(java.lang.String fullPathFileName)
static int DNAStat(java.lang.String seq1, java.lang.String seq2, int match, int misMatch, int gapCreate, int gapExtend)
static void drawLabels(java.util.ArrayList labels, java.awt.Font font, java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
static void drawLines(java.awt.geom.Line2D.Double[] lines, java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
          draws Shapes
static java.util.ArrayList extractStartEnds(ExonIntron[] exons)
          Deep copies start stops from ExonIntron objects to an ArrayList
static int[][] extractStartEndsInts(ExonIntron[] exons)
static java.util.ArrayList fetchArrayList( file)
static double[] fetchBLASTParams(int match, int misMatch)
          Returns Lambda and K or null for a given match and misMatch from BLASTN.
static java.util.ArrayList fetchIntrons(java.util.ArrayList exons)
          Takes an ArrayList of exon startStop int[2]'s, returns an ArrayList of int[2]'s representing the start,stop for each intron
static java.lang.Object fetchObject( file)
static java.awt.RenderingHints fetchRenderingHints()
          Map of hints for high quality/ slow rendering
static int findHighestInt(int[] ints)
static java.lang.String genDashes(java.lang.String seq1, java.lang.String seq2)
static int[] getBaseNumArray(java.lang.String s, int index)
static boolean isEmpty(java.lang.String text)
          Method to check if a string is null or empty after trimming
static boolean isStringEmpty(java.lang.String string)
static java.util.ArrayList joinSegments(java.util.ArrayList segs)
          Takes an ArrayList of int[2]'s representing start stop coords kills the dups, and those cotained within another seg, will merge overlapping segments.
static java.util.ArrayList makeArrowAndButt(int start, int end, int upOrDown, double yCoord, int orientation, double pixPerNt, double ntAtX, double height)
          Makes an arrow and butt but no base line.
static java.util.ArrayList makeArrowLine(int start, int end, int upOrDown, double yCoord, int orientation, double pixPerNt, double ntAtX, double height)
          Makes an arrow line with half arrow up for -1 or down for 1.
static java.awt.geom.GeneralPath makeArrowLine(int start, int end, int upOrDown, float yCoord, int orientation, float pixPerNt, float ntAtX, float heightArrowButt, float lineThickness)
          Makes an arrow line with half arrow up for -1 or down for 1.
static javax.swing.JButton makeButton(java.lang.String text, int size, java.awt.event.ActionListener action, javax.swing.JPanel panel)
static double makeDoubleInputDialog(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String comment, double suggestion)
static double makeDoublePercentInputDialog(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String comment, double suggestion)
static javax.swing.JTextField makeField(javax.swing.JPanel panel, java.lang.String text, javax.swing.JFrame frame, javax.swing.JFileChooser chooser, FileFocusListener focus)
static javax.swing.JTextField makeFieldSimple(javax.swing.JPanel panel, java.lang.String text)
static int makeIntInputDialog(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String comment, int suggestion)
static javax.swing.JLabel makeLabel(javax.swing.JPanel panel, java.lang.String text, int size, int thickness)
static java.util.ArrayList makeLabel(java.lang.String label, int start, int end, double pixPerNt, double ntAtX, double yCoor)
static java.awt.geom.Line2D.Double makeLine(int start, int end, double yCoord, double pixPerNt, double ntAtX)
          Converts an int[2] (startStop) in nucleotides to a Line2D.Double
static java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Double makeRectangle(int start, int end, double startY, double stopY, double pixPerNt, double ntAtX)
          Returns a rectangle given start stop in nucleotides and y coords in pixels
static java.util.ArrayList makeSegments(java.util.ArrayList segs, double yCoord, double pixPerNt, double ntAtX)
          Converts an ArrayList of int[2]'s (startStop) in nucleotides to an ArrayList of Line2D.Double's
static java.util.ArrayList makeSegmentsInt(int[][] segs, double yCoord, double pixPerNt, double ntAtX)
          Converts an int[x][2]'s (startStop) in nucleotides to an ArrayList of Line2D.Double's
static Alignment[] makeSubAligns(LocalAlignment[] locs)
static LocalAlignment[] mergeLAArrays(LocalAlignment[] a, LocalAlignment[] b)
static java.util.ArrayList objectArraytoAL(java.lang.Object[] objs)
          Converts an Object[] to an ArrayList
static int[] optimizeAlignmentScore(java.lang.String seq1, java.lang.String seq2, int match, int misMatch, int gapCreate, int gapExtend, int scoreCutOff)
static java.lang.String parseDNAFileName(java.lang.String s)
static void saveArrayList( file, java.util.ArrayList al)
static void saveObject( file, java.lang.Object ob)
static void setBooleanArray(boolean[] array, boolean value)
          Takes an array of boolean[] and sets all to the boolean value
static int[] setButton(javax.swing.JButton but, int x, int y)
static int[] setChooser(javax.swing.JFileChooser choos, int x, int y, int width)
static int[] setField(javax.swing.JTextField field, int x, int y, int width)
static void setFloatArray(float[] array, float value)
          Takes an array of float[] and sets all to the float value
static int[] setLabel(javax.swing.JLabel lab, int x, int y)
static void setScrollPaneScrollBarIncrement(javax.swing.JScrollPane scrollPane, int increment)
          Sets the scroll bar move increments, vert and horiz, in a scroll pane
static void showFileChooserDialogBox(javax.swing.JTextField fieldRef, javax.swing.JFrame frame, javax.swing.JFileChooser chooser)
static java.util.ArrayList sortSegments(java.util.ArrayList segs)
          Sorts an ArrayList of int[2]'s representing start, end
static java.lang.String spaces(java.lang.String seq, int number)
static void throwWarning(javax.swing.JFrame frame, javax.swing.JTextField field, java.lang.String text)
static void writeString(java.lang.String data, java.lang.String fullPathFileName)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.awt.Color[] COLORS
Color array for tracks, yup I'm lazy

Constructor Detail


public GATAUtil()
Method Detail


public static void setBooleanArray(boolean[] array,
                                   boolean value)
Takes an array of boolean[] and sets all to the boolean value


public static void setFloatArray(float[] array,
                                 float value)
Takes an array of float[] and sets all to the float value


public static void setScrollPaneScrollBarIncrement(javax.swing.JScrollPane scrollPane,
                                                   int increment)
Sets the scroll bar move increments, vert and horiz, in a scroll pane


public static double makeDoublePercentInputDialog(java.lang.String title,
                                                  java.lang.String comment,
                                                  double suggestion)


public static double makeDoubleInputDialog(java.lang.String title,
                                           java.lang.String comment,
                                           double suggestion)


public static int makeIntInputDialog(java.lang.String title,
                                     java.lang.String comment,
                                     int suggestion)


public static void throwWarning(javax.swing.JFrame frame,
                                javax.swing.JTextField field,
                                java.lang.String text)


public static int[] setButton(javax.swing.JButton but,
                              int x,
                              int y)


public static javax.swing.JButton makeButton(java.lang.String text,
                                             int size,
                                             java.awt.event.ActionListener action,
                                             javax.swing.JPanel panel)


public static void showFileChooserDialogBox(javax.swing.JTextField fieldRef,
                                            javax.swing.JFrame frame,
                                            javax.swing.JFileChooser chooser)


public static boolean checkFile(java.lang.String par)


public static javax.swing.JTextField makeField(javax.swing.JPanel panel,
                                               java.lang.String text,
                                               javax.swing.JFrame frame,
                                               javax.swing.JFileChooser chooser,
                                               FileFocusListener focus)


public static javax.swing.JTextField makeFieldSimple(javax.swing.JPanel panel,
                                                     java.lang.String text)


public static javax.swing.JLabel makeLabel(javax.swing.JPanel panel,
                                           java.lang.String text,
                                           int size,
                                           int thickness)


public static int[] setChooser(javax.swing.JFileChooser choos,
                               int x,
                               int y,
                               int width)


public static int[] setField(javax.swing.JTextField field,
                             int x,
                             int y,
                             int width)


public static int[] setLabel(javax.swing.JLabel lab,
                             int x,
                             int y)


public static void deleteFile(java.lang.String fullPathFileName)


public static double convertRawScoreToBit(double lambdaNats,
                                          double K,
                                          double rawS)
Converts a raw S score to a bit score given lambda (in nats) and K


public static double convertBitScoreToRaw(double lambdaNats,
                                          double K,
                                          double bitS)


public static java.lang.String calculateEValue(double lambdaNats,
                                               double K,
                                               int rawS,
                                               double effectiveN,
                                               double effectiveM)


public static int[] calculateEffectiveMandN(double m,
                                            double n,
                                            double K,
                                            double H)
Calculates effective m and n using BLAST parameters, returning int[m', n']


public static int DNAStat(java.lang.String seq1,
                          java.lang.String seq2,
                          int match,
                          int misMatch,
                          int gapCreate,
                          int gapExtend)


public static int findHighestInt(int[] ints)


public static java.lang.String genDashes(java.lang.String seq1,
                                         java.lang.String seq2)


public static int[] getBaseNumArray(java.lang.String s,
                                    int index)


public static Alignment[] makeSubAligns(LocalAlignment[] locs)


public static LocalAlignment[] mergeLAArrays(LocalAlignment[] a,
                                             LocalAlignment[] b)


public static int[] optimizeAlignmentScore(java.lang.String seq1,
                                           java.lang.String seq2,
                                           int match,
                                           int misMatch,
                                           int gapCreate,
                                           int gapExtend,
                                           int scoreCutOff)


public static java.lang.String parseDNAFileName(java.lang.String s)


public static java.lang.String spaces(java.lang.String seq,
                                      int number)


public static void writeString(java.lang.String data,
                               java.lang.String fullPathFileName)


public static java.awt.RenderingHints fetchRenderingHints()
Map of hints for high quality/ slow rendering


public static void drawLabels(java.util.ArrayList labels,
                              java.awt.Font font,
                              java.awt.Graphics2D g2)


public static java.util.ArrayList makeLabel(java.lang.String label,
                                            int start,
                                            int end,
                                            double pixPerNt,
                                            double ntAtX,
                                            double yCoor)


public static java.awt.geom.Line2D.Double[] ALToLine2DArray(java.util.ArrayList al)


public static void drawLines(java.awt.geom.Line2D.Double[] lines,
                             java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
draws Shapes


public static java.util.ArrayList makeSegments(java.util.ArrayList segs,
                                               double yCoord,
                                               double pixPerNt,
                                               double ntAtX)
Converts an ArrayList of int[2]'s (startStop) in nucleotides to an ArrayList of Line2D.Double's


public static java.util.ArrayList makeSegmentsInt(int[][] segs,
                                                  double yCoord,
                                                  double pixPerNt,
                                                  double ntAtX)
Converts an int[x][2]'s (startStop) in nucleotides to an ArrayList of Line2D.Double's


public static java.awt.geom.Line2D.Double makeLine(int start,
                                                   int end,
                                                   double yCoord,
                                                   double pixPerNt,
                                                   double ntAtX)
Converts an int[2] (startStop) in nucleotides to a Line2D.Double


public static java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Double makeRectangle(int start,
                                                             int end,
                                                             double startY,
                                                             double stopY,
                                                             double pixPerNt,
                                                             double ntAtX)
Returns a rectangle given start stop in nucleotides and y coords in pixels


public static java.util.ArrayList makeArrowAndButt(int start,
                                                   int end,
                                                   int upOrDown,
                                                   double yCoord,
                                                   int orientation,
                                                   double pixPerNt,
                                                   double ntAtX,
                                                   double height)
Makes an arrow and butt but no base line. Half arrow/butt up for -1 or down for 1. Start and end are really just 5 ' and 3' coordinates, start should always be less than end. Orientation is 1 for + (arrow pointing right), -1 for - (left). yCoord is for the y-coordinate to draw the main line. Returns an ArrayList of Line2D.doubles.


public static java.util.ArrayList makeArrowLine(int start,
                                                int end,
                                                int upOrDown,
                                                double yCoord,
                                                int orientation,
                                                double pixPerNt,
                                                double ntAtX,
                                                double height)
Makes an arrow line with half arrow up for -1 or down for 1. Start and end are really just 5 ' and 3' coordinates, start should always be less than end. Orientation is 1 for + (arrow pointing right), -1 for - (left). yCoord is for the y-coordinate to draw the main line. Returns an ArrayList of Line2D.doubles.


public static java.awt.geom.GeneralPath makeArrowLine(int start,
                                                      int end,
                                                      int upOrDown,
                                                      float yCoord,
                                                      int orientation,
                                                      float pixPerNt,
                                                      float ntAtX,
                                                      float heightArrowButt,
                                                      float lineThickness)
Makes an arrow line with half arrow up for -1 or down for 1. Start and end are really just 5 ' and 3' coordinates, start should always be less than end. Orientation is 1 for + (arrow pointing right), -1 for - (left). yCoord is for the y-coordinate to draw the main line. Line thickness is needed to calculate whether to draw an arrow or not, for short segments. Will always return a line of at least 1 pixel.


public static double[] fetchBLASTParams(int match,
                                        int misMatch)
Returns Lambda and K or null for a given match and misMatch from BLASTN. Some combinations of match/misMatch are not computed by BLASTN!


public static void saveArrayList( file,
                                 java.util.ArrayList al)


public static void saveObject( file,
                              java.lang.Object ob)


public static boolean isStringEmpty(java.lang.String string)


public static java.util.ArrayList fetchArrayList( file)


public static java.lang.Object fetchObject( file)


public static boolean isEmpty(java.lang.String text)
Method to check if a string is null or empty after trimming


public static java.util.ArrayList objectArraytoAL(java.lang.Object[] objs)
Converts an Object[] to an ArrayList


public static java.util.ArrayList extractStartEnds(ExonIntron[] exons)
Deep copies start stops from ExonIntron objects to an ArrayList


public static int[][] extractStartEndsInts(ExonIntron[] exons)


public static int convertPlusToNumOrientation(java.lang.String orientation)


public static java.util.ArrayList fetchIntrons(java.util.ArrayList exons)
Takes an ArrayList of exon startStop int[2]'s, returns an ArrayList of int[2]'s representing the start,stop for each intron


public static java.lang.String ALToString(java.util.ArrayList al)


public static java.util.ArrayList sortSegments(java.util.ArrayList segs)
Sorts an ArrayList of int[2]'s representing start, end


public static java.util.ArrayList joinSegments(java.util.ArrayList segs)
Takes an ArrayList of int[2]'s representing start stop coords kills the dups, and those cotained within another seg, will merge overlapping segments.