Class Num

  extended byutil.gen.Num

public class Num
extends java.lang.Object

Math and statistical static methods.

Field Summary
static double log10
static double log2
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static double antiLog(double loggedValue, int base)
          Converts to unlogged value.
static float[] antiLog(float[] loggedValues, int base)
          Converts an array float[] to unlogged values.
static double[] appendDouble(double[] d, double newValue)
          Returns a new array with the newValue appended on the end.
static int[][] arrayList2IntArrayArray(java.util.ArrayList al)
          Converts an ArrayList of int[]s to int[][].
static double[] arrayListOfDoubleToArray(java.util.ArrayList dbl)
          ArrayList of Double to double[]
static float[] arrayListOfFloatToArray(java.util.ArrayList flt)
          ArrayList of Float to float[]
static double[] arrayListToDoubles(java.util.ArrayList doubles)
          ArrayList of Double to double[]
static int[] arrayListToInts(java.util.ArrayList integers)
          ArrayList of Integer to int[]
static double aveFoldDiffCombine(int[] t, int[] c)
          Calculates the average fold difference between two int[]s of the same length.
static double aveFoldDiffIndividual(int[] t, int[] c)
          Calculates the average fold difference between two int[]s of the same length.
static double averageFloatArray(float[] f)
          Averages a float[]
static double[] averageFloatArrays(float[][] ints)
          Average float[][] values to double[], averages repeats [values][numRepeats]
static double[] averageFloatArraysFlipped(float[][] ints)
          Average float[][] values to double[], averages repeats [numChips][OligoValues].
static float[] averageFloatArraysFlippedToFloat(float[][] ints)
          Average float[][] values to double[], averages repeats [numChips][OligoValues].
static float[] averageFloatArraysFlippedToFloats(float[][] ints)
          Average float[][] values to float[], averages repeats [numChips][OligoValues].
static double averageIntArray(int[] f)
          Averages a int[]
static double[] averageIntIntArray(int[][] ints)
          Average int[][] values to double[], averages repeats [numRepeats][values]
static double[] averageIntIntArray2(int[][] ints)
          Average int[][] values to double[], averages values [numRepeats][values]
static double calcMaxMedianAbsoluteDifference(float[][] oligosValues)
          Calculates the maximum median absolute difference between arrays of float where int[oligo index number][oligo intensity measurements]
static double calcMeanMedianAbsoluteDifference(float[][] oligosValues)
          Calculates the mean of the median absolute differences between arrays of float where float[oligo index number][oligo intensity measurements]
static double[] collapseDoubleArray(double[][] fs)
          Assumes equal lengths of the double[]s
static float[] collapseFloatArray(float[][] fs)
          Assumes equal lengths of the float[]s
static int[] collapseIntArray(int[][] ints)
          Assumes equal lengths of the int[]s
static float[] collapsePartOfAnArray(float[][] fs, int startIndex, int stopIndex)
          Assumes equal lengths of the float[]s
static float[] concatinate(float[][] f)
          Concatinates the float[]s, variable sizes OK.
static float[] concatinate(float[] one, float[] two)
          Joins two float[]s using System.arraycopy().
static double[] convertToDouble(int[] d)
          Convert to double[]
static float[] convertToFloat(int[] d)
          Convert to float[]
static int[] convertToInt(double[] d)
          Convert to int[]
static int[] convertToInt(float[] d)
          Convert to int[]
static double[] convertToMedianZScores(double[] values)
          Converts an array of values to z scores using median as appose to mean.
static double[] convertToZScores(double[] values)
          Converts an array of values to z scores.
static double[] convertToZScores(double[] values, double mean, double stndDev)
          Converts an array of values to z scores given their mean and standard deviation.
static double correlationCoefficient(double[] x, double[] y)
          Calculates Pearson correlation coefficient, r, from two double[]s
static double correlationCoefficient(float[] x, float[] y)
          Calculates Pearson correlation coefficient, r, from two float[]s.
static double correlationCoefficient(int[] x, int[] y)
          Calculates Pearson correlation coefficient, r, from two int[]s.
static int countObjects(java.lang.Object[][] i)
          Returns the number of objects in the arrays.
static int countOutliers(float[] f, double threshold, boolean exceedsThreshold)
          Counts the number of values that are > or < threshold based on boolean.
static int countValues(int[][] i)
          Returns the number of elements/ values in the array.
static double[] difference(double[] t, double[] c)
          Returns the difference of each pair.
static double[] difference(int[] t, int[] c)
          Returns the difference of each pair.
static java.lang.String doubleArrayToString(double[] d, int numberOfDecimalPlaces, java.lang.String delimiter)
          Converts an array of double to a String with a defined number of decimal places and a delimiter.
static java.lang.String doubleArrayToStringOnlyMax(double[] d, int maxNumDec, java.lang.String delimiter)
          Converts an array of double to a String with a maximal number of defined decimal places and a delimiter.
static float[][] expandFloatArray(float[] f, int numRows, int numColumns)
          Converts a float[] to float[][], must be certain about the number of rows and colmns!
static long factorial(int x)
          Calculates N! modified from http://www.unix.org.ua/orelly/java-ent/jnut/ch01_03.htm
static float[] fetchMatrixValues(float[][] matrix, int[][] xy)
          Given a square table and a list of coordinates, will return the associated values.
static int findClosestEndIndex(int[] positions, int key)
          Finds the index of the key in the int[] but wont exceed the int[index]
static int findClosestIndexToValue(float[] sortedValues, float key)
          Returns the index of the closest values[index] to the key.
static int findClosestIndexToValue(int[] sortedValues, int key)
          Returns the index of the closest values[index] to the key.
static int findClosestStartIndex(int[] positions, int key)
          Finds the index of the key in the int[] but wont preceed the int[index]
static float findHighestFloat(float[] ints)
          Finds and returns the biggest float in an float[].
static int findHighestInt(int[] ints)
          Finds and returns the biggest int in an int[].
static int findMaxIntIndex(int[] ints)
          Returns the first index containing the maximum value.
static double[] findMinMaxDoubleValues(double[] f)
          Finds min and max values of a float array.
static float[] findMinMaxFloatArrays(float[][] f)
          Finds min and max values of a float array.
static float[] findMinMaxFloatValues(float[] f)
          Finds min and max values of an unsorted float array.
static int[] findMinMaxIntInt(int[][] f)
          Finds min and max values of a int array.
static int[] findMinMaxIntValues(int[] f)
          Finds min and max values of a int array.
static int[] findStartStopIndexes(int[] positions, int startValue, int stopValue, boolean notExact)
          Finds the start and stop indexes given a sorted int[] of values and two values, one after the other, close together, otherwise just use Arrays.binarySearch.
static boolean findZeros(float[] f)
          Scans a float array for zeros, if found returns true, other wise returns false.
static java.lang.String formatNumber(double num, int numberOfDecimalPlaces)
          Converts a double ddd.dddddddd to a user determined number of decimal places right of the .
static java.lang.String formatNumberOneFraction(double num)
          Converts a double ddd.dddddddd to sss.s
static java.lang.String formatPercentOneFraction(double num)
          Converts 0.345543 to 34.6%
static double[] geoMeanFloatArraysFlipped(float[][] ints)
          Takes the geometric mean of float[][] values to double[], [numChips][OligoValues], returns the values in log base 2.
static double geometricMean(double[] x)
          Geometric mean.
static double[] geometricMean(float[][] ints)
          Takes a geometric average of float[][] values [numChips][OligoValues].
static float[] geometricMeanRatio(float[][] t, float[][] c)
          Returns the log2 ratio of each pair, takes a geometric mean of replicas.
static double[] geometricMeanSkipZeros(float[][] ints)
          Takes a geometric average of float[][] values to double[], averages repeats [numChips][OligoValues].
static float getAverageInts(int start, int end)
          Gets the average of the integers bracketed and including the start and end.
static float[][] identifyOutliers(float[][] f, int[][] controls, float threshold, boolean exceedsThreshold)
          Loads a zeroed matrix with values that are > or < threshold based on boolean.
static java.lang.String intArrayToString(int[] d, java.lang.String delimiter)
          Converts an array of int to a String seperated by the delimiter.
static void invertArray(float[] x)
          Inverts the float[].
static double[] layeredLogRatios(float[][] oligoTreat, float[][] oligoCont)
          Given two float[replica][values] for treat and cont, for each replica makes all pairwise log2 ratios between treat and control.
static float[][] layeredLogRatiosSeperate(float[][] treatment, float[][] control)
          Given two float[replica][intensities] for treat and cont, for each oligo makes and returns all pairwise log2 ratios between treat and control replicas.
static double[] layeredRatios(float[][] oligoTreat, float[][] oligoCont)
          Given two float[replica][values] for treat and cont, for each replica makes all pairwise ratios between treat and control.
static float[][] layeredRatiosSeperate(float[][] treatment, float[][] control)
          Given two float[replica][intensities] for treat and cont, for each oligo makes and returns all pairwise ratios between treat and control replicas.
static double[] layeredRelativeDifferences(float[][] oligoTreat, float[][] oligoCont)
          Given two float[replica][values] for treat and cont, for each replica makes all pairwise relative differences between treat and control.
static float[][] layeredRelativeDifferencesSeperate(float[][] treatment, float[][] control)
          Given two float[replica][intensities] for treat and cont, for each oligo makes and returns all pairwise relative differences between treat and control replicas.
static double[] loadDoubles(java.io.File f)
          Loads a column of double from a file into an array.
static float[][] loadFloatArray(int x, int y, float value)
          Makes a float[x][y] and fills it with the value.
static int[] loadInts(java.io.File f)
          Loads a column of ints from a file into an array.
static float[][] loadMatrixValues(float[][] matrix, int[][] xy)
          Given a square table and a list of coordinates, will return the associated values in a new zeroed square table.
static double log10(double number)
          Returns the LOG base 10 of the number.
static double log2(double number)
          Returns the LOG base 2 of the number.
static float log2(float number)
          Returns the LOG base 2 of the number.
static void log2(float[] f)
          Log2s every number in the array replacing the original values.
static void log2(float[][] f)
          Log2s every number in the array replacing the original values.
static float[] log2Return(float[] f)
          Log2s every number in the array keeping original intact.
static float[][] log2Return(float[][] f)
          Log2s every number in the array returning the values, keep original intact.
static double[] log2ReturnDouble(float[] f)
          Log2s every number in the array keeping original intact.
static double[] logRatios(double[] t, double[] c)
          Calculates log base 2 ratios.
static float[] logRatios(float[][] t, float[][] c)
          Returns the log2 ratio of each pair, averaging replicas.
static double[] logRatios(float[] t, float[] c)
          Calculates log base 2 ratios.
static void maskOutliers(float[][] f, float outlierThreshold)
          Runs through float[][] setting any values that exceed the outlierThreshold to zero.
static double matScore(float[] t, float[] c)
          Takes unlogged MAT normalized t-values, sorts, logs and takes a variant of a number stabilized trimmed mean ratio.
static double mean(double[] t)
          Averages a double array.
static float mean(float[] t)
          Averages a float array.
static float[][] mean(float[][] one, float[][] two)
          Averages two float[][]s, assumes a square.
static float[] mean(float[] one, float[] two)
          Averages two float[]s .
static double mean(int[] t)
          Averages a int array.
static java.lang.String meanDoubles(java.util.ArrayList Doubles)
          Averages an ArrayList of Double objects.
static double meanIgnoreZeros(float[] f)
          Calculates a mean on the non zero floats, return zero if no non zero values were found.
static int meanIntegers(java.util.ArrayList Integers)
          Averages an ArrayList of Integer objects.
static double median(double[] sorted)
          Calculates Median of a sorted double[].
static double median(float[] sorted)
          Calculates Median of a sorted float[].
static double median(int[] sorted)
          Calculates Median of a sorted int[].
static double median(short[] sorted)
          Calculates Median of a sorted short[].
static double medianAbsoluteDifference(float[] x, float[] y)
          Calculates the median absolute difference.
static java.lang.String medianFloatArray(float[][] replicasIntensities)
static double medianIgnoreZeros(float[] m)
          Calculates the median value of a sorted float[] ignoring leading zero values!
static float[][] medianNormalize(float[][] f, double targetMedian)
          Median normalizes an unsorted float[][] array to a given target.
static float[] medianNormalize(float[] f, float targetMedian)
          Median normalize unsorted array to a given number.
static double millisecToDays(long ms)
          Converts milliseconds to days.
static double minus10log10(double pvalue)
          Returns the -10 * LOG base 10 of the number.
static int[] modeOfHistogram(int[] ints)
          Finds mode of a int[] histogram array, assumes one peak, returns the index position, value/frequency.
static double[] pairedLogRatios(float[][] treatments, float[][] controls)
          Given two float[replica][values] for treat and cont, for each replica makes matched pairwise log ratios between treat and control.
static double[] pairedRatios(float[][] treatments, float[][] controls)
          Given two float[replica][values] for treat and cont, for each replica makes matched pairwise ratios between treat and control.
static double[] pairedRelativeDifferences(float[][] treatments, float[][] controls)
          Given two float[replica][values] for treat and cont, for each replica makes matched pairwise relative differences between treat and control.
static float[] pairwiseMeans(float[] d)
          Returns all pairwise averages.
static double[] pairwiseMeansDouble(float[] d)
          Returns all pairwise averages.
static double[] parseDoubles(java.lang.String[] doubles)
          Parses doubles from a String[] of doubles.
static int parseInt(java.lang.String stringInt, int failNumber)
          Attemps to parse an int, returns failNumber if it fails.
static int[] parseInts(java.lang.String[] ints)
          Parses ints from a String[] of ints.
static double[] partialPairwiseMeans(float[] a, float[] b)
          Returns all pairwise averages between a and b but not self pairwise.
static float percentile(float[] sortedFloats, double percentile)
          Returns the value of a given percentile from a SORTED array.
static float[][] pooledSubArray(float[][] treatment, float[][] control, int startIndex, int stopIndex)
          Builds a pooled from part of a float[replica][intensities] for treat and control.
static double[] prependDouble(double[] d, double newValue)
          Returns a new array with the newValue appended on the beginning.
static double pseudoMedian(double[] d)
          Returns a Hodges-Lehmann estimator, the median of all pairwise means.
static double pseudoMedian(float[] d)
          Returns a Hodges-Lehmann estimator, the median of all pairwise means.
static double[] pseudoMedian(float[][] repInt)
          Calculates the pseudoMedian on each replica of intensities.
static double[] quartiles(float[] sortedFloatArray)
          Calculates the Q1,Q2,and Q3 (25th, 50th, and 75th percentile).
static void randomize(float[][] f)
          Randomizes the intensities, not between replicas.
static void randomize(float[] f, long seed)
          Randomizes the array by permutating indexes and swapping.
static void randomizeFirstArray(float[][] f, long seed)
          Randomizes the first array by permutating indexes and swapping.
static float[] randomSample(float[] x, int numToSample)
          Returns an array of float[numToSample] populated with randomly picked values from x.
static double[] ratio(double[] t, double[] c)
          Returns the ratio of each pair.
static float[] ratio(float[][] t, float[][] c)
          Returns the ratio of each pair, averages replicas.
static double[] ratio(float[] t, float[] c)
          Returns the ratio of each pair.
static double[] ratio(int[] t, double[] c)
          Returns the ratio of each pair.
static double[] ratio(int[] t, int[] c)
          Returns the ratio of each pair.
static double relativeDifference(double t, double c)
          Calculates a relative difference.
static float[] relativeDifferences(float[][] t, float[][] c)
          Returns the relative difference of each pair, averages replicas.
static double[] relativeDifferences(float[] t, float[] c)
          Calculates relative differences.
static double relativeDifferenceToLog2Ratio(double relDiff)
static float[] relativeDifferenceToLog2Ratio(float[] relDiff)
static double[] removeNaNInfinite(double[] d)
          Removes any NaN or Infinite
static float[] removeZeroValues(float[] f)
          Remove zero values from float array.
static float[][] removeZeroValues(float[][] f)
          Provide a float[2][0], will remove zeros from both and there matched pair.
static float[][][] removeZeroValues(float[][] t, float[][] c)
          Removes zero values and their assoicated values from all arrays.
static float[][] rotateClockwise(float[][] matrix)
          Rotates a square matrix 90 degrees Clock Wise?
static float[][] rotateCounterClockwise(float[][] matrix)
          Rotates a square matrix 90 degrees CounterClockWise?
static double[] round(double[] d, int numDecimals)
          Rounds a double[] based on number of desired decimals, ie 1 = x.x, 2 = x.xx limited to 6
static double round(double d, int numDecimals)
          Rounds a double based on number of desired decimals, ie 1 = x.x, 2 = x.xx limited to 6
static float[] sam(float[] t, float[] c, double fudge)
          Calculates the SAM d statistic, similar to a t-statistic with a bit of fudge added into the denominator to control for zero variance conditions.
static void saveMatrixValues(float[][] matrix, int[][] xy, float threshold, java.io.File f)
          Given a square table and a list of coordinates, save the associated values.
static double[] smoothScores(double[] scores, int[] positions, int windowSize)
          Uses a sliding window to smooth the scores applying a trimmed mean (drop 1 from ends) to the scores found within the window.
static float[] squareRoots(int num)
          Returns the integer square root from zero to num.
static double standardDeviation(double[] x)
          Calculates standard deviation of an double[]
static double standardDeviation(double[] x, double mean)
          Calculates standard deviation of a double[] and mean.
static double standardDeviation(float[] x)
          Calculates standard deviation of an float[]
static double standardDeviation(float[] x, double mean)
          Calculates standard deviation of an float[] given a mean.
static double standardDeviation(int[] x)
          Calculates standard deviation of an int[]
static double standardDeviation(int[] x, double mean)
          Calculates standard deviation of an int[] and mean.
static double standardDeviationOfDifference(int[] t, int[] c)
          Calculates the standard deviation of the difference between two int[]s of the same length.
static double standardError(double[] x, double mean)
          Calculates standard error of a double[] given it's mean.
static void statFloatArray(float[] f, boolean printHistogram)
          Calculates Min, Max, Mean, Median, Mode, and Histogram/10 for a Float[]
static int[] stringArrayToInts(java.lang.String s, java.lang.String delimiter)
          Given a String of ints delimited by something, will parse or return null.
static float[][] subArray(float[][] intensities, int startIndex, int stopIndex)
          Builds a sub array from part of a float[replica][intensities].
static int sumIntArray(int[] ints)
          Sums an int array
static double trimmedMean(double[] sortedFloat, double fraction)
          Trims the fraction off the top and bottom, returns the mean of the remainder, rounds trimming # up.
static double trimmedMean(double[] sortedDouble, int trimNumber)
          Makes a trimmed mean, note the trim number is not a % but the number of values to drop from the beginning and end of the ordered set.
static double trimmedMean(float[] sortedFloat, double fraction)
          Trims the fraction off the top and bottom, returns the mean of the remainder, rounds trimming # up.
static double trimmedMean(float[] sortedFloat, int trimNumber)
          Makes a trimmed mean, note the trim number is not a % but the number of values to drop from the beginning and end of the ordered set.
static float[][] trimOutliers(float[][] f, float cutoff, float replacement)
          For each f[replica][]Sets values exceeding the cutoff to the default.
static float[] trimOutliers(float[] f, float cutoff, float replacement)
          Sets values exceeding the cutoff to the default.
static double tukeyBiWeight(double[] x)
          Calculates a one-step tukey biweight estimator using 5 as the tuning constant and adding 0.0001 to the denominator to avoid dividing by zero, Affy's params.
static double[] windowAverageScores(double[] scores, int windowSize)
          Slides a window along an array, one index at a time, averaging the contents.
static float[] windowAverageScores(float[] scores, int windowSize)
          Slides a window along an array, one index at a time, averaging the contents.
static float[] windowAverageScoresIgnoreScore(float[][] scores, float scoreToIgnore, int windowSize)
          Slides a window along an array, one index at a time, averaging the contents, ignores zero values.
static float[] windowAverageScoresIgnoreScore(float[] scores, float scoreToIgnore, int windowSize)
          Slides a window along an array, one index at a time, averaging the contents.
static double[] windowAverageScoresIgnoreZeros(double[] scores, int windowSize)
          Slides a window along an array, one index at a time, averaging the contents, ignores zero values.
static float[][] zeroedFloatArray(int x, int y)
          Makes a float[x][y] and fills it with zeros.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final double log10


public static final double log2
Constructor Detail


public Num()
Method Detail


public static float[] relativeDifferenceToLog2Ratio(float[] relDiff)


public static double relativeDifferenceToLog2Ratio(double relDiff)


public static double millisecToDays(long ms)
Converts milliseconds to days.


public static void invertArray(float[] x)
Inverts the float[].


public static long factorial(int x)
Calculates N! modified from http://www.unix.org.ua/orelly/java-ent/jnut/ch01_03.htm


public static int[][] arrayList2IntArrayArray(java.util.ArrayList al)
Converts an ArrayList of int[]s to int[][].


public static double antiLog(double loggedValue,
                             int base)
Converts to unlogged value.


public static float[] antiLog(float[] loggedValues,
                              int base)
Converts an array float[] to unlogged values.


public static boolean findZeros(float[] f)
Scans a float array for zeros, if found returns true, other wise returns false.


public static float[][] rotateCounterClockwise(float[][] matrix)
Rotates a square matrix 90 degrees CounterClockWise?


public static float[][] rotateClockwise(float[][] matrix)
Rotates a square matrix 90 degrees Clock Wise?


public static int findMaxIntIndex(int[] ints)
Returns the first index containing the maximum value.


public static void log2(float[][] f)
Log2s every number in the array replacing the original values.


public static float[][] log2Return(float[][] f)
Log2s every number in the array returning the values, keep original intact.


public static void log2(float[] f)
Log2s every number in the array replacing the original values.


public static float[] log2Return(float[] f)
Log2s every number in the array keeping original intact.


public static double[] log2ReturnDouble(float[] f)
Log2s every number in the array keeping original intact.


public static double[] parseDoubles(java.lang.String[] doubles)
Parses doubles from a String[] of doubles. Returns null if a parsing error is encountered.


public static int[] parseInts(java.lang.String[] ints)
Parses ints from a String[] of ints. Returns null if a parsing error is encountered.


public static double[] convertToZScores(double[] values,
                                        double mean,
                                        double stndDev)
Converts an array of values to z scores given their mean and standard deviation.


public static double[] convertToZScores(double[] values)
Converts an array of values to z scores.


public static double[] convertToMedianZScores(double[] values)
Converts an array of values to z scores using median as appose to mean.


public static double[] appendDouble(double[] d,
                                    double newValue)
Returns a new array with the newValue appended on the end.


public static double[] prependDouble(double[] d,
                                     double newValue)
Returns a new array with the newValue appended on the beginning.


public static double tukeyBiWeight(double[] x)
Calculates a one-step tukey biweight estimator using 5 as the tuning constant and adding 0.0001 to the denominator to avoid dividing by zero, Affy's params. If all zeros are submitted then returns zero.


public static double geometricMean(double[] x)
Geometric mean. Cannot have any zeros or negative numbers in the double[].


public static float percentile(float[] sortedFloats,
                               double percentile)
Returns the value of a given percentile from a SORTED array. Percentile is from 0-1, ie 0.95 and is according to Lentner, 1982.


public static void maskOutliers(float[][] f,
                                float outlierThreshold)
Runs through float[][] setting any values that exceed the outlierThreshold to zero. Assumes float[i]s are equal length.


public static int countValues(int[][] i)
Returns the number of elements/ values in the array.


public static int countObjects(java.lang.Object[][] i)
Returns the number of objects in the arrays.


public static int countOutliers(float[] f,
                                double threshold,
                                boolean exceedsThreshold)
Counts the number of values that are > or < threshold based on boolean. Returns - number of outliers > or < threshold Param - exceedsThreshold, boolean flag when true counts the number that exceed the threshold, when false the number less than the threshold.


public static float[][] identifyOutliers(float[][] f,
                                         int[][] controls,
                                         float threshold,
                                         boolean exceedsThreshold)
Loads a zeroed matrix with values that are > or < threshold based on boolean. Returns a loaded zeroed matrix. Param exceedsThreshold, boolean flag when true returns the values that exceed the threshold, less than the threshold.


public static float[] fetchMatrixValues(float[][] matrix,
                                        int[][] xy)
Given a square table and a list of coordinates, will return the associated values.


public static void saveMatrixValues(float[][] matrix,
                                    int[][] xy,
                                    float threshold,
                                    java.io.File f)
Given a square table and a list of coordinates, save the associated values.


public static float[][] loadMatrixValues(float[][] matrix,
                                         int[][] xy)
Given a square table and a list of coordinates, will return the associated values in a new zeroed square table.


public static double[] quartiles(float[] sortedFloatArray)
Calculates the Q1,Q2,and Q3 (25th, 50th, and 75th percentile). Ignores the middle value in calculating Q1 and Q3 if the array length is odd. Don't forget to sort the array!


public static float[][] zeroedFloatArray(int x,
                                         int y)
Makes a float[x][y] and fills it with zeros.


public static float[][] loadFloatArray(int x,
                                       int y,
                                       float value)
Makes a float[x][y] and fills it with the value.


public static float[] randomSample(float[] x,
                                   int numToSample)
Returns an array of float[numToSample] populated with randomly picked values from x.


public static void randomize(float[] f,
                             long seed)
Randomizes the array by permutating indexes and swapping. Fast. Can set seedMultiplier or vary it to be sure and get diff


public static void randomizeFirstArray(float[][] f,
                                       long seed)
Randomizes the first array by permutating indexes and swapping. Fast. Shuffles f[shuffle][].


public static void randomize(float[][] f)
Randomizes the intensities, not between replicas.


public static float[][] layeredRatiosSeperate(float[][] treatment,
                                              float[][] control)
Given two float[replica][intensities] for treat and cont, for each oligo makes and returns all pairwise ratios between treat and control replicas.

float[oligo index][all t/c ratios]


public static float[][] layeredRelativeDifferencesSeperate(float[][] treatment,
                                                           float[][] control)
Given two float[replica][intensities] for treat and cont, for each oligo makes and returns all pairwise relative differences between treat and control replicas.

float[oligo index][all relative differences]


public static double[] layeredRelativeDifferences(float[][] oligoTreat,
                                                  float[][] oligoCont)
Given two float[replica][values] for treat and cont, for each replica makes all pairwise relative differences between treat and control. Returns as a big pool.


public static float[][] layeredLogRatiosSeperate(float[][] treatment,
                                                 float[][] control)
Given two float[replica][intensities] for treat and cont, for each oligo makes and returns all pairwise log2 ratios between treat and control replicas.

float[oligo index][all log2(t/c) ratios]


public static double[] layeredRatios(float[][] oligoTreat,
                                     float[][] oligoCont)
Given two float[replica][values] for treat and cont, for each replica makes all pairwise ratios between treat and control.


public static double[] pairedRatios(float[][] treatments,
                                    float[][] controls)
Given two float[replica][values] for treat and cont, for each replica makes matched pairwise ratios between treat and control. Must have equal number of replicas for both T and C.


public static double[] pairedRelativeDifferences(float[][] treatments,
                                                 float[][] controls)
Given two float[replica][values] for treat and cont, for each replica makes matched pairwise relative differences between treat and control. Must have equal number of replicas for both T and C.


public static double[] layeredLogRatios(float[][] oligoTreat,
                                        float[][] oligoCont)
Given two float[replica][values] for treat and cont, for each replica makes all pairwise log2 ratios between treat and control. Zero ratios are assigned a log2 of 0.0000000001


public static double[] pairedLogRatios(float[][] treatments,
                                       float[][] controls)
Given two float[replica][values] for treat and cont, for each replica makes matched pairwise log ratios between treat and control. Must have equal number of replicas for both T and C.


public static double matScore(float[] t,
                              float[] c)
Takes unlogged MAT normalized t-values, sorts, logs and takes a variant of a number stabilized trimmed mean ratio. Returns 1 if trimmed mean will zero the number of values.


public static double pseudoMedian(double[] d)
Returns a Hodges-Lehmann estimator, the median of all pairwise means.


public static float[] squareRoots(int num)
Returns the integer square root from zero to num.


public static float[] pairwiseMeans(float[] d)
Returns all pairwise averages.


public static double[] pairwiseMeansDouble(float[] d)
Returns all pairwise averages.


public static double[] partialPairwiseMeans(float[] a,
                                            float[] b)
Returns all pairwise averages between a and b but not self pairwise.


public static float[] concatinate(float[][] f)
Concatinates the float[]s, variable sizes OK.


public static float[] concatinate(float[] one,
                                  float[] two)
Joins two float[]s using System.arraycopy().


public static float[][] subArray(float[][] intensities,
                                 int startIndex,
                                 int stopIndex)
Builds a sub array from part of a float[replica][intensities].


public static double[] pseudoMedian(float[][] repInt)
Calculates the pseudoMedian on each replica of intensities. If only one intensity, sets that as the pseudo median.

repInt - float[replica index][actual intensity values]


public static double pseudoMedian(float[] d)
Returns a Hodges-Lehmann estimator, the median of all pairwise means.


public static float[][][] removeZeroValues(float[][] t,
                                           float[][] c)
Removes zero values and their assoicated values from all arrays. Pass two float[numChips][oligoValues] representing treatment and control chips. The num oligoValues should be the same, the numChips can vary between t and c. Returns float[2][][] representing t[][] and c[][].


public static float[] trimOutliers(float[] f,
                                   float cutoff,
                                   float replacement)
Sets values exceeding the cutoff to the default.


public static float[][] trimOutliers(float[][] f,
                                     float cutoff,
                                     float replacement)
For each f[replica][]Sets values exceeding the cutoff to the default.


public static float[] medianNormalize(float[] f,
                                      float targetMedian)
Median normalize unsorted array to a given number.


public static float[][] medianNormalize(float[][] f,
                                        double targetMedian)
Median normalizes an unsorted float[][] array to a given target.


public static double medianIgnoreZeros(float[] m)
Calculates the median value of a sorted float[] ignoring leading zero values!


public static int[] convertToInt(double[] d)
Convert to int[]


public static double[] convertToDouble(int[] d)
Convert to double[]


public static int[] convertToInt(float[] d)
Convert to int[]


public static float[] convertToFloat(int[] d)
Convert to float[]


public static double[] relativeDifferences(float[] t,
                                           float[] c)
Calculates relative differences. Uses 2 * ( (t-c)/(t+c) )


public static double relativeDifference(double t,
                                        double c)
Calculates a relative difference. Uses 2 * ( (t-c)/(t+c) )


public static double[] logRatios(double[] t,
                                 double[] c)
Calculates log base 2 ratios.


public static double[] logRatios(float[] t,
                                 float[] c)
Calculates log base 2 ratios.


public static double[] round(double[] d,
                             int numDecimals)
Rounds a double[] based on number of desired decimals, ie 1 = x.x, 2 = x.xx limited to 6


public static double round(double d,
                           int numDecimals)
Rounds a double based on number of desired decimals, ie 1 = x.x, 2 = x.xx limited to 6


public static double[] removeNaNInfinite(double[] d)
Removes any NaN or Infinite


public static double log10(double number)
Returns the LOG base 10 of the number.


public static double log2(double number)
Returns the LOG base 2 of the number.


public static float log2(float number)
Returns the LOG base 2 of the number.


public static double minus10log10(double pvalue)
Returns the -10 * LOG base 10 of the number.


public static int[] loadInts(java.io.File f)
Loads a column of ints from a file into an array. Returns null if nothing found. Skips blank lines.


public static double[] loadDoubles(java.io.File f)
Loads a column of double from a file into an array. Returns null if nothing found. Skips blank lines.


public static int[] arrayListToInts(java.util.ArrayList integers)
ArrayList of Integer to int[]


public static double[] arrayListToDoubles(java.util.ArrayList doubles)
ArrayList of Double to double[]


public static int parseInt(java.lang.String stringInt,
                           int failNumber)
Attemps to parse an int, returns failNumber if it fails.


public static void statFloatArray(float[] f,
                                  boolean printHistogram)
Calculates Min, Max, Mean, Median, Mode, and Histogram/10 for a Float[]


public static float[] removeZeroValues(float[] f)
Remove zero values from float array.


public static float getAverageInts(int start,
                                   int end)
Gets the average of the integers bracketed and including the start and end. (ie 3,6 returns the average of 3+4+5+6/4= 4.5)


public static int[] collapseIntArray(int[][] ints)
Assumes equal lengths of the int[]s


public static java.lang.String medianFloatArray(float[][] replicasIntensities)
replicasIntensities - - float[replicaNumber][associatedIntensities]
comma delimited list of medians, one for each replica.


public static float[] collapseFloatArray(float[][] fs)
Assumes equal lengths of the float[]s


public static float[] collapsePartOfAnArray(float[][] fs,
                                            int startIndex,
                                            int stopIndex)
Assumes equal lengths of the float[]s


public static double[] collapseDoubleArray(double[][] fs)
Assumes equal lengths of the double[]s


public static float[][] expandFloatArray(float[] f,
                                         int numRows,
                                         int numColumns)
Converts a float[] to float[][], must be certain about the number of rows and colmns!


public static double averageIntArray(int[] f)
Averages a int[]


public static double averageFloatArray(float[] f)
Averages a float[]


public static int[] findMinMaxIntValues(int[] f)
Finds min and max values of a int array.


public static float[] findMinMaxFloatValues(float[] f)
Finds min and max values of an unsorted float array.


public static double[] findMinMaxDoubleValues(double[] f)
Finds min and max values of a float array.


public static int[] findMinMaxIntInt(int[][] f)
Finds min and max values of a int array.


public static float[] findMinMaxFloatArrays(float[][] f)
Finds min and max values of a float array.


public static int findClosestStartIndex(int[] positions,
                                        int key)
Finds the index of the key in the int[] but wont preceed the int[index]


public static int findClosestEndIndex(int[] positions,
                                      int key)
Finds the index of the key in the int[] but wont exceed the int[index]


public static int findClosestIndexToValue(int[] sortedValues,
                                          int key)
Returns the index of the closest values[index] to the key. Rounds up if the value is equi distant between two indexes. Will not return an index <0 or > length-1 . Don't forget to SORT!. If identical values are present, returns the smallest index containing the key.


public static int findClosestIndexToValue(float[] sortedValues,
                                          float key)
Returns the index of the closest values[index] to the key. Rounds up if the value is equi distant between two indexes. Will not return an index <0 or > length-1 . Don't forget to SORT!. If identical values are present, returns the smallest index containing the key.


public static int[] findStartStopIndexes(int[] positions,
                                         int startValue,
                                         int stopValue,
                                         boolean notExact)
Finds the start and stop indexes given a sorted int[] of values and two values, one after the other, close together, otherwise just use Arrays.binarySearch. Good for huge int[] arrays. Set the notExact boolean to true if the values are potentially not exact.


public static double standardDeviationOfDifference(int[] t,
                                                   int[] c)
Calculates the standard deviation of the difference between two int[]s of the same length.


public static double[] averageIntIntArray(int[][] ints)
Average int[][] values to double[], averages repeats [numRepeats][values]


public static double[] averageFloatArrays(float[][] ints)
Average float[][] values to double[], averages repeats [values][numRepeats]


public static double[] averageFloatArraysFlipped(float[][] ints)
Average float[][] values to double[], averages repeats [numChips][OligoValues]. Assumes equal number of oligos.


public static float[] averageFloatArraysFlippedToFloat(float[][] ints)
Average float[][] values to double[], averages repeats [numChips][OligoValues]. Assumes equal number of oligos.


public static double[] geoMeanFloatArraysFlipped(float[][] ints)
Takes the geometric mean of float[][] values to double[], [numChips][OligoValues], returns the values in log base 2. Assumes equal number of oligos.


public static float[] averageFloatArraysFlippedToFloats(float[][] ints)
Average float[][] values to float[], averages repeats [numChips][OligoValues]. Assumes equal number of oligos.


public static double[] geometricMeanSkipZeros(float[][] ints)
Takes a geometric average of float[][] values to double[], averages repeats [numChips][OligoValues]. Assumes equal number of oligos. Skips zero values. Return in log base 10.


public static double[] geometricMean(float[][] ints)
Takes a geometric average of float[][] values [numChips][OligoValues]. Assumes no intensities <= 0. Returns log base 10 values.


public static double[] averageIntIntArray2(int[][] ints)
Average int[][] values to double[], averages values [numRepeats][values]


public static double[] smoothScores(double[] scores,
                                    int[] positions,
                                    int windowSize)
Uses a sliding window to smooth the scores applying a trimmed mean (drop 1 from ends) to the scores found within the window. The collection of values within the window is only an attempt to look windowSize/2 upstream and windowSize/2 downstream, not a requirement. Thus at either end of the scores possibly only 1/2 of the scores are used in making the calculation that is associated with the original score.


public static double meanIgnoreZeros(float[] f)
Calculates a mean on the non zero floats, return zero if no non zero values were found.


public static double[] windowAverageScores(double[] scores,
                                           int windowSize)
Slides a window along an array, one index at a time, averaging the contents.


public static double[] windowAverageScoresIgnoreZeros(double[] scores,
                                                      int windowSize)
Slides a window along an array, one index at a time, averaging the contents, ignores zero values.


public static float[] windowAverageScoresIgnoreScore(float[][] scores,
                                                     float scoreToIgnore,
                                                     int windowSize)
Slides a window along an array, one index at a time, averaging the contents, ignores zero values.


public static float[] windowAverageScoresIgnoreScore(float[] scores,
                                                     float scoreToIgnore,
                                                     int windowSize)
Slides a window along an array, one index at a time, averaging the contents.


public static float[] windowAverageScores(float[] scores,
                                          int windowSize)
Slides a window along an array, one index at a time, averaging the contents.


public static double trimmedMean(double[] sortedFloat,
                                 double fraction)
Trims the fraction off the top and bottom, returns the mean of the remainder, rounds trimming # up. If trim number resolves to 0 will proceed returning mean.


public static double trimmedMean(float[] sortedFloat,
                                 double fraction)
Trims the fraction off the top and bottom, returns the mean of the remainder, rounds trimming # up. If trim number resolves to 0 will proceed returning mean.


public static double trimmedMean(double[] sortedDouble,
                                 int trimNumber)
Makes a trimmed mean, note the trim number is not a % but the number of values to drop from the beginning and end of the ordered set. Set appropriately. Be sure to submit an ordered array!


public static double trimmedMean(float[] sortedFloat,
                                 int trimNumber)
Makes a trimmed mean, note the trim number is not a % but the number of values to drop from the beginning and end of the ordered set. Set appropriately. Be sure to submit an ordered array!


public static double[] arrayListOfDoubleToArray(java.util.ArrayList dbl)
ArrayList of Double to double[]


public static float[] arrayListOfFloatToArray(java.util.ArrayList flt)
ArrayList of Float to float[]


public static double aveFoldDiffCombine(int[] t,
                                        int[] c)
Calculates the average fold difference between two int[]s of the same length. Takes the mean of both arrays returns the ratio.


public static double aveFoldDiffIndividual(int[] t,
                                           int[] c)
Calculates the average fold difference between two int[]s of the same length. Calculates the ratio of each individually, then returns their average.


public static double[] ratio(double[] t,
                             double[] c)
Returns the ratio of each pair.


public static float[] ratio(float[][] t,
                            float[][] c)
Returns the ratio of each pair, averages replicas.


public static float[] relativeDifferences(float[][] t,
                                          float[][] c)
Returns the relative difference of each pair, averages replicas.


public static float[] geometricMeanRatio(float[][] t,
                                         float[][] c)
Returns the log2 ratio of each pair, takes a geometric mean of replicas.


public static float[] logRatios(float[][] t,
                                float[][] c)
Returns the log2 ratio of each pair, averaging replicas.


public static double[] ratio(float[] t,
                             float[] c)
Returns the ratio of each pair.


public static double[] ratio(int[] t,
                             double[] c)
Returns the ratio of each pair.


public static double[] ratio(int[] t,
                             int[] c)
Returns the ratio of each pair.


public static double[] difference(int[] t,
                                  int[] c)
Returns the difference of each pair.


public static double[] difference(double[] t,
                                  double[] c)
Returns the difference of each pair.


public static float[][] pooledSubArray(float[][] treatment,
                                       float[][] control,
                                       int startIndex,
                                       int stopIndex)
Builds a pooled from part of a float[replica][intensities] for treat and control.

treatment - and control float[replicas][intensities]
float[treatment(0) or control(1)][pooled intensities]


public static float[] sam(float[] t,
                          float[] c,
                          double fudge)
Calculates the SAM d statistic, similar to a t-statistic with a bit of fudge added into the denominator to control for zero variance conditions. Set fudge to zero for standard unpaired T-Test.

float[3] samScore, diff of means, variance (w/o fudge).


public static double standardDeviation(int[] x)
Calculates standard deviation of an int[]


public static double standardDeviation(int[] x,
                                       double mean)
Calculates standard deviation of an int[] and mean.


public static double standardDeviation(float[] x)
Calculates standard deviation of an float[]


public static double standardDeviation(float[] x,
                                       double mean)
Calculates standard deviation of an float[] given a mean.


public static double standardDeviation(double[] x)
Calculates standard deviation of an double[]


public static double standardDeviation(double[] x,
                                       double mean)
Calculates standard deviation of a double[] and mean.


public static double standardError(double[] x,
                                   double mean)
Calculates standard error of a double[] given it's mean. Spead savings


public static double medianAbsoluteDifference(float[] x,
                                              float[] y)
Calculates the median absolute difference.


public static double calcMaxMedianAbsoluteDifference(float[][] oligosValues)
Calculates the maximum median absolute difference between arrays of float where int[oligo index number][oligo intensity measurements]


public static double calcMeanMedianAbsoluteDifference(float[][] oligosValues)
Calculates the mean of the median absolute differences between arrays of float where float[oligo index number][oligo intensity measurements]


public static double correlationCoefficient(int[] x,
                                            int[] y)
Calculates Pearson correlation coefficient, r, from two int[]s. Cannot have one int[] be uniform values, returns -2 if error.


public static float[][] removeZeroValues(float[][] f)
Provide a float[2][0], will remove zeros from both and there matched pair. Does a pairwise zero removal, if either of the float arrays are zero both values are removed.


public static double correlationCoefficient(float[] x,
                                            float[] y)
Calculates Pearson correlation coefficient, r, from two float[]s. Cannot have one float[] be uniform values, returns -2 if error.


public static double correlationCoefficient(double[] x,
                                            double[] y)
Calculates Pearson correlation coefficient, r, from two double[]s


public static java.lang.String formatPercentOneFraction(double num)
Converts 0.345543 to 34.6%


public static java.lang.String formatNumberOneFraction(double num)
Converts a double ddd.dddddddd to sss.s


public static java.lang.String formatNumber(double num,
                                            int numberOfDecimalPlaces)
Converts a double ddd.dddddddd to a user determined number of decimal places right of the .


public static java.lang.String doubleArrayToString(double[] d,
                                                   int numberOfDecimalPlaces,
                                                   java.lang.String delimiter)
Converts an array of double to a String with a defined number of decimal places and a delimiter.


public static java.lang.String doubleArrayToStringOnlyMax(double[] d,
                                                          int maxNumDec,
                                                          java.lang.String delimiter)
Converts an array of double to a String with a maximal number of defined decimal places and a delimiter. Min isn't set.


public static java.lang.String intArrayToString(int[] d,
                                                java.lang.String delimiter)
Converts an array of int to a String seperated by the delimiter.


public static int[] stringArrayToInts(java.lang.String s,
                                      java.lang.String delimiter)
Given a String of ints delimited by something, will parse or return null.


public static double median(double[] sorted)
Calculates Median of a sorted double[]. Copied code from WWW.


public static double median(int[] sorted)
Calculates Median of a sorted int[].


public static double median(short[] sorted)
Calculates Median of a sorted short[]. Copied code from WWW.


public static double median(float[] sorted)
Calculates Median of a sorted float[]. Copied code from WWW.


public static float mean(float[] t)
Averages a float array.


public static float[] mean(float[] one,
                           float[] two)
Averages two float[]s .


public static float[][] mean(float[][] one,
                             float[][] two)
Averages two float[][]s, assumes a square.


public static double mean(int[] t)
Averages a int array.


public static double mean(double[] t)
Averages a double array.


public static int meanIntegers(java.util.ArrayList Integers)
Averages an ArrayList of Integer objects.


public static java.lang.String meanDoubles(java.util.ArrayList Doubles)
Averages an ArrayList of Double objects.


public static int findHighestInt(int[] ints)
Finds and returns the biggest int in an int[].


public static float findHighestFloat(float[] ints)
Finds and returns the biggest float in an float[].


public static int sumIntArray(int[] ints)
Sums an int array


public static int[] modeOfHistogram(int[] ints)
Finds mode of a int[] histogram array, assumes one peak, returns the index position, value/frequency.