Uses of Class

Packages that use IdNameMatch

Uses of IdNameMatch in bioroot

Methods in bioroot that return IdNameMatch
static IdNameMatch IdNameMatch.findMatch(IdNameMatch[] inm, java.lang.String test)
 IdNameMatch[] DBUtil.fetchIdNameMatchArray(java.lang.String sql)
          Fetches an IndexNameMatch Array.

Methods in bioroot with parameters of type IdNameMatch
static IdNameMatch IdNameMatch.findMatch(IdNameMatch[] inm, java.lang.String test)

Uses of IdNameMatch in bioroot.oligo

Constructors in bioroot.oligo with parameters of type IdNameMatch
OligoBean(java.lang.String[] cells, IdNameMatch[] genes, IdNameMatch[] organisms, UserBean userBean, DBUtil bioRoot)
          For bulk file upload should be 17? cells Name, Alias Oligo Sequence, Matching Gene Sequence, uM Stock Concentration, ng/uL Stock Concentration, Volume(uL), Purification, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Modifications, Orientation, Type, Storage Location, Availibility, Visibility, Handling Instructions, Target Gene Name, Organism, Notes 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Uses of IdNameMatch in bioroot.plasmid

Constructors in bioroot.plasmid with parameters of type IdNameMatch
PlasmidBean(java.lang.String[] cells, IdNameMatch[] genes, IdNameMatch[] organisms, IdNameMatch[] markerIDMatch, UserBean userBean, DBUtil bioRoot)
          For bulk file upload should be 16 cells 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name Alias Source Recipients Reference Gene Organism Markers StrainIds Location Concentration Volume Purification Availability Visibility Notes Sequence

Uses of IdNameMatch in bioroot.strain

Constructors in bioroot.strain with parameters of type IdNameMatch
StrainBean(java.lang.String[] cells, IdNameMatch[] cellTypes, IdNameMatch[] organisms, IdNameMatch[] markerIDMatch, UserBean userBean, DBUtil bioRoot)
          For bulk file upload should be 23 cells 0 Name 1 Alias 2 Source 4 Reference 5 Type Bacteria, Yeast, Worm, Insect, Plant, Fish, Cell Line, Bird, Mammal or Other 6 Recipients 7 Organism name 8 Markers names, comma seperated 9 Plasmid Ids 10 Parent Strain Ids 11 Storage Location 12 Mutagen EMS, ENU, MMS, MNU, X-ray, UV, Transposon, T-DNA, Spontaneous or Other 13 Genotype/ Background 14 Phenotype 15 Growth Conditions 16 Restock 17 Remaining Aliquots 18 Array Type Extra Chromosomal or Integration 19 Seed Type Individual Line, Individual Pool, Set of Lines, or Set of Pools 20 Cell Type (Cell Lines) 21 Passage Number ( Cell Lines) 22 Mating Type ( Yeast) diploid, a, alpha, h+, or h-) 23 Availability 24 Visibility 25 Notes