Class Seq

  extended byutil.bio.seq.Seq

public class Seq
extends java.lang.Object

For manipulating nucleic acid sequences.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String[] all4BaseCombinations
          All possible 4 base combinations.
static java.util.regex.Pattern chrLetter
static java.util.regex.Pattern chrNumber
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static java.lang.String complementDNA(java.lang.String seq)
          Takes a DNA seq and complement it, ambiguous symbols OK.
static int[] countBases(java.lang.String sequence)
          Given a sequence returns the number of G's,A's,T's,C's,N's as an int[5].
static java.lang.String extractChromosomeName(java.lang.String x)
          Attempts to extract chr1,2,3...22 or chrX,Y,M,MT from the String.
static boolean[] fetchGCContent(char[] chromosomeSequence)
          Converts a DNA sequence into a boolean[], everything not g or c is recorded as false.
static java.lang.String fetchSubSequence(int start, int stop, int bpFirstBase, java.lang.String sequence)
          Returns a sub sequence given a relative start and stop, the bp for the first base.
static java.lang.String filterDNASeqLeaveWS(java.lang.String seq)
          Deletes any non IUP characters but leaves whitespaces
static java.lang.String filterDNASequence(java.lang.String seq)
          Deletes any non IUP characters
static java.lang.String filterDNASequenceStrict(java.lang.String seq)
          Deletes any non GATCNX characters
static java.lang.String genDashes(java.lang.String seq1, java.lang.String seq2)
          Generates identitiy dashes (ie"||| | |||") between two aligned sequences
static java.util.HashMap makeByte4BaseMap()
          Makes a hash map of each 4bp combination in the all4BaseCombinations String[] and a unique Byte.
static java.util.HashMap makeChromosomeNameFileHash(java.io.File[] files)
          Uses Seq.extractChromosomeName() to extract a chromosome name from each file.
static int[][] makeFrequencyMatrix(java.lang.String[] hits)
          Generates a matrix of the number of As Cc Gg Ts (top) by 1,2,3,4...positions in the motif (side) observed in all the Strings of the String[].
static java.lang.String readBinarySequence(java.io.File file)
          Reads a binary sequence file returning gatc or n, lower case.
static java.lang.String reverseComplementDNA(java.lang.String seq)
          Takes a DNA seq and reverse comps it, ambiguous symbols OK.
static boolean writeBinarySequence(java.lang.String seq, java.io.File file)
          Writes a binary sequence, gatc, anything else is assumed to be n.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.util.regex.Pattern chrNumber


public static final java.util.regex.Pattern chrLetter


public static final java.lang.String[] all4BaseCombinations
All possible 4 base combinations.

Constructor Detail


public Seq()
Method Detail


public static java.lang.String extractChromosomeName(java.lang.String x)
Attempts to extract chr1,2,3...22 or chrX,Y,M,MT from the String. Returns chromosome or null.


public static java.util.HashMap makeChromosomeNameFileHash(java.io.File[] files)
Uses Seq.extractChromosomeName() to extract a chromosome name from each file. Adds this to a HashMap containing key: value, chrom name: File. Returns null if two files with the same chromosome name are found. Skips any files in which a chromosome name cannot be extracted.


public static boolean[] fetchGCContent(char[] chromosomeSequence)
Converts a DNA sequence into a boolean[], everything not g or c is recorded as false. Returns null if a fasta is not found.


public static boolean writeBinarySequence(java.lang.String seq,
                                          java.io.File file)
Writes a binary sequence, gatc, anything else is assumed to be n.

true if sucessful, false if something bad happened.


public static java.lang.String readBinarySequence(java.io.File file)
Reads a binary sequence file returning gatc or n, lower case.

null if something bad happened.


public static java.util.HashMap makeByte4BaseMap()
Makes a hash map of each 4bp combination in the all4BaseCombinations String[] and a unique Byte.


public static java.lang.String filterDNASequence(java.lang.String seq)
Deletes any non IUP characters


public static java.lang.String filterDNASequenceStrict(java.lang.String seq)
Deletes any non GATCNX characters


public static java.lang.String filterDNASeqLeaveWS(java.lang.String seq)
Deletes any non IUP characters but leaves whitespaces


public static java.lang.String fetchSubSequence(int start,
                                                int stop,
                                                int bpFirstBase,
                                                java.lang.String sequence)
Returns a sub sequence given a relative start and stop, the bp for the first base. Stop is inclusive.


public static java.lang.String genDashes(java.lang.String seq1,
                                         java.lang.String seq2)
Generates identitiy dashes (ie"||| | |||") between two aligned sequences


public static int[] countBases(java.lang.String sequence)
Given a sequence returns the number of G's,A's,T's,C's,N's as an int[5]. Any non word chars are deleted, afterward any non GATC chars are counted as Ns. Case, space insensitive.


public static int[][] makeFrequencyMatrix(java.lang.String[] hits)
Generates a matrix of the number of As Cc Gg Ts (top) by 1,2,3,4...positions in the motif (side) observed in all the Strings of the String[]. The String[] should contain equal length Strings, comprised entirely of GATC.


public static java.lang.String reverseComplementDNA(java.lang.String seq)
Takes a DNA seq and reverse comps it, ambiguous symbols OK. Will warn if it finds an unrecognized base. Works with ' GATCRYWSKMBDHVNX .- ' case and space insensitive.


public static java.lang.String complementDNA(java.lang.String seq)
Takes a DNA seq and complement it, ambiguous symbols OK. Will warn if it finds an unrecognized base. Works with ' GATCRYWSKMBDHVNX .- ' case and space insensitive.