Class Alignment

  extended byutil.bio.calc.Alignment

public class Alignment
extends java.lang.Object

Methods associated with alignments, pvalues, blast.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static int[] calculateEffectiveMandN(double m, double n, double K, double H)
          Calculates effective m and n using BLAST parameters, returning int[m', n']
static java.lang.String calculateEValue(double lambdaNats, double K, int rawS, double effectiveN, double effectiveM)
          Calculates an E value given a variety of alignment parameters
static double convertBitScoreToRaw(double lambdaNats, double K, double bitS)
          Converts a nat bit score to raw S.
static double convertRawScoreToBit(double lambdaNats, double K, double rawS)
          Converts a raw S score to a bit score given lambda (in nats) and K
static double estimatePValue(double z)
          Calculates the standard normal cumulative distribution given a z-ratio.
static double[] fetchBLASTParams(int match, int misMatch)
          Returns Lambda, K, H or null for a given match and misMatch from BLASTN.
static int ScoreDNAAlignment(java.lang.String seq1, java.lang.String seq2, int match, int misMatch, int gapCreate, int gapExtend)
          Will score a DNA alignment given the two sequences, and scoring parameters.
static double transform10Log10(double num)
          Calculates a -10Log10(number) transformation
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Alignment()
Method Detail


public static double estimatePValue(double z)
Calculates the standard normal cumulative distribution given a z-ratio. AKA The area under the curve in the tail. Returns 0 or 1 if z>6 or Z<-6, respectively. Taken from http://finance.bi.no/~bernt/gcc_prog/recipes/recipes/node23.html


public static double transform10Log10(double num)
Calculates a -10Log10(number) transformation


public static double convertRawScoreToBit(double lambdaNats,
                                          double K,
                                          double rawS)
Converts a raw S score to a bit score given lambda (in nats) and K


public static double convertBitScoreToRaw(double lambdaNats,
                                          double K,
                                          double bitS)
Converts a nat bit score to raw S.


public static java.lang.String calculateEValue(double lambdaNats,
                                               double K,
                                               int rawS,
                                               double effectiveN,
                                               double effectiveM)
Calculates an E value given a variety of alignment parameters


public static int[] calculateEffectiveMandN(double m,
                                            double n,
                                            double K,
                                            double H)
Calculates effective m and n using BLAST parameters, returning int[m', n']


public static double[] fetchBLASTParams(int match,
                                        int misMatch)
Returns Lambda, K, H or null for a given match and misMatch from BLASTN. Some combinations of match/misMatch are not computed by BLASTN!


public static int ScoreDNAAlignment(java.lang.String seq1,
                                    java.lang.String seq2,
                                    int match,
                                    int misMatch,
                                    int gapCreate,
                                    int gapExtend)
Will score a DNA alignment given the two sequences, and scoring parameters.