Uses of Class

Packages that use RocWindow
trans.roc For manipulating the BAC dmel spike in data and generating ROC curves. 

Uses of RocWindow in trans.roc

Methods in trans.roc that return RocWindow
static RocWindow[] ParsePatternedWindows.loadTxtRocFile( file)
          reads a txt roc window (chrom, start, stop, middle(not used), score).
static RocWindow[] ParsePatternedWindows.filterRocWindows(RocWindow[] windows, double cutOff, boolean greaterThan)
          Scans an array of RocWindow for those that are greater than (or less than if boolean is false) or equal to the cutOff.
static RocWindow[] ParsePatternedWindows.loadRocWindows([] arrayLists)
          Loads all the RocWindows into one from serialized ArrayLists of RocWindows.
static RocWindow[] ParsePatternedWindows.fetchProximalWindows(GeneGroup[] geneGrps, RocWindow[] windows, int sizeUpstream)
static RocWindow[] ExtractNonOverlappingWindows.extractNonOverlappingWindows(RocWindow[] r)
          Assumes the windows are sorted

Methods in trans.roc with parameters of type RocWindow
 boolean RocWindow.intersects(RocWindow other)
static void RocWindow.printSGRWindows(RocWindow[] w)
static void ParsePatternedWindows.writeSGRFile(RocWindow[] r, file)
          Writes an sgr file.
static void ParsePatternedWindows.writeTxtRocFile(RocWindow[] r, file)
          Writes a chrom, start, stop, score file.
static void ParsePatternedWindows.printChroms(RocWindow[] r)
static RocWindow[] ParsePatternedWindows.filterRocWindows(RocWindow[] windows, double cutOff, boolean greaterThan)
          Scans an array of RocWindow for those that are greater than (or less than if boolean is false) or equal to the cutOff.
static RocWindow[] ParsePatternedWindows.fetchProximalWindows(GeneGroup[] geneGrps, RocWindow[] windows, int sizeUpstream)
static RocWindow[] ExtractNonOverlappingWindows.extractNonOverlappingWindows(RocWindow[] r)
          Assumes the windows are sorted