Uses of Class

Packages that use ControlGene
trans.roc For manipulating the BAC dmel spike in data and generating ROC curves. 

Uses of ControlGene in trans.roc

Methods in trans.roc that return ControlGene
static ControlGene[] ControlGene.parseControlGeneFile( file)
          parses a control gene file ex: #name chrom strand exonStarts exonEnds notes ex: NM_001035267 chr12 + 54796640,54797239,54797532, 54796850,54797262,54797882, Z12962_Homologue to yeast ribosomal protein L41_H

Methods in trans.roc with parameters of type ControlGene
static void ControlGene.makeExons(ControlGene[] cgs, int endOffSet)
          Fires makeExons on each CG within the ControlGene[].